Kentucky Public Service Commission

Order Vault 2023

Order Vault
Order DateDocument Case Number
1/3/2023 20230103_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2021-00248
1/5/2023 20230105_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00299
1/5/2023 20230105_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00347
1/5/2023 20230105_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00387
1/5/2023 20230105_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00291
1/5/2023 20230105_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

1/5/2023 20230105_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00236
1/5/2023 20230105_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00417
1/6/2023 20230106_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

1/6/2023 20230106_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00115
1/6/2023 20230106_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00286
1/6/2023 20230106_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00392
1/6/2023 20230106_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00215
1/6/2023 20230106_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

1/6/2023 20230106_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00402
1/6/2023 20230106_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2020-00243
1/6/2023 20230106_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00372
1/9/2023 20230109_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

1/10/2023 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. The $50,000 suspended civil penalty assessed in the June 13, 2017 Order is waived. 2. Liberty shall conduct leakage surveys at the period established in 49 C.F.R. Section 192.723. 3. Commission Inspections Staff shall develop an inspection cycle for Liberty based upon a risk ranking matrix followed by Commission Inspections Staff. 4. This case is closed and removed from the Commission’s docket.

1/10/2023 PSC_ORDER

Final Order Entered: 1. Mr. Oka’s complaint is dismissed as satisfied in part and denied in part. 2. Mr. Oka’s complaint has been satisfied as to Duke Kentucky’s violations of 807 KAR 5:006, Section 7, the Commission’s final Order in Case No. 2019-00271, and KRS 278.466. 3. The remaining requests for relief in Mr. Oka’s complaint are denied for failure to state a claim for which relief can be granted. 4. A copy of this Order shall be served upon the Mr. Oka by U.S. mail to 42 Ross Avenue, Fort Mitchell, Kentucky 41017. 5. This matter is closed and removed from the Commission’s docket.

1/10/2023 DATA_REQUEST


1/10/2023 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. Pursuant to 807 KAR 5:001E, Section 20, Farmdale District is ordered to satisfy the matters complained of or file, via licensed attorney, a written answer to the complaint within ten days from the date of entry of this Order.

1/10/2023 20230110_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00229
1/10/2023 20230110_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00320
1/10/2023 20230110_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00377
1/10/2023 20230110_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00400
1/10/2023 20230110_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00378
1/10/2023 20230110_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2021-00370
1/10/2023 20230110_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2018-00157
1/10/2023 20230110_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00041
1/10/2023 20230110_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

1/10/2023 20230110_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

1/10/2023 20230110_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

1/10/2023 20230110_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00432
1/11/2023 20230111_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00391
1/11/2023 20230111_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

1/11/2023 20230111_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00404
1/12/2023 PSC_Notice_of_Satisfaction


1/12/2023 PSC_Notice_of_Satisfaction


1/12/2023 PSC_Notice_of_Satisfaction


1/12/2023 PSC_Notice_of_Satisfaction


1/12/2023 PSC_Notice_of_Satisfaction


1/12/2023 PSC_Notice_of_Satisfaction


1/12/2023 PSC_Notice_of_Satisfaction


1/12/2023 20230112_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

1/12/2023 20230112_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00314
1/12/2023 20230112_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

1/12/2023 20230112_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00424
1/12/2023 20230112_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

1/12/2023 20230112_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00423
1/12/2023 20230112_PSC_ORDER01.pdf 2022-00424
1/13/2023 20230113_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2020-00243
1/13/2023 20230113_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

1/17/2023 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: the hearing scheduled for January 27, 2023, is canceled and the Commission’s investigation of Damage Incident 53746 is hereby dismissed without prejudice, closed, and is removed from the Commission’s docket.

1/17/2023 PSC_Notice_of_Satisfaction


1/17/2023 PSC_ORDER


1/17/2023 20230117_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

1/17/2023 20230117_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

1/17/2023 20230117_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

1/17/2023 20230117_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00372
1/17/2023 20230117_PSC_ORDER01.pdf 2022-00372
1/17/2023 20230117_PSC_ORDER02.pdf 2022-00372
1/17/2023 20230117_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00035
1/18/2023 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: the hearing scheduled for January 27, 2023, is canceled and the Commission’s investigation of Damage Incident 43500 is hereby dismissed without prejudice, closed, and is removed from the Commission’s docket.

1/18/2023 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: the hearing scheduled for January 27, 2023, is canceled and the Commission’s investigation of Damage Incident 43473 is hereby dismissed without prejudice, closed, and is removed from the Commission’s docket.

1/18/2023 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: the hearing scheduled for January 27, 2023, is canceled and the Commission’s investigation of Damage Incident 53679 is hereby dismissed without prejudice, closed, and is removed from the Commission’s docket.

1/18/2023 20230118_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2021-00339
1/18/2023 20230118_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

1/18/2023 20230118_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2018-00157
1/18/2023 20230118_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00359
1/19/2023 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. Ms. Johnson’s complaint does not establish a prima facie case. 2. Ms. Johnson shall file an amended complaint within 20 days of the date of service of this Order. 3. Ms. Johnson shall file the amended complaint by electronic mail to [email protected] or by U.S. Mail to P.O. Box 615, Frankfort, KY 40602- 0615. 4. A copy of this Order shall be served on Ms. Johnson by U.S. Mail at the address on file with the Commission in this proceeding.

1/19/2023 DATA_REQUEST


1/19/2023 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. Ms. Cole shall file the following within 20 days of service of this Order: A copy of Ms. Cole’s bills for service from March 2022 through August 2022. 2. Ms. Cole shall file the documents pursuant to ordering paragraph 1 by electronic mail to [email protected] or by US Mail to P.O. Box 615, Frankfort KY 40602-0615. 3. A copy of this Order will be mailed to Ms. Cole at the mailing address provided in the complaint.

1/19/2023 20230119_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00161
1/19/2023 20230119_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00366
1/19/2023 20230119_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00367
1/19/2023 20230119_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

1/19/2023 20230119_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00444
1/20/2023 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. Kentucky Power’s May 1, 2020 and May 2, 2022 motions for confidential treatment are granted. 2. The designated material granted confidential treatment by this Order shall not be placed in the public record or made available for public inspection for an indefinite period or until further Order of this Commission. 3. Use of the designated material granted confidential treatment by this Order in any Commission proceeding shall comply with 807 KAR 5:001E, Section 13(9). 4. Kentucky Power shall inform the Commission if the designated material granted confidential treatment by this Order becomes publicly available or no longer qualifies for confidential treatment.

1/20/2023 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. AT&T Mobility’s October 4, 2022 petition for confidential treatment is granted in part and denied in part. 2. AT&T Mobility’s petition for confidential treatment is granted for Attachment A-1 to AT&T Mobility’s Certification and Report. 3. AT&T Mobility’s petition for confidential treatment is granted for Attachment A-2 to AT&T Mobility’s Certification and Report. 4. Attachment A-1 to AT&T Mobility’s Certification and Report shall not be placed in the public record or made available for public inspection for ten years or until further Order of this Commission. 5. Use of the designated material granted confidential treatment by this Order in any Commission proceeding shall comply with 807 KAR 5:001E, Section 13(9). 6. AT&T Mobility shall inform the Commission if the designated material granted confidential treatment by this Order becomes publicly available or no longer qualifies for confidential treatment.

1/20/2023 PSC_ORDER

Final Order Entered: 1. Clark Energy shall not charge, demand, or collect from Katrina Trusty for service rendered or to be rendered at 5803 Furnace Road the amounts owed by Geneva Trusty for service rendered at 5823 Furnace Road. 2. Geneva Trusty’s balance shall be removed from Katrina Trusty’s account. 3. Clark Energy shall not terminate Katrina Trusty’s service for failure of any person to pay any portion of the balance of Geneva Trusty’s account. 4. The case is closed and removed from the Commission’s docket.

1/20/2023 20230120_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

1/20/2023 20230120_STAFF_REPORT.pdf

Staff Report

1/20/2023 20230120_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00349
1/20/2023 20230120_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00216
1/20/2023 20230120_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2016-00117
1/20/2023 20230120_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00221
1/23/2023 20230123_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00437
1/24/2023 20230124_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

1/24/2023 20230124_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00422
1/25/2023 20230125_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

1/26/2023 20230126_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

1/26/2023 20230126_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00314
1/26/2023 20230126_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

1/26/2023 20230126_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00001
1/26/2023 20230126_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

1/26/2023 20230126_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00402
1/26/2023 20230126_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00439
1/26/2023 20230126_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00251
1/27/2023 20230127_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00430
1/30/2023 20230130_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00340
1/30/2023 20230130_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00420
1/30/2023 20230130_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00145
1/30/2023 20230130_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00244
1/30/2023 20230130_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

1/30/2023 20230130_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00003
1/31/2023 20230131_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

1/31/2023 20230131_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00016
1/31/2023 20230131_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00436
1/31/2023 20230131_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00017
1/31/2023 20230131_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00418
1/31/2023 20230131_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00421
1/31/2023 20230131_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00434
1/31/2023 20230131_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00438
2/2/2023 20230202_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

2/2/2023 20230202_STAFF_REPORT.pdf

Staff Report

2/3/2023 20230203_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00377
2/3/2023 20230203_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00006
2/3/2023 20230203_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

2/3/2023 20230203_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2021-00346
2/6/2023 20230206_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00342
2/6/2023 20230206_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00252
2/7/2023 20230207_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2021-00410
2/7/2023 20230207_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2020-00243
2/7/2023 20230207_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00402
2/7/2023 20230207_PSC_ORDER01.pdf 2022-00402
2/7/2023 20230207_PSC_ORDER02.pdf 2022-00402
2/7/2023 20230207_PSC_ORDER03.pdf 2022-00402
2/7/2023 20230207_PSC_ORDER04.pdf 2022-00402
2/8/2023 20230208_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00161
2/8/2023 20230208_STAFF_REPORT.pdf

Staff Report

2/8/2023 20230208_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00036
2/8/2023 20230208_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00402
2/8/2023 20230208_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

2/9/2023 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered nunc pro tunc, that: 1. Ordering paragraph 3, stating: AT&T Mobility’s petition for confidential treatment is granted for Attachment A-2 to AT&T Mobility’s Certification and Report. is stricken and is replaced with the following language: AT&T Mobility’s petition for confidential treatment is denied for Attachment A-2 to AT&T Mobility’s Certification and Report. 2. All other provisions of the Commission’s January 20, 2023 Order that are not in conflict with the terms of this Order shall remain in effect.

2/9/2023 20230209_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00402
2/9/2023 20230209_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00002
2/9/2023 20230209_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

2/9/2023 20230209_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00251
2/9/2023 20230209_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

2/9/2023 20230209_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

2/9/2023 20230209_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00252
2/9/2023 20230209_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

2/10/2023 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. Comfort Systems USA shall submit to the Commission, via email sent to [email protected] with the case number of this proceeding in the subject line of the message, a written response to the allegations contained in the Staff Incident Report within 20 days of receipt of this Order. 2. Comfort Systems USA shall appear on April 28, 2023, at 9 a.m. Eastern Daylight Time, in the Richard Raff Hearing Room of the Commission’s offices at 211 Sower Boulevard in Frankfort, Kentucky, for the purpose of presenting evidence concerning the alleged violation of the Underground Facility Damage Prevention Act. 3. The April 28, 2023 hearing shall be conducted via video conferencing. 4. Comfort Systems USA shall attend the hearing by using the following link:; information and instructions are attached to this Order as Appendix B. 5. Comfort Systems USA shall notify the Commission at least ten days prior to the hearing if Comfort Systems USA is unable to appear by video conferencing and will therefore appear in person. 6. Any partnership, corporation, or business entity (including a limited liability company) must be represented by an attorney licensed to practice law in Kentucky, and such representation includes the filing of papers with and appearances at hearings before the Commission.

2/10/2023 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. Overholt Homes Construction shall submit to the Commission, via email sent to [email protected] with the case number of this proceeding in the subject line of the message, a written response to the allegations contained in the Staff Incident Report within 20 days of receipt of this Order. 2. Overholt Homes Construction shall appear on April 28, 2023, at 9 a.m. Eastern Daylight Time, in the Richard Raff Hearing Room of the Commission’s offices at 211 Sower Boulevard in Frankfort, Kentucky, for the purpose of presenting evidence concerning the alleged violation of the Underground Facility Damage Prevention Act. 3. The April 28, 2023 hearing shall be conducted via video conferencing. 4. Overholt Homes Construction shall attend the hearing by using the following link:; information and instructions are attached to this Order as Appendix B. 5. Overholt Homes Construction shall notify the Commission at least ten days prior to the hearing if Overholt Homes Construction is unable to appear by video conferencing and will therefore appear in person. 6. Any partnership, corporation, or business entity (including a limited liability company) must be represented by an attorney licensed to practice law in Kentucky, and such representation includes the filing of papers with and appearances at hearings before the Commission.

2/10/2023 20230210_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00045
2/10/2023 20230210_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2020-00217
2/10/2023 20230210_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00049
2/10/2023 20230210_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2018-00072
2/10/2023 20230210_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00142
2/10/2023 20230210_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00372
2/10/2023 20230210_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00313
2/10/2023 20230210_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00021
2/10/2023 20230210_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00217
2/10/2023 20230210_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00410
2/10/2023 20230210_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00218
2/10/2023 20230210_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00248
2/13/2023 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. Dave Filly Plumbing shall submit to the Commission, via email sent to [email protected] with the case number of this proceeding in the subject line of the message, a written response to the allegations contained in the Staff Incident Report within 20 days of receipt of this Order. 2. Dave Filly Plumbing shall appear on April 28, 2023, at 9 a.m. Eastern Daylight Time, in the Richard Raff Hearing Room of the Commission’s offices at 211 Sower Boulevard in Frankfort, Kentucky, for the purpose of presenting evidence concerning the alleged violation of the Underground Facility Damage Prevention Act. 3. The April 28, 2023 hearing shall be conducted via video conferencing. 4. Dave Filly Plumbing shall attend the hearing by using the following link:; information and instructions are attached to this Order as Appendix B. 5. Dave Filly Plumbing shall notify the Commission at least ten days prior to the hearing if Dave Filly Plumbing is unable to appear by video conferencing and will therefore appear in person. 6. Any partnership, corporation, or business entity (including a limited liability company) must be represented by an attorney licensed to practice law in Kentucky, and such representation includes the filing of papers with and appearances at hearings before the Commission.

2/13/2023 20230213_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

2/14/2023 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. Hayden Borders shall submit to the Commission, via email sent to [email protected] with the case number of this proceeding in the subject line of the message, a written response to the allegations contained in the Staff Incident Report within 20 days of receipt of this Order. 2. Hayden Borders shall appear on April 28, 2023, at 9 a.m. Eastern Daylight Time, in the Richard Raff Hearing Room of the Commission’s offices at 211 Sower Boulevard in Frankfort, Kentucky, for the purpose of presenting evidence concerning the alleged violation of the Underground Facility Damage Prevention Act. 3. The April 28, 2023 hearing shall be conducted via video conferencing. 4. Hayden Borders shall attend the hearing by using the following link:; information and instructions are attached to this Order as Appendix B. 5. Hayden Borders shall notify the Commission at least ten days prior to the hearing if Hayden Borders is unable to appear by video conferencing and will therefore appear in person. 6. Any partnership, corporation, or business entity (including a limited liability company) must be represented by an attorney licensed to practice law in Kentucky, and such representation includes the filing of papers with and appearances at hearings before the Commission. 7. An individual may submit a response to the allegations contained in the Staff Incident Report without the representation of an attorney.

2/14/2023 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. Triple D Construction shall submit to the Commission, via email sent to [email protected] with the case number of this proceeding in the subject line of the message, a written response to the allegations contained in the Staff Incident Report within 20 days of receipt of this Order. 2. Triple D Construction shall appear on April 28, 2023, at 9 a.m. Eastern Daylight Time, in the Richard Raff Hearing Room of the Commission’s offices at 211 Sower Boulevard in Frankfort, Kentucky, for the purpose of presenting evidence concerning the alleged violation of the Underground Facility Damage Prevention Act. 3. The April 28, 2023 hearing shall be conducted via video conferencing. 4. Triple D Construction shall attend the hearing by using the following link:; information and instructions are attached to this Order as Appendix B. 5. Triple D Construction shall notify the Commission at least ten days prior to the hearing if Triple D Construction is unable to appear by video conferencing and will therefore appear in person. 6. Any partnership, corporation, or business entity (including a limited liability company) must be represented by an attorney licensed to practice law in Kentucky, and such representation includes the filing of papers with and appearances at hearings before the Commission.

2/14/2023 20230214_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00019
2/14/2023 20230214_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2021-00206
2/14/2023 20230214_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00122
2/14/2023 20230214_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00018
2/14/2023 20230214_PSC_IC_NOTICE.pdf

Notice of Informal Conference

2/14/2023 20230214_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00264
2/14/2023 20230214_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00265
2/14/2023 20230214_STAFF_REPORT.pdf

Staff Report

2/14/2023 20230214_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00023
2/14/2023 20230214_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00084
2/16/2023 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. Ms. Seidl’s complaint is rejected for filing for failing to state a prima facie case. 2. Ms. Seidl shall have 20 days from the date of service of this Order to file an amended complaint with the Commission that conforms to the requirements of 807 KAR 5:001E, Section 20(1), and that states a prima facie case. 3. Ms. Seidl may file her amended complaint with the Commission by U.S. mail to P.O. Box 615, Frankfort, Kentucky 40602-0615 or by email to [email protected]. Ms. Seidl shall include the case number, 2022-00361, in all filings with the Commission. A copy of this Order shall be served upon Ms. Seidl by U.S. mail to 2010 Alberta Drive, Lot 46, Crestwood, Kentucky 40014.

2/16/2023 20230216_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

2/16/2023 20230216_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

2/16/2023 20230216_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00400
2/16/2023 20230216_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00431
2/16/2023 20230216_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00005
2/16/2023 20230216_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00332
2/16/2023 20230216_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00252
2/16/2023 20230216_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00044
2/16/2023 20230216_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2021-00296
2/17/2023 DATA_REQUEST


2/17/2023 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. The Daniel’s complaint does not establish a prima facie case. 2. The Daniel’s shall file an amended complaint within 20 days of service of this Order. 3. The Daniel’s shall file the amended complaint by electronic mail to [email protected] or by US Mail to P.O. Box 615, Frankfort KY 40602- 0615. 4. A copy of this Order shall be served on the Daniel’s by U.S. Mail at the address on file with the Commission in this proceeding.

2/17/2023 20230217_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

2/17/2023 20230217_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00263
2/17/2023 20230217_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00266
2/17/2023 20230217_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00341
2/17/2023 20230217_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00427
2/17/2023 20230217_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00372
2/17/2023 20230217_PSC_ORDER01.pdf 2022-00372
2/17/2023 20230217_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00350
2/17/2023 20230217_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00426
2/17/2023 20230217_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00315
2/17/2023 20230217_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00267
2/17/2023 20230217_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00115
2/17/2023 20230217_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00055
2/17/2023 20230217_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00238
2/17/2023 20230217_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

2/17/2023 20230217_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00251
2/20/2023 20230220_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00244
2/20/2023 20230220_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00025
2/20/2023 20230220_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00139
2/20/2023 20230220_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00058
2/21/2023 20230221_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2020-00243
2/22/2023 20230222_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

2/22/2023 20230222_DATA_REQUEST01.pdf

Data Request

2/22/2023 20230222_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00244
2/22/2023 20230222_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00206
2/22/2023 20230222_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00292
2/23/2023 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. EKPC’s motion for confidential treatment is denied. 2. The designated material denied confidential treatment by this Order is not exempt from public disclosure and shall be placed in the public record and made available for public inspection. 3. If EKPC objects to the Commission's determination that the requested material not be granted confidential treatment, it must seek either rehearing pursuant to KRS 278.400 or judicial review of this Order pursuant to KRS 278.410. Failure to exercise either of these statutory rights will be deemed as agreement with the Commission's determination of which materials should be granted confidential treatment. 4. Within 30 days of the date of service of this Order, EKPC shall file a revised version of the designated material for which confidential treatment was denied, reflecting as unredacted the information that has been denied confidential treatment. 5. The designated material for which EKPC’s request for confidential treatment has been denied shall neither be placed in the public record nor made available for inspection for 30 days from the date of service of this Order in order to allow EKPC to seek a remedy afforded by law.

2/23/2023 20230223_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00314
2/23/2023 20230223_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00047
2/23/2023 20230223_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00343
2/23/2023 20230223_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00045
2/23/2023 20230223_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00385
2/23/2023 20230223_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00035
2/24/2023 DATA_REQUEST


2/24/2023 20230224_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00115
2/24/2023 20230224_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00026
2/24/2023 20230224_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

2/24/2023 20230224_STAFF_REPORT.pdf

Staff Report

2/24/2023 20230224_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00218
2/24/2023 20230224_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00350
2/24/2023 20230224_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

2/24/2023 20230224_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2021-00412
2/24/2023 20230224_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00047
2/24/2023 20230224_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00022
2/24/2023 20230224_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

2/24/2023 20230224_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00365
2/24/2023 20230224_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00084
2/24/2023 20230224_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00437
2/24/2023 20230224_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00397
2/24/2023 20230224_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00036
2/24/2023 20230224_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00433
2/24/2023 20230224_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00028
2/27/2023 20230227_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

2/27/2023 20230227_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

2/27/2023 20230227_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

2/28/2023 20230228_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00049
2/28/2023 20230228_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00098
3/1/2023 20230301_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2018-00418
3/1/2023 20230301_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00268
3/1/2023 20230301_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

3/2/2023 20230302_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00244
3/2/2023 20230302_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

3/2/2023 20230302_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00392
3/2/2023 20230302_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

3/2/2023 20230302_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00041
3/2/2023 20230302_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2021-00206
3/2/2023 20230302_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2021-00339
3/2/2023 20230302_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00366
3/2/2023 20230302_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00039
3/2/2023 20230302_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00037
3/2/2023 20230302_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00328
3/2/2023 20230302_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

3/3/2023 20230303_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

3/3/2023 20230303_PSC_IC_NOTICE.pdf

Notice of Informal Conference

3/3/2023 20230303_PSC_IC_NOTICE.pdf

Notice of Informal Conference

3/3/2023 20230303_PSC_IC_NOTICE.pdf

Notice of Informal Conference

3/7/2023 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. Frankfort Sewer shall submit to the Commission, via email sent to [email protected] with the case number of this proceeding in the subject line of the message, a written response to the allegations contained in the Staff Incident Report within 20 days of receipt of this Order. 2. Frankfort Sewer shall appear on April 28, 2023, at 9 a.m. Eastern Standard Time, in the Richard Raff Hearing Room of the Commission’s offices at 211 Sower Boulevard in Frankfort, Kentucky, for the purpose of presenting evidence concerning the alleged violation of the Underground Facility Damage Prevention Act. 3. The April 28, 2023 hearing shall be conducted via video conferencing.

3/7/2023 PSC_ORDER

Final Order Entered: 1. South Kentucky RECC’s request for a shortened notice period is approved. 2. South Kentucky RECC’s proposed tariff revisions changing the name of the “consumer charge” to “availability charge” are rejected. 3. South Kentucky RECC’s revised bill format, with the exception of changing the name “consumer charge” to “availability charge”, is approved effective March 8, 2023. 4. Within 20 days of the date of service of this Order, South Kentucky RECC shall file with the Commission, using the Commission’s electronic Tariff Filing System, its revised bill format reflecting that it was approved pursuant to this Order. 5. This case is closed and removed from the Commission’s docket.

3/7/2023 20230307_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00275
3/7/2023 20230307_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00398
3/7/2023 20230307_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00365
3/7/2023 20230307_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00437
3/7/2023 20230307_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00357
3/7/2023 20230307_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00068
3/7/2023 20230307_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00424
3/7/2023 20230307_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00299
3/7/2023 20230307_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00063
3/7/2023 20230307_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00252
3/7/2023 20230307_PSC_ORDER01.pdf 2022-00252
3/7/2023 20230307_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2021-00339
3/8/2023 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. Solid Rock Excavating shall submit to the Commission, via email sent to [email protected] with the case number of this proceeding in the subject line of the message, a written response to the allegations contained in the Staff Incident Report within 20 days of receipt of this Order. 2. Solid Rock Excavating shall appear on April 28, 2023, at 9 a.m. Eastern Daylight Time, in the Richard Raff Hearing Room of the Commission’s offices at 211 Sower Boulevard in Frankfort, Kentucky, for the purpose of presenting evidence concerning the alleged violation of the Underground Facility Damage Prevention Act. 3. The April 28, 2023 hearing shall be conducted via video conferencing. 4. Solid Rock Excavating shall attend the hearing by using the following link:; information and instructions are attached to this Order as Appendix B.

3/8/2023 20230308_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00063
3/8/2023 20230308_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

3/8/2023 20230308_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

3/8/2023 20230308_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

3/8/2023 20230308_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00059
3/9/2023 20230309_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00001
3/9/2023 20230309_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00129
3/9/2023 20230309_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00070
3/9/2023 20230309_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00017
3/9/2023 20230309_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00050
3/9/2023 20230309_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00051
3/9/2023 20230309_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00098
3/9/2023 20230309_PSC_ORDER.pdf 20000387
3/9/2023 20230309_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00038
3/9/2023 20230309_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00366
3/10/2023 20230310_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00367
3/10/2023 20230310_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00024
3/10/2023 20230310_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00366
3/10/2023 20230310_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00424
3/13/2023 20230313_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

3/13/2023 20230313_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

3/15/2023 20230315_STAFF_REPORT.pdf

Staff Report

3/15/2023 20230315_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

3/15/2023 20230315_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

3/15/2023 20230315_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

3/15/2023 20230315_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

3/16/2023 20230316_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

3/16/2023 20230316_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00038
3/16/2023 20230316_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00098
3/16/2023 20230316_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00161
3/16/2023 20230316_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00053
3/20/2023 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. A copy of this Order shall be served on Natural Energy for the sole purpose of requesting necessary documents to assist the Commission in determining whether the complaint establishes a prima facie case. 2. Natural Energy shall respond to Commission Staff’s First Request for Information as provided in Appendix A, attached to this Order. 3. Natural Energy shall respond to any additional requests for information propounded by Commission Staff, as provided in those requests. 4. Nothing contained in this Order shall prevent the Commission from entering further Orders in this matter.

3/20/2023 20230320_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00251
3/20/2023 20230320_PSC_ORDER01.pdf 2022-00251
3/20/2023 20230320_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2020-00174
3/21/2023 20230321_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00409
3/22/2023 20230322_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00336
3/22/2023 20230322_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

3/22/2023 20230322_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00428
3/22/2023 20230322_PSC_IC_NOTICE.pdf

Notice of Informal Conference

3/23/2023 20230323_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00046
3/23/2023 20230323_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00081
3/23/2023 20230323_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

3/23/2023 20230323_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00396
3/23/2023 20230323_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00218
3/23/2023 20230323_STAFF_REPORT.pdf

Staff Report

3/23/2023 20230323_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00372
3/23/2023 20230323_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

3/23/2023 20230323_DATA_REQUEST01.pdf

Data Request

3/24/2023 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. Ms. Seidl shall have an additional 20 days from the date of service of this Order to file an amended complaint with the Commission that conforms to the requirements of 807 KAR 5:001E, Section 20(1), and that states a prima facie case. 2. Ms. Seidl may file her amended complaint with the Commission by U.S. mail to P.O. Box 615, Frankfort, Kentucky 40602-0615 or by email to [email protected]. 3. Ms. Seidl shall include Case No. 2022-00361, in all filings with the Commission. 4. A copy of this Order shall be served upon Ms. Seidl by U.S. mail, certified with return receipt, to 7010 Alberta Drive, Lot 46, Crestwood, Kentucky 40014.

3/24/2023 20230324_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00049
3/24/2023 20230324_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00004
3/24/2023 20230324_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00007
3/24/2023 20230324_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00003
3/27/2023 20230327_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00056
3/27/2023 20230327_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00017
3/27/2023 20230327_STAFF_REPORT.pdf

Staff Report

3/28/2023 PSC_Notice_of_Satisfaction


3/28/2023 20230328_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00402
3/28/2023 20230328_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2021-00386
3/29/2023 20230329_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00246
3/29/2023 20230329_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00027
3/29/2023 20230329_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00085
3/29/2023 20230329_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00099
3/30/2023 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. The Commission denies Mr. Burrell’s request for an extension. 2. Mr. Burrell shall file his response to Commission Staff’s First Request for Information as soon as possible. The response shall be filed by electronic mail at [email protected] or by U.S. Mail at P.O. Box 615, Frankfort, Kentucky 40602-0615. 3. Mr. Burrell may file notice if he agrees to service of Commission Orders by electronic mail and, if so, shall provide his electronic mail address. 4. A copy of this Order shall be served on Mr. Burrell at 958 Ninevah Road, Frankfort, KY 40601.

3/30/2023 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. Duke Kentucky shall satisfy the matters complained of or file a written answer to the complaint within ten days from the date of service of this Order. 2. If Duke Kentucky files a written answer instead of satisfying the matters complained of then Duke Kentucky shall include with its written answer a copy of all meter test results for tests performed on Ms. Cole’s meter that is at issue in this matter.

3/30/2023 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. Kentucky-American shall file the following within 15 days of service of this Order: a. Copies of Ms. Ehrsam’s bills from December 2021 to the present; b. A copy of the meter test conducted on the meter that registered usage at Ms. Ehrsam’s residence between October 9, 2022, and November 4, 2022; c. An hourly breakdown in water usage for the month in question, October 2022; and d. A copy of Kentucky-American’s notice to Ms. Ehrsam regarding any deviation from historical water usage, as required by Kentucky-American’s Tariff Sheet No. 9, First Sheet No. 13; Section (j). e. A copy of any service ticket for maintenance or repair work done at Ms. Ehrsam’s property, adjacent properties, or on the water mains or appurtenances within 500 yards of Ms. Ehrsam’s property between October 1, 2022, and December 31, 2022. 2. Kentucky-American shall file the documents pursuant to ordering paragraph 1 by electronic mail to [email protected] or by US Mail to P.O. Box 615, Frankfort KY 40602-0615. 3. A copy of this Order shall be mailed by US Mail to Ms. Ehrsam at 2396 Abbeywood Road, Lexington, Kentucky, 40515.

3/30/2023 20230330_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00415
3/30/2023 20230330_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00398
3/30/2023 20230330_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00048
3/30/2023 20230330_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00104
3/30/2023 20230330_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00252
3/30/2023 20230330_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00080
3/30/2023 20230330_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00321
3/30/2023 20230330_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00092
3/30/2023 20230330_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

3/30/2023 20230330_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00356
3/30/2023 20230330_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00332
3/30/2023 20230330_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00084
3/30/2023 20230330_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00073
3/30/2023 20230330_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00069
3/30/2023 20230330_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00065
3/30/2023 20230330_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00064
3/30/2023 20230330_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

3/30/2023 20230330_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00057
3/30/2023 20230330_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00387
3/30/2023 20230330_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00054
3/30/2023 20230330_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00029
3/31/2023 20230331_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00296
3/31/2023 20230331_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00244
3/31/2023 20230331_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00072
3/31/2023 20230331_PSC_ORDER01.pdf 2022-00296
3/31/2023 20230331_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00019
3/31/2023 20230331_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00371
3/31/2023 20230331_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00030
3/31/2023 20230331_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00102
3/31/2023 20230331_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00251
3/31/2023 20230331_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

3/31/2023 20230331_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00078
4/3/2023 20230403_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00244
4/3/2023 20230403_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

4/4/2023 20230404_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

4/4/2023 20230404_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00396
4/5/2023 20230405_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00077
4/5/2023 20230405_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00093
4/5/2023 20230405_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00046
4/5/2023 20230405_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00372
4/5/2023 20230405_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00001
4/6/2023 PSC_Notice_of_Satisfaction


4/6/2023 20230406_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00244
4/6/2023 20230406_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00377
4/6/2023 20230406_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00378
4/6/2023 20230406_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00030
4/6/2023 20230406_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

4/6/2023 20230406_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00317
4/6/2023 20230406_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00092
4/7/2023 20230407_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

4/7/2023 20230407_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

4/10/2023 20230410_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

4/10/2023 20230410_PSC_IC_NOTICE.pdf

Notice of Informal Conference

4/10/2023 20230410_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00115
4/10/2023 20230410_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00067
4/10/2023 20230410_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00371
4/11/2023 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. Duke Kentucky’s March 31, 2023 petition for confidential treatment is denied. 2. The designated material denied confidential treatment by this Order is not exempt from public disclosure and shall be placed in the public record and made available for public inspection. 3. If Duke Kentucky objects to the Commission's determination that the requested material not be granted confidential treatment, it must seek either rehearing pursuant to KRS 278.400 or judicial review of this Order pursuant to KRS 278.410. Failure to exercise either of these statutory rights will be deemed as agreement with the Commission's determination of which materials should be granted confidential treatment. 4. Within 30 days of the date of service of this Order, Duke Kentucky shall file a revised version of the designated material for which confidential treatment was denied, reflecting as unredacted the information that has been denied confidential treatment. 5. The designated material for which Duke Kentucky’s request for confidential treatment has been denied shall neither be placed in the public record nor made available for inspection for 30 days from the date of service of this Order in order to allow Duke Kentucky to seek a remedy afforded by law.

4/11/2023 PSC_Notice_of_Satisfaction


4/11/2023 PSC_Notice_of_Satisfaction


4/11/2023 20230411_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00005
4/11/2023 20230411_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2021-00419
4/12/2023 PSC_Notice_of_Satisfaction


4/12/2023 20230412_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00364
4/12/2023 20230412_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00147
4/12/2023 20230412_PSC_ORDER01.pdf 2022-00147
4/12/2023 20230412_PSC_IC_NOTICE.pdf

Notice of Informal Conference

4/12/2023 20230412_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00362
4/12/2023 20230412_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

4/12/2023 20230412_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2016-00117
4/12/2023 20230412_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

4/12/2023 20230412_PSC_ORDER01.pdf 2022-00362
4/13/2023 20230413_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00402
4/13/2023 20230413_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00030
4/14/2023 PSC_ORDER

Final Order Entered: 1. Ms. Johnson’s complaint is dismissed. 2. This case is closed and removed from the Commissions Docket. 3. A copy of this Order shall be served on Ms. Johnson by U.S. Mail at 6916 Roseborough Court, Louisville, Kentucky 40202.

4/14/2023 PSC_ORDER

Final Order Entered: 1. Kentucky-American’s motion is granted. 2. Ms. Ehrsam’s complaint is dismissed as satisfied. 3. This case is closed and removed from the Commission’s docket.

4/14/2023 20230414_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00104
4/14/2023 20230414_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00108
4/14/2023 20230414_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00301
4/14/2023 20230414_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00432
4/14/2023 20230414_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00262
4/14/2023 20230414_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

4/14/2023 20230414_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2020-00018
4/14/2023 20230414_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

4/14/2023 20230414_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00092
4/14/2023 20230414_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00344
4/14/2023 20230414_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00396
4/14/2023 20230414_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00063
4/14/2023 20230414_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00083
4/17/2023 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. Mr. Mansour shall file the following with the Commission within 20 days of service of this Order: a. Copies of Mr. Mansour’s Columbia Kentucky bills from January 2022 through the current bill. b. Copies of any written requests to Columbia Kentucky for the meter to be tested. If a request was made by phone, information regarding the date of the request and the date of the meter test. c. Copies of a meter test on the meter at issue. 2. Mr. Mansour shall file the documents pursuant to ordering paragraph 1 by electronic mail to [email protected] or by US Mail to P.O. Box 615, Frankfort KY 40602-0615. 3. A copy of this Order will be mailed to Mr. Mansour at 4524 Alverstone Place, Lexington, Kentucky 40515.

4/17/2023 20230417_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

4/17/2023 20230417_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

4/17/2023 20230417_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00044
4/17/2023 20230417_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2021-00293
4/17/2023 20230417_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00359
4/17/2023 20230417_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

4/19/2023 20230419_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

4/19/2023 20230419_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

4/19/2023 20230419_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

4/20/2023 PSC_Notice_of_Satisfaction


4/21/2023 20230421_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

4/21/2023 20230421_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2021-00340
4/21/2023 20230421_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00100
4/24/2023 PSC_Notice_of_Satisfaction


4/24/2023 20230424_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

4/24/2023 20230424_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

4/24/2023 20230424_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

4/24/2023 20230424_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00106
4/25/2023 20230425_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00365
4/25/2023 20230425_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

4/25/2023 20230425_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00432
4/25/2023 20230425_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

4/25/2023 20230425_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00437
4/25/2023 20230425_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

4/25/2023 20230425_STAFF_REPORT.pdf

Staff Report

4/25/2023 20230425_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00097
4/26/2023 20230426_STAFF_REPORT.pdf

Staff Report

4/26/2023 20230426_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00366
4/26/2023 20230426_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00371
4/26/2023 20230426_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00367
4/26/2023 20230426_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00160
4/26/2023 20230426_STAFF_REPORT.pdf

Staff Report

4/26/2023 20230426_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00147
4/27/2023 20230427_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00123
4/27/2023 20230427_PSC_ORDER01.pdf 2023-00123
4/27/2023 20230427_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00135
4/27/2023 20230427_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2021-00386
4/28/2023 20230428_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00101
4/28/2023 20230428_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00095
4/28/2023 20230428_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

4/28/2023 20230428_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00109
4/28/2023 20230428_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

4/28/2023 20230428_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00262
4/28/2023 20230428_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

4/28/2023 20230428_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

4/28/2023 20230428_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00372
4/28/2023 20230428_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00110
4/28/2023 20230428_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00089
4/28/2023 20230428_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

4/28/2023 20230428_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00091
4/28/2023 20230428_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00116
4/28/2023 20230428_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00103
4/28/2023 20230428_PSC_ORDER01.pdf 2022-00372
4/28/2023 20230428_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

4/28/2023 20230428_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00400
4/28/2023 20230428_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00113
4/28/2023 20230428_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00066
4/28/2023 20230428_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00076
5/1/2023 20230501_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00372
5/2/2023 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. Mr. Jouett shall file the following with the Commission within 20 days of service of this Order: a. Copies of Mr. Jouett’s Kentucky-American bills from January 2022 through the current bill. b. Copies of any written requests to Kentucky-American for the meter to be tested. If a request was made by phone, information regarding the date of the request and the date of the meter test. c. Copies of a meter test on the meter at issue. 2. Mr. Jouett shall file the documents pursuant to ordering paragraph 1 by electronic mail to [email protected] or by US Mail to P.O. Box 615, Frankfort KY 40602-0615, referencing the case number for this proceeding. 3. A copy of this Order will be served by U.S. Mail, first class, to Mr. Jouett at 2379 Harrods Pointe Trace, Lexington, Kentucky 40514.

5/2/2023 20230502_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00248
5/2/2023 20230502_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00121
5/2/2023 20230502_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00429
5/2/2023 20230502_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00098
5/2/2023 20230502_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00017
5/2/2023 20230502_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00372
5/2/2023 20230502_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00146
5/3/2023 20230503_STAFF_REPORT.pdf

Staff Report

5/3/2023 20230503_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00107
5/3/2023 20230503_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

5/5/2023 20230505_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2021-00393
5/5/2023 20230505_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00160
5/5/2023 20230505_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00136
5/5/2023 20230505_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00119
5/5/2023 20230505_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00049
5/5/2023 20230505_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00396
5/5/2023 20230505_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2021-00483
5/5/2023 20230505_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00105
5/5/2023 20230505_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00432
5/5/2023 20230505_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00218
5/5/2023 20230505_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

5/8/2023 20230508_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00394
5/8/2023 20230508_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00432
5/8/2023 20230508_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00090
5/8/2023 20230508_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00092
5/10/2023 DATA_REQUEST


5/10/2023 20230510_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

5/10/2023 20230510_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00315
5/10/2023 20230510_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00145
5/10/2023 20230510_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

5/10/2023 20230510_PSC_ORDER01.pdf 2023-00145
5/11/2023 20230511_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

5/11/2023 20230511_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00145
5/12/2023 20230512_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

5/12/2023 20230512_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2019-00119
5/12/2023 20230512_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2021-00072
5/15/2023 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. Columbia Kentucky shall file the following with the Commission within 20 days of date of service of this Order: a. Copies of Mr. Mansour’s Columbia Kentucky bills from November 2021 through the current bill. b. Copies of any written requests to Columbia Kentucky for the meter to be tested. If a request was made by phone, information regarding the date of the request and the date of the meter test. c. Copies of the meter test results for the meter at issue. 2. A copy of this Order will be served by U.S. Mail, first class, to Mr. Mansour at 4524 Alverstone Place, Lexington, Kentucky 40515. 3. Columbia Kentucky shall serve a copy of its response on Mr. Mansour at 4524 Alverstone Place, Lexington, Kentucky 40515.

5/15/2023 20230515_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2021-00386
5/15/2023 20230515_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00197
5/15/2023 20230515_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00151
5/15/2023 20230515_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00130
5/15/2023 20230515_PSC_ORDER.pdf

Order *consolidated from 2023-00122

5/15/2023 20230515_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00122
5/15/2023 20230515_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00131
5/15/2023 20230515_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00372
5/15/2023 20230515_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00034
5/15/2023 20230515_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00348
5/15/2023 20230515_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00087
5/15/2023 20230515_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00387
5/15/2023 20230515_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00152
5/15/2023 20230515_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00090
5/15/2023 20230515_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2021-00183
5/15/2023 20230515_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00129
5/16/2023 20230516_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

5/16/2023 20230516_PSC_ORDER.pdf

Order *consolidated from 2023-00122

5/16/2023 20230516_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00122
5/16/2023 20230516_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00402
5/16/2023 20230516_STAFF_REPORT.pdf

Staff Report

5/16/2023 20230516_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00349
5/17/2023 20230517_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

5/17/2023 20230517_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00299
5/17/2023 20230517_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

5/18/2023 20230518_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00197
5/18/2023 20230518_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00431
5/18/2023 20230518_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00432
5/18/2023 20230518_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00132
5/19/2023 20230519_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00432
5/19/2023 20230519_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00387
5/19/2023 20230519_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00010
5/19/2023 20230519_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00027
5/19/2023 20230519_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00062
5/19/2023 20230519_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00116
5/19/2023 20230519_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00144
5/19/2023 20230519_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00211
5/19/2023 20230519_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00279
5/19/2023 20230519_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00306
5/19/2023 20230519_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00414
5/22/2023 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. The complaint is dismissed. 2. The case is closed and shall be removed from the docket. 3. A copy of this Order shall be served upon Ms. Seidl by U.S. mail, certified with return receipt, to 7010 Alberta Drive, Lot 46, Crestwood, Kentucky 40014.

5/22/2023 20230522_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

5/22/2023 20230522_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

5/22/2023 20230522_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

5/22/2023 20230522_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

5/22/2023 20230522_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00120
5/23/2023 20230523_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00349
5/23/2023 20230523_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00429
5/23/2023 20230523_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00140
5/24/2023 20230524_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00291
5/24/2023 20230524_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00402
5/24/2023 20230524_PSC_ORDER.pdf

Order *consolidated from 2023-00122

5/24/2023 20230524_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00122
5/24/2023 20230524_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00408
5/24/2023 20230524_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00252
5/24/2023 20230524_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00424
5/25/2023 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. Kentucky-American shall file the following within 15 days of service of this Order: a. Copies of Ms. Taylor’s bills from January 2022 to the present; b. A copy of any meter test conducted on the meter that registered usage at Ms. Taylor’s residence between December 13, 2022, and January 11, 2023; c. An hourly breakdown in water usage for the service time in question: December 13, 2022, through January 11, 2023; and d. A copy of Kentucky-American’s notice to Ms. Taylor regarding any deviation from historical water usage as required by Kentucky-American’s Tariff Sheet No. 9, First Sheet No. 13; Section (j). e. A copy of any service ticket for maintenance or repair work done at Ms. Taylor’s property, adjacent properties, or on the water mains or appurtenances within 500 yards of Ms. Taylor’s property between October 1, 2022, and February 28, 2023. 2. Kentucky-American shall file the documents pursuant to ordering paragraph 1 by electronic mail to [email protected]. 3. A copy of this Order shall be mailed by U.S. Mail to Ms. Taylor at 4464 Stuart Hall Blvd., #5102, Lexington, Kentucky 40509.

5/25/2023 20230525_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2021-00386
5/25/2023 20230525_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00414
5/25/2023 20230525_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00118
5/25/2023 20230525_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00153
5/25/2023 20230525_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00222
5/25/2023 20230525_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00371
5/25/2023 20230525_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00143
5/26/2023 DATA_REQUEST


5/26/2023 DATA_REQUEST01


5/26/2023 PSC_ORDER

Final Order Entered: 1. The Daniels complaint is dismissed. 2. This case is closed and removed from the Commission’s Docket. 3. A copy of this Order shall be served on the Daniel’s by U.S. certified mail, return receipt requested at 3935 Cummins Ferry Road, Versailles, Kentucky 40393.

5/26/2023 20230526_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00035
5/26/2023 20230526_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00318
5/26/2023 20230526_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00344
5/26/2023 20230526_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00127
5/26/2023 20230526_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00114
5/26/2023 20230526_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00088
5/26/2023 20230526_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00262
5/26/2023 20230526_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00436
5/26/2023 20230526_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00229
5/30/2023 20230530_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00141
5/30/2023 20230530_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

5/30/2023 20230530_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00301
5/30/2023 20230530_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00098
5/31/2023 20230531_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

5/31/2023 20230531_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

5/31/2023 20230531_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

5/31/2023 20230531_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

5/31/2023 20230531_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

5/31/2023 20230531_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

5/31/2023 20230531_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

5/31/2023 20230531_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

5/31/2023 20230531_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00138
5/31/2023 20230531_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

5/31/2023 20230531_STAFF_REPORT.pdf

Staff Report

6/1/2023 20230601_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

6/1/2023 20230601_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2021-00398
6/1/2023 20230601_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00433
6/1/2023 20230601_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00122
6/1/2023 20230601_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00135
6/1/2023 20230601_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00371
6/1/2023 20230601_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00431
6/1/2023 20230601_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00115
6/1/2023 20230601_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2019-00065
6/2/2023 20230602_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00315
6/2/2023 20230602_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

6/2/2023 20230602_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00092
6/2/2023 20230602_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00387
6/2/2023 20230602_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00128
6/2/2023 20230602_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00134
6/2/2023 20230602_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00159
6/5/2023 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. Victory Gardens shall submit to the Commission, via email sent to [email protected] with the case number of this proceeding in the subject line of the message, a written response to the allegations contained in the Commission Staff Incident Report within 20 days of receipt of this Order. 2. Victory Gardens shall appear on July 28, 2023, at 9 a.m. Eastern Daylight Time, in the Richard Raff Hearing Room of Commission’s offices at 211 Sower Boulevard in Frankfort, Kentucky, for the purpose of presenting evidence concerning alleged violation of Underground Facility Damage Prevention Act. 3. The July 28, 2023 hearing shall be conducted via video conferencing. 4. Victory Gardens shall attend the hearing by using the following link:; information and instructions are attached to this Order as Appendix B. 5. Victory Gardens shall notify the Commission at least ten days prior to hearing if Victory Gardens is unable to appear by video conferencing and will appear in person. 6. Any partnership, corporation, or business entity (including a limited liability company) must be represented by an attorney licensed to practice law in Kentucky, and such representation includes the filing of papers with and appearances at hearings before the Commission. 7. An individual may submit a response to the allegations contained in the Commission Staff Incident Report without the representation of an attorney.

6/5/2023 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. Adrian Gomez Diaz shall submit to the Commission, via email sent to [email protected] with the case number of this proceeding in the subject line of the message, a written response to the allegations contained in the Commission Staff Incident Report within 20 days of receipt of this Order. 2. Adrian Gomez Diaz shall appear on July 28, 2023, at 9 a.m. Eastern Daylight Time, in the Richard Raff Hearing Room of the Commission’s offices at 211 Sower Boulevard in Frankfort, Kentucky, for the purpose of presenting evidence concerning the alleged violation of the Underground Facility Damage Prevention Act. 3. The July 28, 2023 hearing shall be conducted via video conferencing. 4. Adrian Gomez Diaz shall attend hearing by using the following link:; information and instructions are attached to this Order as Appendix B. 5. Adrian Gomez Diaz shall notify the Commission at least ten days prior to the hearing if Adrian Gomez Diaz is unable to appear by video conferencing and will therefore appear in person.

6/5/2023 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. Lewen Line Construction shall submit to the Commission, via email sent to [email protected] with the case number of this proceeding in the subject line of the message, a written response to the allegations contained in the Commission Staff Incident Report within 20 days of receipt of this Order. 2. Lewen Line Construction shall appear on July 28, 2023, at 9 a.m. Eastern Daylight Time, in the Richard Raff Hearing Room of the Commission’s offices at 211 Sower Boulevard in Frankfort, Kentucky, for the purpose of presenting evidence concerning the alleged violation of the Underground Facility Damage Prevention Act. 3. The July 28, 2023 hearing shall be conducted via video conferencing. 4. Lewen Line Construction shall attend the hearing by using the following link:; information and instructions are attached to this Order as Appendix B. 5. Lewen Line Construction shall notify the Commission at least ten days prior to the hearing if Lewen Line Construction is unable to appear by video conferencing and will therefore appear in person. 6. Any partnership, corporation, or business entity (including a limited liability company) must be represented by an attorney licensed to practice law in Kentucky, and such representation includes the filing of papers with and appearances at hearings before the Commission.

6/5/2023 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. Alexander and Son General Contracting shall submit to the Commission, via email sent to [email protected] with the case number of this proceeding in the subject line of the message, a written response to the allegations contained in the Commission Staff Incident Report within 20 days of receipt of this Order. 2. Alexander and Son General Contracting shall appear on July 28, 2023, at 9 a.m. Eastern Daylight Time, in the Richard Raff Hearing Room of the Commission’s offices at 211 Sower Boulevard in Frankfort, Kentucky, for the purpose of presenting evidence concerning the alleged violation of the Underground Facility Damage Prevention Act. 3. The July 28, 2023 hearing shall be conducted via video conferencing. 4. Alexander and Son General Contracting shall attend the hearing by using the following link:; information and instructions are attached to this Order as Appendix B. 5. Alexander and Son General Contracting shall notify the Commission at least ten days prior to the hearing if Alexander and Son General Contracting is unable to appear by video conferencing and will therefore appear in person. 6. Any partnership, corporation, or business entity (including a limited liability company) must be represented by an attorney licensed to practice law in Kentucky, and such representation includes the filing of papers with and appearances at hearings before the Commission.

6/5/2023 20230605_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

6/5/2023 20230605_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00299
6/5/2023 20230605_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

6/5/2023 20230605_STAFF_REPORT.pdf

Staff Report

6/5/2023 20230605_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

6/5/2023 20230605_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

6/5/2023 20230605_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

6/5/2023 20230605_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00137
6/5/2023 20230605_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00146
6/6/2023 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. Franklin Remodeling shall submit to the Commission, via email sent to [email protected] with the case number of this proceeding in the subject line of the message, a written response to the allegations contained in the Commission Staff Incident Report within 20 days of receipt of this Order. 2. Franklin Remodeling shall appear on July 28, 2023, at 9 a.m. Eastern Daylight Time, in the Richard Raff Hearing Room of the Commission’s offices at 211 Sower Boulevard in Frankfort, Kentucky, for the purpose of presenting evidence concerning the alleged violation of the Underground Facility Damage Prevention Act. 3. The July 28, 2023 hearing shall be conducted via video conferencing. 4. Franklin Remodeling shall attend the hearing by using the following link:; information and instructions are attached to this Order as Appendix B. 5. Franklin Remodeling shall notify the Commission at least ten days prior to the hearing if Franklin Remodeling is unable to appear by video conferencing and will therefore appear in person. 6. Any partnership, corporation, or business entity (including a limited liability company) must be represented by an attorney licensed to practice law in Kentucky, and such representation includes the filing of papers with and appearances at hearings before the Commission.

6/6/2023 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. Scott Pfeiffer and Company shall submit to the Commission, via email sent to [email protected] with the case number of this proceeding in the subject line of the message, a written response to the allegations contained in the Commission Staff Incident Report within 20 days of receipt of this Order. 2. Scott Pfeiffer and Company shall appear on July 28, 2023, at 9 a.m. Eastern Daylight Time, in the Richard Raff Hearing Room of the Commission’s offices at 211 Sower Boulevard in Frankfort, Kentucky, for the purpose of presenting evidence concerning the alleged violation of the Underground Facility Damage Prevention Act. 3. The July 28, 2023 hearing shall be conducted via video conferencing. 4. Scott Pfeiffer and Company shall attend the hearing by using the following link:; information and instructions are attached to this Order as Appendix B. 5. Scott Pfeiffer and Company shall notify the Commission at least ten days prior to the hearing if Scott Pfeiffer and Company is unable to appear by video conferencing and will therefore appear in person. 6. Any partnership, corporation, or business entity (including a limited liability company) must be represented by an attorney licensed to practice law in Kentucky, and such representation includes the filing of papers with and appearances at hearings before the Commission.

6/6/2023 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. John Miller shall submit to the Commission, via email sent to [email protected] with the case number of this proceeding in the subject line of the message, a written response to the allegations contained in the Commission Staff Incident Report within 20 days of receipt of this Order. 2. John Miller shall appear on July 28, 2023, at 9 a.m. Eastern Daylight Time, in the Richard Raff Hearing Room of the Commission’s offices at 211 Sower Boulevard in Frankfort, Kentucky, for the purpose of presenting evidence concerning the alleged violation of the Underground Facility Damage Prevention Act. 3. The July 28, 2023 hearing shall be conducted via video conferencing. 4. John Miller shall attend the hearing by using the following link:; information and instructions are attached to this Order as Appendix B. 5. John Miller shall notify the Commission at least ten days prior to the hearing if John Miller is unable to appear by video conferencing and will therefore appear in person. 6. Any partnership, corporation, or business entity (including a limited liability company) must be represented by an attorney licensed to practice law in Kentucky, and such representation includes the filing of papers with and appearances at hearings before the Commission.

6/6/2023 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. Larry Morton Construction shall submit to the Commission, via email sent to [email protected] with the case number of this proceeding in the subject line of the message, a written response to the allegations contained in the Commission Staff Incident Report within 20 days of receipt of this Order. 2. Larry Morton Construction shall appear on July 28, 2023, at 9 a.m. Eastern Daylight Time, in the Richard Raff Hearing Room of the Commission’s offices at 211 Sower Boulevard in Frankfort, Kentucky, for the purpose of presenting evidence concerning the alleged violation of the Underground Facility Damage Prevention Act. 3. The July 28, 2023 hearing shall be conducted via video conferencing. 4. Larry Morton Construction shall attend the hearing by using the following link:; information and instructions are attached to this Order as Appendix B. 5. Larry Morton Construction shall notify the Commission at least ten days prior to the hearing if Larry Morton Construction is unable to appear by video conferencing and will therefore appear in person. 6. Any partnership, corporation, or business entity (including a limited liability company) must be represented by an attorney licensed to practice law in Kentucky, and such representation includes the filing of papers with and appearances at hearings before the Commission.

6/6/2023 20230606_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00159
6/6/2023 20230606_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00231
6/6/2023 20230606_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

6/6/2023 20230606_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

6/6/2023 20230606_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00144
6/6/2023 20230606_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00147
6/6/2023 20230606_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

6/6/2023 20230606_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

6/6/2023 20230606_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

6/6/2023 20230606_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

6/6/2023 20230606_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

6/6/2023 20230606_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2017-00179
6/6/2023 20230606_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00049
6/6/2023 20230606_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00082
6/6/2023 20230606_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2020-00242
6/6/2023 20230606_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00107
6/6/2023 20230606_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00092
6/7/2023 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. Riverside Rock shall submit to the Commission, via email sent to [email protected] with the case number of this proceeding in the subject line of the message, a written response to the allegations contained in the Commission Staff Incident Report within 20 days of receipt of this Order. 2. Riverside Rock shall appear on July 28, 2023, at 9 a.m. Eastern Daylight Time, in the Richard Raff Hearing Room of the Commission’s offices at 211 Sower Boulevard in Frankfort, Kentucky, for the purpose of presenting evidence concerning the alleged violation of the Underground Facility Damage Prevention Act. 3. The July 28, 2023 hearing shall be conducted via video conferencing. 4. Riverside Rock shall attend the hearing by using the following link:; information and instructions are attached to this Order as Appendix B. 5. Riverside Rock shall notify the Commission at least ten days prior to the hearing if Riverside Rock is unable to appear by video conferencing and will therefore appear in person.

6/7/2023 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. All Pro Drilling shall submit to the Commission, via email sent to [email protected] with the case number of this proceeding in the subject line of the message, a written response to the allegations contained in the Commission Staff Incident Report within 20 days of receipt of this Order. 2. All Pro Drilling shall appear on July 28, 2023, at 9 a.m. Eastern Daylight Time, in the Richard Raff Hearing Room of the Commission’s offices at 211 Sower Boulevard in Frankfort, Kentucky, for the purpose of presenting evidence concerning the alleged violation of the Underground Facility Damage Prevention Act. 3. The July 28, 2023 hearing shall be conducted via video conferencing. 4. All Pro Drilling shall attend the hearing by using the following link:; information and instructions are attached to this Order as Appendix B. 5. All Pro Drilling shall notify the Commission at least ten days prior to the hearing if All Pro Drilling is unable to appear by video conferencing and will therefore appear in person. 6. Any partnership, corporation, or business entity (including a limited liability company) must be represented by an attorney licensed to practice law in Kentucky, and such representation includes the filing of papers with and appearances at hearings before the Commission.

6/7/2023 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. J & S Construction shall submit to the Commission, via email sent to [email protected] with the case number of this proceeding in the subject line of the message, a written response to the allegations contained in the Commission Staff Incident Report within 20 days of receipt of this Order. 2. J & S Construction shall appear on July 28, 2023, at 9 a.m. Eastern Daylight Time, in the Richard Raff Hearing Room of the Commission’s offices at 211 Sower Boulevard in Frankfort, Kentucky, for the purpose of presenting evidence concerning the alleged violation of the Underground Facility Damage Prevention Act. 3. The July 28, 2023 hearing shall be conducted via video conferencing. 4. J & S Construction shall attend the hearing by using the following link:; information and instructions are attached to this Order as Appendix B. 5. J & S Construction shall notify the Commission at least ten days prior to the hearing if J & S Construction is unable to appear by video conferencing and will therefore appear in person.

6/7/2023 20230607_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

6/7/2023 20230607_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00394
6/7/2023 20230607_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00371
6/7/2023 20230607_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00023
6/7/2023 20230607_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00187
6/7/2023 20230607_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

6/7/2023 20230607_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00154
6/7/2023 20230607_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00125
6/8/2023 20230608_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00036
6/8/2023 20230608_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00037
6/8/2023 20230608_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00038
6/8/2023 20230608_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00039
6/8/2023 20230608_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00040
6/8/2023 20230608_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00041
6/8/2023 20230608_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00263
6/8/2023 20230608_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00264
6/8/2023 20230608_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00265
6/8/2023 20230608_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00266
6/8/2023 20230608_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

6/8/2023 20230608_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

6/9/2023 20230609_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00143
6/9/2023 20230609_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00275
6/9/2023 20230609_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

6/12/2023 20230612_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00112
6/12/2023 20230612_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00246
6/12/2023 20230612_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

6/13/2023 20230613_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00190
6/13/2023 20230613_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00332
6/13/2023 20230613_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2020-00018
6/13/2023 20230613_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2021-00245
6/13/2023 20230613_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00109
6/13/2023 20230613_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00299
6/13/2023 20230613_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

6/13/2023 20230613_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00296
6/13/2023 20230613_PSC_ORDER01.pdf 2022-00190
6/13/2023 20230613_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00370
6/13/2023 20230613_PSC_ORDER01.pdf 2022-00370
6/13/2023 20230613_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00419
6/13/2023 20230613_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

6/13/2023 20230613_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00181
6/13/2023 20230613_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00251
6/15/2023 20230615_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00147
6/15/2023 20230615_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2021-00214
6/15/2023 20230615_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00317
6/15/2023 20230615_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00092
6/15/2023 20230615_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00163
6/15/2023 20230615_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2017-00119
6/15/2023 20230615_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

6/16/2023 DATA_REQUEST


6/16/2023 20230616_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00196
6/16/2023 20230616_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00364
6/16/2023 20230616_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00040
6/16/2023 20230616_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00153
6/19/2023 20230619_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

6/19/2023 20230619_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

6/20/2023 20230620_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00163
6/20/2023 20230620_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00192
6/20/2023 20230620_PSC_ORDER.pdf 20000387
6/20/2023 20230620_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00159
6/21/2023 PSC_Notice_of_Satisfaction


6/21/2023 20230621_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00132
6/21/2023 20230621_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00315
6/21/2023 20230621_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00096
6/21/2023 20230621_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00142
6/23/2023 20230623_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

6/23/2023 20230623_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

6/23/2023 20230623_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

6/23/2023 20230623_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00146
6/23/2023 20230623_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00145
6/23/2023 20230623_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2021-00370
6/26/2023 20230626_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

6/26/2023 20230626_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00344
6/26/2023 20230626_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

6/27/2023 20230627_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

6/27/2023 20230627_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

6/27/2023 20230627_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

6/27/2023 20230627_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00030
6/27/2023 20230627_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00179
6/27/2023 20230627_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00207
6/27/2023 20230627_STAFF_REPORT.pdf

Staff Report

6/28/2023 20230628_STAFF_REPORT.pdf

Staff Report

6/28/2023 20230628_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

6/29/2023 20230629_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00102
6/29/2023 20230629_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00158
6/29/2023 20230629_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00206
6/29/2023 20230629_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00097
6/29/2023 20230629_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00432
6/29/2023 20230629_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00211
6/29/2023 20230629_PSC_ORDER01.pdf 2022-00432
6/29/2023 20230629_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00178
6/29/2023 20230629_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2021-00206
6/30/2023 20230630_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

6/30/2023 20230630_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

6/30/2023 20230630_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00159
6/30/2023 20230630_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00162
6/30/2023 20230630_PSC_ORDER.pdf

Order *consolidated from 2023-00122

6/30/2023 20230630_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00122
6/30/2023 20230630_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2019-00065
6/30/2023 20230630_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00176
6/30/2023 20230630_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00184
6/30/2023 20230630_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00186
6/30/2023 20230630_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00189
6/30/2023 20230630_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00190
6/30/2023 20230630_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00136
6/30/2023 20230630_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00197
6/30/2023 20230630_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00158
6/30/2023 20230630_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00222
6/30/2023 20230630_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00144
6/30/2023 20230630_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00132
6/30/2023 20230630_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00387
6/30/2023 20230630_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00063
6/30/2023 20230630_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00193
6/30/2023 20230630_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00252
6/30/2023 20230630_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00117
7/3/2023 20230703_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00067


7/5/2023 20230705_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

7/5/2023 20230705_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

7/5/2023 20230705_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

7/5/2023 20230705_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

7/5/2023 20230705_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

7/5/2023 20230705_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

7/5/2023 20230705_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00377
7/5/2023 20230705_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00378
7/5/2023 20230705_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

7/5/2023 20230705_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00191
7/5/2023 20230705_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00244
7/7/2023 20230707_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

7/7/2023 20230707_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00159
7/7/2023 20230707_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

7/7/2023 20230707_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00291
7/7/2023 20230707_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

7/7/2023 20230707_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00153
7/7/2023 20230707_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00221
7/7/2023 20230707_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00432
7/7/2023 20230707_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00224
7/7/2023 20230707_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00225
7/10/2023 20230710_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00344
7/10/2023 20230710_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

7/10/2023 20230710_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00197
7/10/2023 20230710_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

7/10/2023 20230710_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2021-00386
7/11/2023 20230711_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00050
7/11/2023 20230711_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00051
7/11/2023 20230711_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00090
7/11/2023 20230711_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00366
7/12/2023 PSC_Notice_of_Satisfaction


7/12/2023 PSC_Notice_of_Satisfaction


7/12/2023 PSC_Notice_of_Satisfaction


7/12/2023 PSC_Notice_of_Satisfaction


7/12/2023 20230712_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00426
7/12/2023 20230712_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00175
7/12/2023 20230712_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00341
7/12/2023 20230712_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00387
7/12/2023 20230712_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00191
7/12/2023 20230712_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00145
7/12/2023 20230712_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00439
7/12/2023 20230712_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00078
7/12/2023 20230712_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

7/12/2023 20230712_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

7/12/2023 20230712_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2021-00064
7/12/2023 20230712_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00116
7/12/2023 20230712_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00117
7/12/2023 20230712_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00210
7/12/2023 20230712_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00136
7/13/2023 20230713_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

7/13/2023 20230713_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

7/13/2023 20230713_DATA_REQUEST01.pdf

Data Request

7/14/2023 20230714_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

7/14/2023 20230714_DATA_REQUEST01.pdf

Data Request

7/14/2023 20230714_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00402
7/14/2023 20230714_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00424
7/14/2023 20230714_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00208
7/14/2023 20230714_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

7/14/2023 20230714_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

7/17/2023 20230717_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

7/18/2023 20230718_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

7/18/2023 20230718_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

7/18/2023 20230718_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00158
7/19/2023 20230719_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00351
7/19/2023 20230719_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00120
7/19/2023 20230719_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

7/20/2023 DATA_REQUEST


7/20/2023 20230720_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00205
7/20/2023 20230720_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00159
7/20/2023 20230720_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

7/20/2023 20230720_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00204
7/20/2023 20230720_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

7/20/2023 20230720_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

7/20/2023 20230720_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2020-00154
7/21/2023 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: the Commission’s hearing in this case, scheduled for July 28, 2023, is hereby continued. The hearing shall take place on October 27, 2023, at 9 a.m. Eastern Daylight Time, at which all parties shall appear in accordance with the previously issued Scheduling Order.

7/21/2023 20230721_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00252
7/21/2023 20230721_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00177
7/21/2023 20230721_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00191
7/21/2023 20230721_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

7/21/2023 20230721_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00387
7/21/2023 20230721_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00237
7/21/2023 20230721_PSC_ORDER01.pdf 2022-00387
7/21/2023 20230721_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

7/21/2023 20230721_STAFF_REPORT.pdf

Staff Report

7/21/2023 20230721_STAFF_REPORT.pdf

Staff Report

7/24/2023 20230724_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00366
7/24/2023 20230724_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00367
7/24/2023 20230724_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

7/24/2023 20230724_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00088
7/24/2023 20230724_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

7/25/2023 PSC_ORDER

Final Order Entered: 1. Mr. Horton’s complaint against Duke Kentucky is denied. 2. A copy of this Order shall be served upon Mr. Horton by U.S. mail to 933 Hawkshead Lane, Erlanger, Kentucky 40108. 3. This case is closed and removed from the Commission's docket.

7/25/2023 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. Victory Gardens shall submit to the Commission, via email sent to [email protected] with the case number of this proceeding in the subject line of the message, a written response to the allegations contained in the Staff Incident Report within 20 days of receipt of this Order. 2. The July 28, 2023 hearing for this case is rescheduled. 3. Victory Gardens shall appear on October 27, 2023, at 9 a.m. Eastern Daylight Time, in the Richard Raff Hearing Room of the Commission’s offices at 211 Sower Boulevard in Frankfort, Kentucky, for the purpose of presenting evidence concerning the alleged violation of the Underground Facility Damage Prevention Act. 4. The October 27, 2023 hearing shall be conducted via video conferencing. 5. Victory Gardens shall attend the hearing by using the following link:; information and instructions are attached to this Order as Appendix B. 6. Victory Gardens shall notify the Commission at least ten days prior to the hearing if Victory Gardens is unable to appear by video conferencing and will therefore appear in person. 7. Any partnership, corporation, or business entity (including a limited liability company) must be represented by an attorney licensed to practice law in Kentucky, and such representation includes the filing of papers with and appearances at hearings before the Commission.

7/25/2023 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. Riverside Rock shall submit to the Commission, via email sent to [email protected] with the case number of this proceeding in the subject line of the message, a written response to the allegations contained in the Staff Incident Report within 20 days of receipt of this Order. 2. The July 28, 2023 hearing is rescheduled. 3. Riverside Rock shall appear on October 27, 2023, at 9 a.m. Eastern Daylight Time, in the Richard Raff Hearing Room of the Commission’s offices at 211 Sower Boulevard in Frankfort, Kentucky, for the purpose of presenting evidence concerning the alleged violation of the Underground Facility Damage Prevention Act. 4. The October 27, 2023 hearing shall be conducted via video conferencing. 5. Riverside Rock shall attend the hearing by using the following link:; information and instructions are attached to this Order as Appendix B. 6. Riverside Rock shall notify the Commission at least ten days prior to the hearing if Riverside Rock is unable to appear by video conferencing and will therefore appear in person. 7. Any partnership, corporation, or business entity (including a limited liability company) must be represented by an attorney licensed to practice law in Kentucky, and such representation includes the filing of papers with and appearances at hearings before the Commission.

7/25/2023 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. J & S Construction shall submit to the Commission, via email sent to [email protected] with the case number of this proceeding in the subject line of the message, a written response to the allegations contained in the Staff Incident Report within 20 days of receipt of this Order. 2. The July 28, 2023 hearing is rescheduled. 3. J & S Construction shall appear on October 27, 2023, at 9 a.m. Eastern Daylight Time, in the Richard Raff Hearing Room of the Commission’s offices at 211 Sower Boulevard in Frankfort, Kentucky, for the purpose of presenting evidence concerning the alleged violation of the Underground Facility Damage Prevention Act. 4. The October 27, 2023 hearing shall be conducted via video conferencing. 5. J & S Construction shall attend the hearing by using the following link:; information and instructions are attached to this Order as Appendix B. 6. J & S Construction shall notify the Commission at least ten days prior to the hearing if J & S Construction is unable to appear by video conferencing and will therefore appear in person. 7. Any partnership, corporation, or business entity (including a limited liability company) must be represented by an attorney licensed to practice law in Kentucky, and such representation includes the filing of papers with and appearances at hearings before the Commission.

7/25/2023 20230725_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00107
7/25/2023 20230725_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00191
7/25/2023 20230725_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00227
7/25/2023 20230725_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

7/25/2023 20230725_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

7/27/2023 20230727_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00214
7/27/2023 20230727_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00402
7/27/2023 20230727_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

7/27/2023 20230727_PSC_ORDER01.pdf 2022-00402
7/27/2023 20230727_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00218
7/27/2023 20230727_DATA_REQUEST01.pdf

Data Request

7/27/2023 20230727_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

7/27/2023 20230727_DATA_REQUEST02.pdf

Data Request

7/27/2023 20230727_STAFF_REPORT.pdf

Staff Report

7/27/2023 20230727_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00210
7/27/2023 20230727_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

7/27/2023 20230727_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00225
7/27/2023 20230727_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00424
7/28/2023 20230728_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2021-00398
7/28/2023 20230728_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

7/28/2023 20230728_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

7/28/2023 20230728_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00216
7/28/2023 20230728_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2021-00386
7/28/2023 20230728_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00226
7/28/2023 20230728_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00092
7/28/2023 20230728_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

7/28/2023 20230728_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

7/28/2023 20230728_DATA_REQUEST01.pdf

Data Request

7/31/2023 20230731_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00252
7/31/2023 20230731_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00183
7/31/2023 20230731_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00192
7/31/2023 20230731_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00222
7/31/2023 20230731_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00146
7/31/2023 20230731_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00177
7/31/2023 20230731_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00215
7/31/2023 20230731_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00219
7/31/2023 20230731_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00198
7/31/2023 20230731_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00197
7/31/2023 20230731_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00131
7/31/2023 20230731_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

8/1/2023 20230801_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00049
8/1/2023 20230801_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2021-00245
8/1/2023 20230801_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00272
8/1/2023 20230801_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2021-00378
8/1/2023 20230801_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2011-00450
8/2/2023 20230802_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00049
8/2/2023 20230802_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00177
8/2/2023 20230802_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00131
8/2/2023 20230802_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00020
8/2/2023 20230802_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00244
8/2/2023 20230802_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00203
8/2/2023 20230802_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00206
8/2/2023 20230802_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

8/2/2023 20230802_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00159
8/2/2023 20230802_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00005
8/2/2023 20230802_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00216
8/2/2023 20230802_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00112
8/3/2023 20230803_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00252
8/3/2023 20230803_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

8/3/2023 20230803_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00366
8/3/2023 20230803_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00367
8/3/2023 20230803_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00153
8/3/2023 20230803_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00158
8/3/2023 20230803_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00212
8/3/2023 20230803_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

8/3/2023 20230803_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00296
8/3/2023 20230803_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00039
8/3/2023 20230803_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00035
8/4/2023 20230804_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2021-00340
8/4/2023 20230804_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

8/4/2023 20230804_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00436
8/4/2023 20230804_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00146
8/4/2023 20230804_PSC_IC_NOTICE.pdf

Notice of Informal Conference

8/4/2023 20230804_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

8/4/2023 20230804_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2020-00121
8/4/2023 20230804_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

8/7/2023 20230807_PSC_IC_NOTICE.pdf

Notice of Informal Conference

8/7/2023 20230807_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00371
8/7/2023 20230807_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00161
8/7/2023 20230807_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00248
8/7/2023 20230807_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00025
8/7/2023 20230807_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00259
8/7/2023 20230807_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00098
8/7/2023 20230807_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

8/8/2023 20230808_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00182
8/8/2023 20230808_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2020-00385
8/8/2023 20230808_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2020-00019
8/8/2023 20230808_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00414
8/8/2023 20230808_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00240
8/8/2023 20230808_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00234
8/8/2023 20230808_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00037
8/8/2023 20230808_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

8/8/2023 20230808_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

8/9/2023 20230809_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

8/10/2023 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. EKPC’s motion for confidential treatment is granted. 2. The designated material granted confidential treatment by this Order shall not be placed in the public record or made available for public inspection for five years or until further Order of this Commission. 3. Use of the designated material granted confidential treatment by this Order in any Commission proceeding shall comply with 807 KAR 5:001, Section 13(9). 4. EKPC shall inform the Commission if the designated material granted confidential treatment by this Order becomes publicly available or no longer qualifies for confidential treatment.

8/10/2023 20230810_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00418
8/10/2023 20230810_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00002
8/10/2023 20230810_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00128
8/10/2023 20230810_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00189
8/10/2023 20230810_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00326
8/10/2023 20230810_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00404
8/10/2023 20230810_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00421
8/10/2023 20230810_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00422
8/10/2023 20230810_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00017
8/10/2023 20230810_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00028
8/10/2023 20230810_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00133
8/10/2023 20230810_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00159
8/10/2023 20230810_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

8/10/2023 20230810_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

8/11/2023 20230811_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00341
8/11/2023 20230811_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00159
8/11/2023 20230811_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00096
8/11/2023 20230811_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2021-00398
8/11/2023 20230811_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00224
8/11/2023 20230811_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00225
8/14/2023 20230814_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

8/14/2023 20230814_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

8/14/2023 20230814_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00432
8/14/2023 20230814_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00131
8/14/2023 20230814_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00366
8/14/2023 20230814_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00367
8/15/2023 20230815_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

8/15/2023 20230815_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

8/15/2023 20230815_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

8/15/2023 20230815_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00238
8/15/2023 20230815_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00364
8/15/2023 20230815_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00074
8/15/2023 20230815_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00245
8/16/2023 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. Duke Kentucky shall satisfy the matters complained of or file a written answer to the complaint within ten days from the date of service of this Order. 2. If Duke Kentucky does not satisfy the matters complained of, it shall file with its written answer copies of the following records: a. Billing statements for the account of record for gas service to the residence at 10372 Calvary Road, Independence, Kentucky 41051, for the two billing cycles before the replacement of the meter at said address through the current billing cycle. b. Meter test records for the meter removed from service on or about August 2, 2022, at 10372 Calvary Road, Independence, Kentucky 41051, including the accuracy test records required by 807 KAR 5:022, Section 3(2)(a)(3), and records that show the last usage read of the meter before its removal from service. c. Communications regarding gas service to 10372 Calvary Road, Independence, Kentucky 41051, between Lucas and Duke Kentucky, including email messages, written communications, and notes of telephonic or other oral communications. d. All other matters that Duke Kentucky deems relevant to the matters raised in the Lucas Complaint. 3. A copy of this Order shall be served on the Complainant, Rhonda Lynne Lucas, by U.S. certified mail, return receipt requested at 10372 Calvary Road, Independence, Kentucky 41051.

8/16/2023 20230816_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00040
8/16/2023 20230816_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00005
8/16/2023 20230816_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00098
8/16/2023 20230816_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00217
8/16/2023 20230816_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00159
8/16/2023 20230816_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00238
8/16/2023 20230816_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00432
8/16/2023 20230816_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00402
8/16/2023 20230816_PSC_ORDER01.pdf 2022-00432
8/16/2023 20230816_PSC_ORDER02.pdf 2022-00432
8/16/2023 20230816_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00043
8/16/2023 20230816_PSC_ORDER01.pdf 2023-00159
8/17/2023 DATA_REQUEST


8/17/2023 20230817_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00243
8/17/2023 20230817_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

8/17/2023 20230817_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00213
8/17/2023 20230817_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00402
8/18/2023 20230818_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00402
8/18/2023 20230818_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00366
8/18/2023 20230818_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

8/18/2023 20230818_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00367
8/18/2023 20230818_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

8/18/2023 20230818_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00253
8/18/2023 20230818_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00010
8/18/2023 20230818_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00086
8/18/2023 20230818_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00027
8/18/2023 20230818_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00315
8/18/2023 20230818_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00211
8/18/2023 20230818_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00372
8/18/2023 20230818_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00279
8/18/2023 20230818_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00262
8/18/2023 20230818_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00306
8/18/2023 20230818_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00156
8/18/2023 20230818_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00159
8/21/2023 20230821_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00144
8/21/2023 20230821_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

8/21/2023 20230821_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00075
8/21/2023 20230821_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00131
8/21/2023 20230821_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

8/21/2023 20230821_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00220
8/22/2023 PSC_ORDER

Final Order Entered: 1. Mr. Burrell’s complaint against Farmdale District is denied. 2. This case is closed and removed from the Commission's docket.

8/22/2023 20230822_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2018-00294
8/22/2023 20230822_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2018-00295
8/22/2023 20230822_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2021-00453
8/22/2023 20230822_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2021-00461
8/22/2023 20230822_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00251
8/22/2023 20230822_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

8/22/2023 20230822_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00111
8/22/2023 20230822_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00157
8/22/2023 20230822_STAFF_REPORT.pdf

Staff Report

8/24/2023 20230824_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00215
8/24/2023 20230824_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

8/24/2023 20230824_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00136
8/24/2023 20230824_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2021-00398
8/24/2023 20230824_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

8/24/2023 20230824_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

8/24/2023 20230824_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00159
8/24/2023 20230824_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00163
8/25/2023 20230825_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2019-00360
8/25/2023 20230825_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2021-00295
8/25/2023 20230825_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00262
8/25/2023 20230825_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00272
8/25/2023 20230825_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2019-00104
8/25/2023 20230825_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00139
8/28/2023 20230828_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2021-00141
8/28/2023 20230828_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00033
8/28/2023 20230828_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00223
8/28/2023 20230828_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00250
8/28/2023 20230828_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00251
8/28/2023 20230828_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00238
8/28/2023 20230828_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00248
8/28/2023 20230828_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00395
8/28/2023 20230828_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00402
8/28/2023 20230828_PSC_ORDER01.pdf 2022-00402
8/28/2023 20230828_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00404
8/28/2023 20230828_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

8/28/2023 20230828_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00387
8/29/2023 20230829_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00128
8/29/2023 20230829_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00275
8/30/2023 20230830_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

8/30/2023 20230830_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00432
8/30/2023 20230830_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00258
8/30/2023 20230830_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00402
8/31/2023 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. LG&E shall respond to this request for documents within 15 days of service of this Order by providing the following: a. All records pertaining to the basis of disconnecting Mr. Greenberg’s service; b. Copies of Mr. Greenberg’s bills regarding the disconnection of Mr. Greenberg’s service on February 17, 2023; c. Copies of all written communication with Mr. Greenberg related to LG&E disconnecting his service on February 17, 2023; d. All records of in person or telephonic communication with Mr. Greenberg related to LG&E disconnecting his service on February 17, 2023. 2. A copy of this Order shall be served on LG&E for the sole purpose of requesting necessary documents to assist the Commission in determining whether the complaint establishes a prima facie case. 3. A copy of this Order shall be served on Mr. Greenberg by U.S. certified mail, return receipt requested at 7000 Hadley Court, Louisville, Kentucky 40241. 4. LG&E shall serve a copy of its response on Mr. Greenberg at 7000 Hadley Court, Louisville, Kentucky 40241. 5. LG&E shall respond to any additional requests for information propounded by Commission Staff, as provided in those requests. 6. Nothing contained in this Order shall prevent the Commission from entering further Orders in this matter.

8/31/2023 PSC_ORDER01

Order Entered: 1. Within 15 days of the date of this Order, Mr. Greenberg shall file with the Commission: a. The reason given by LG&E for disconnecting his electric service; b. Copies of any bills or written correspondence with LG&E regarding disconnecting his electric service on February 17, 2023; c. A summary of any in person or telephone conversations with LG&E regarding disconnecting his electric service. 2. Pursuant to the Commission’s Order in Case No. 2020-00085,² any documents filed pursuant to ordering paragraph 1 shall be filed by electronic mail at [email protected], and each message should include the case number in the subject line of the message and a read receipt to ensure the Commission received the message and documents. 3. Mr. Greenberg shall respond to any additional requests for information propounded by Commission Staff, as provided in those requests. 4. A copy of this Order shall be served on Mr. Greenberg by U.S. certified mail, return receipt requested at 7000 Hadley Court, Louisville, Kentucky 40241. 5. Nothing contained in this Order shall prevent the Commission from entering further Orders in this matter.

8/31/2023 20230831_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00201
8/31/2023 20230831_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00312
8/31/2023 20230831_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00366
8/31/2023 20230831_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00402
8/31/2023 20230831_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00152
8/31/2023 20230831_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00232
8/31/2023 20230831_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00271
9/1/2023 20230901_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00400
9/1/2023 20230901_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00194
9/1/2023 20230901_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

9/1/2023 20230901_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

9/5/2023 20230905_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00241
9/5/2023 20230905_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00372
9/5/2023 20230905_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00280
9/6/2023 20230906_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00008
9/6/2023 20230906_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00009
9/6/2023 20230906_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00010
9/6/2023 20230906_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00011
9/6/2023 20230906_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00012
9/6/2023 20230906_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00013
9/6/2023 20230906_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00014
9/6/2023 20230906_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00015
9/6/2023 20230906_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

9/6/2023 20230906_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

9/6/2023 20230906_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

9/7/2023 20230907_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

9/7/2023 20230907_STAFF_REPORT.pdf

Staff Report

9/7/2023 20230907_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

9/7/2023 20230907_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00191
9/7/2023 20230907_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

9/7/2023 20230907_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

9/7/2023 20230907_DATA_REQUEST01.pdf

Data Request

9/7/2023 20230907_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00433
9/7/2023 20230907_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

9/8/2023 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. Within 20 days of the date of service of this Order, Ms. Edwards shall file with the Commission: a. An explanation of the circumstances that caused the pipe(s) to break; b. The date and time of the incident; c. The length of the incident; d. The location of the broken pipe; e. A copy of the work order done by Ms. Edwards’ contractor to shut off her water. f. Any documentation of phone calls, emails, or letters between Ms. Edwards and North Mercer District regarding the incident. g. Copies of any bills from North Mercer District regarding the alleged incident; h. A summary of any in person or telephone conversations with North Mercer District regarding the alleged incident. 2. Ms. Edwards shall file the documents required in ordering paragraph 1 with the Commission by U.S. mail at P.O. Box 615, Frankfort, Kentucky, 40602-0615, or by email at [email protected]. 3. Ms. Edwards shall respond to any additional requests for information propounded by Commission Staff, as provided in those requests. 4. A copy of this Order shall be served on Ms. Edwards by U.S. certified mail, return receipt requested at 224 W. Factory Street, Harrodsburg, Kentucky 40330. 5. Nothing contained in this Order shall prevent the Commission from entering further Orders in this matter.

9/8/2023 PSC_ORDER01

Order Entered: 1. North Mercer District shall respond to this request for documents within 20 days of service of this Order by providing the following: a. The circumstances that caused the pipe(s) to break, if known to North Mercer District; b. The date and time of the incident, if known to North Mercer District; c. The date and time North Mercer District first learned of the incident; d. A copy of the work order to shut off Ms. Edwards’ water; e. Any documentation of phone calls, emails, or letters between Ms. Edwards and North Mercer District regarding the incident. f. Copies of any bills to Ms. Edwards regarding the alleged incident; g. A summary of any in person or telephone conversations between North Mercer District and Ms. Edwards regarding the alleged incident. 2. A copy of this Order shall be served on North Mercer District for the sole purpose of requesting necessary documents to assist the Commission in determining whether the complaint establishes a prima facie case. 3. A copy of this Order shall be served on Ms. Edwards by U.S. certified mail, return receipt requested at 224 W. Factory Street, Harrodsburg, Kentucky 40330. 4. North Mercer District shall serve a copy of its response on Ms. Edwards at 224 W. Factory Street, Harrodsburg, Kentucky 40330. 5. North Mercer District shall respond to any additional requests for information propounded by Commission Staff, as provided in those requests.

9/8/2023 20230908_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00296
9/8/2023 20230908_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00216
9/8/2023 20230908_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00005
9/8/2023 20230908_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00154
9/8/2023 20230908_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2020-00387
9/8/2023 20230908_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00293
9/8/2023 20230908_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00273
9/8/2023 20230908_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00314
9/8/2023 20230908_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00211
9/8/2023 20230908_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00368
9/11/2023 20230911_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

9/11/2023 20230911_DATA_REQUEST01.pdf

Data Request

9/11/2023 20230911_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

9/11/2023 20230911_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

9/12/2023 20230912_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00183
9/12/2023 20230912_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00159
9/12/2023 20230912_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00185
9/12/2023 20230912_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00135
9/12/2023 20230912_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2021-00141
9/14/2023 20230914_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00153
9/14/2023 20230914_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2021-00370
9/14/2023 20230914_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00163
9/14/2023 20230914_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00269
9/15/2023 20230915_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2021-00340
9/15/2023 20230915_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

9/15/2023 20230915_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

9/15/2023 20230915_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

9/15/2023 20230915_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

9/15/2023 20230915_STAFF_REPORT.pdf

Staff Report

9/15/2023 20230915_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00372
9/15/2023 20230915_STAFF_REPORT.pdf

Staff Report

9/15/2023 20230915_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00256
9/15/2023 20230915_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00266
9/15/2023 20230915_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00268
9/15/2023 20230915_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00424
9/15/2023 20230915_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00432
9/15/2023 20230915_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00284
9/18/2023 20230918_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00008
9/19/2023 20230919_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00351
9/19/2023 20230919_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00371
9/19/2023 20230919_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00372
9/19/2023 20230919_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2021-00341
9/19/2023 20230919_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

9/19/2023 20230919_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

9/19/2023 20230919_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00223
9/19/2023 20230919_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00038
9/19/2023 20230919_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2016-00059
9/19/2023 20230919_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

9/20/2023 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. Alexander and Son General Contracting shall appear on October 27, 2023, at 9 a.m. Eastern Daylight Time, in the Richard Raff Hearing Room of the Commission’s offices at 211 Sower Boulevard in Frankfort, Kentucky, for the purpose of presenting evidence concerning the alleged violation of the Underground Facility Damage Prevention Act. 2. The October 27, 2023 hearing shall be conducted via video conferencing. 3. Alexander and Son General Contracting shall attend the hearing by using the following link:; information and instructions are attached to this Order as Appendix B. 4. Alexander and Son General Contracting shall notify the Commission at least ten days prior to the hearing if Alexander and Son General Contracting is unable to appear by video conferencing and will therefore appear in person. 6. Any partnership, corporation, or business entity (including a limited liability company) must be represented by an attorney licensed to practice law in Kentucky, and such representation includes the filing of papers with and appearances at hearings before the Commission. 7. An individual may submit a response to the allegations contained in the Commission Staff Incident Report without the representation of an attorney. 8. The Commission Staff Incident Report 53981, attached to this Order as Appendix A, is made a part of the record in this case. 9. The October 27, 2023 hear

9/20/2023 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. Phillips Waterproofing and Concrete shall submit to the Commission, via email sent to [email protected] with the case number of this proceeding in the subject line of the message, a written response to the allegations contained in the Staff Incident Report within 20 days of receipt of this Order. 2. Phillips Waterproofing and Concrete shall appear on October 27, 2023, at 9 a.m. Eastern Daylight Time, in the Richard Raff Hearing Room of the Commission’s offices at 211 Sower Boulevard in Frankfort, Kentucky, for the purpose of presenting evidence concerning the alleged violation of the Underground Facility Damage Prevention Act. 3. The October 27, 2023 hearing shall be conducted via video conferencing. 4. Phillips Waterproofing and Concrete shall attend the hearing by using the following link:; information and instructions are attached to this Order as Appendix B. 5. Phillips Waterproofing and Concrete shall notify the Commission at least ten days prior to the hearing if Phillips Waterproofing and Concrete is unable to appear by video conferencing and will therefore appear in person. 6. Any partnership, corporation, or business entity (including a limited liability company) must be represented by an attorney licensed to practice law in Kentucky, and such representation includes the filing of papers with and appearances at hearings before the Commission.

9/20/2023 20230920_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00241
9/20/2023 20230920_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00143
9/20/2023 20230920_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00147
9/20/2023 20230920_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

9/20/2023 20230920_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00246
9/21/2023 20230921_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00251
9/21/2023 20230921_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

9/22/2023 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. Phillips Waterproofing and Concrete shall submit to the Commission, via email sent to [email protected] with the case number of this proceeding in the subject line of the message, a written response to the allegations contained in the Staff Incident Report within 20 days of receipt of this Order. 2. Phillips Waterproofing and Concrete shall appear on October 27, 2023, at 9 a.m. Eastern Daylight Time, in the Richard Raff Hearing Room of the Commission’s offices at 211 Sower Boulevard in Frankfort, Kentucky, for the purpose of presenting evidence concerning the alleged violation of the Underground Facility Damage Prevention Act. 3. The October 27, 2023 hearing shall be conducted via video conferencing. 4. Phillips Waterproofing and Concrete shall attend the hearing by using the following link:; information and instructions are attached to this Order as Appendix B. 5. Phillips Waterproofing and Concrete shall notify the Commission at least ten days prior to the hearing if Phillips Waterproofing and Concrete is unable to appear by video conferencing and will therefore appear in person.

9/22/2023 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. Phillips Waterproofing and Concrete shall submit to the Commission, via email sent to [email protected] with the case number of this proceeding in the subject line of the message, a written response to the allegations contained in the Staff Incident Report within 20 days of receipt of this Order. 2. Phillips Waterproofing and Concrete shall appear on October 27, 2023, at 9 a.m. Eastern Daylight Time, in the Richard Raff Hearing Room of the Commission’s offices at 211 Sower Boulevard in Frankfort, Kentucky, for the purpose of presenting evidence concerning the alleged violation of the Underground Facility Damage Prevention Act. 3. The October 27, 2023 hearing shall be conducted via video conferencing. 4. Phillips Waterproofing and Concrete shall attend the hearing by using the following link:; information and instructions are attached to this Order as Appendix B. 5. Phillips Waterproofing and Concrete shall notify the Commission at least ten days prior to the hearing if Phillips Waterproofing and Concrete is unable to appear by video conferencing and will therefore appear in person.

9/22/2023 20230922_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

9/22/2023 20230922_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00272
9/22/2023 20230922_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00314
9/22/2023 20230922_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00432
9/22/2023 20230922_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00291
9/22/2023 20230922_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00290
9/22/2023 20230922_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00181
9/22/2023 20230922_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00287
9/22/2023 20230922_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00242
9/22/2023 20230922_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00278
9/22/2023 20230922_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00274
9/22/2023 20230922_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00277
9/22/2023 20230922_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

9/22/2023 20230922_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00270
9/22/2023 20230922_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00286
9/22/2023 20230922_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

9/25/2023 20230925_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00252
9/25/2023 20230925_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00295
9/25/2023 20230925_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00294
9/25/2023 20230925_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00183
9/25/2023 20230925_PSC_IC_NOTICE.pdf

Notice of Informal Conference

9/25/2023 20230925_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00147
9/27/2023 20230927_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00095
9/27/2023 20230927_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00318
9/27/2023 20230927_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2021-00370
9/27/2023 20230927_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00274
9/27/2023 20230927_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00372
9/27/2023 20230927_STAFF_REPORT.pdf

Staff Report

9/27/2023 20230927_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00312
9/27/2023 20230927_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00150
9/27/2023 20230927_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00246
9/27/2023 20230927_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00263
9/27/2023 20230927_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00305
9/28/2023 20230928_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00147
9/28/2023 20230928_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

9/28/2023 20230928_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00252
9/28/2023 20230928_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00223
9/28/2023 20230928_PSC_ORDER01.pdf 2023-00223
9/28/2023 20230928_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

9/28/2023 20230928_STAFF_REPORT.pdf

Staff Report

9/28/2023 20230928_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

9/29/2023 20230929_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00231
9/29/2023 20230929_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00030
10/2/2023 20231002_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2021-00341
10/2/2023 20231002_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00239
10/2/2023 20231002_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00159
10/2/2023 20231002_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00292
10/3/2023 PSC_Notice_of_Satisfaction


10/3/2023 20231003_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

10/3/2023 20231003_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

10/3/2023 20231003_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00158
10/3/2023 20231003_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00281
10/3/2023 20231003_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00263
10/3/2023 20231003_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00264
10/3/2023 20231003_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00116
10/3/2023 20231003_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00089
10/3/2023 20231003_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00344
10/3/2023 20231003_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00363
10/3/2023 20231003_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00309
10/3/2023 20231003_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00297
10/3/2023 20231003_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00314
10/3/2023 20231003_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00254
10/3/2023 20231003_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00038
10/4/2023 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. Ms. Vowels shall respond to Commission Staff’s First Request for Information as provided in Appendix A attached to this Order. 2. Ms. Vowels shall respond to any additional requests for information propounded by Commission Staff, as provided in those requests. 3. LG&E shall respond to Commission Staff’s First Request for Information as provided in Appendix B attached to this Order. 4. LG&E shall respond to any additional requests for information propounded by Commission Staff, as provided in those requests. 5. A copy of this Order shall be served on Ms. Vowels by electronic service as requested in her September 8, 2023 filing.¹ 6. Nothing contained in this Order shall prevent the Commission from entering further Orders in this matter.

10/4/2023 20231004_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00019
10/5/2023 20231005_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

10/5/2023 20231005_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00062
10/5/2023 20231005_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

10/5/2023 20231005_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

10/5/2023 20231005_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

10/5/2023 20231005_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00291
10/5/2023 20231005_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

10/5/2023 20231005_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

10/5/2023 20231005_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

10/5/2023 20231005_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00228
10/6/2023 20231006_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00263
10/6/2023 20231006_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00306
10/6/2023 20231006_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00233
10/6/2023 20231006_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00220
10/6/2023 20231006_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2021-00248
10/6/2023 20231006_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00282
10/6/2023 20231006_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2021-00343
10/6/2023 20231006_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00126
10/6/2023 20231006_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00180
10/6/2023 20231006_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

10/6/2023 20231006_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00285
10/6/2023 20231006_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00387
10/6/2023 20231006_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00040
10/6/2023 20231006_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00147
10/6/2023 20231006_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

10/6/2023 20231006_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00183
10/6/2023 20231006_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

10/6/2023 20231006_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

10/9/2023 20231009_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00159
10/9/2023 20231009_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00183
10/9/2023 20231009_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00332
10/9/2023 20231009_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00318
10/9/2023 20231009_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00275
10/9/2023 20231009_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00316
10/9/2023 20231009_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00202
10/9/2023 20231009_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00305
10/9/2023 20231009_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00235
10/9/2023 20231009_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00276
10/10/2023 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. Within 20 days of the date of service of this Order, Mr. Jouett may file additional information into the record in support of his complaint. 2. Mr. Jouett shall file the documents pursuant to ordering paragraph 1 by electronic mail to [email protected] or by US Mail to P.O. Box 615, Frankfort KY 40602- 0615, referencing the case number for this proceeding. 3. A copy of this Order shall be served on the Complainant, Richard Jouett, by U.S. certified mail, return receipt requested at 2379 Harrods Pointe Trace, Lexington, Kentucky 40514.

10/10/2023 20231010_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00012
10/10/2023 20231010_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00014
10/10/2023 20231010_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00191
10/10/2023 20231010_PSC_ORDER01.pdf 2023-00191
10/10/2023 20231010_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00218
10/10/2023 20231010_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00318
10/10/2023 20231010_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00402
10/10/2023 20231010_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00210
10/10/2023 20231010_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00276
10/10/2023 20231010_PSC_IC_NOTICE.pdf

Notice of Informal Conference

10/10/2023 20231010_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

10/10/2023 20231010_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

10/11/2023 20231011_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

10/11/2023 20231011_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00258
10/11/2023 20231011_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

10/11/2023 20231011_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

10/11/2023 20231011_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

10/12/2023 20231012_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2019-00101
10/12/2023 20231012_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

10/12/2023 20231012_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00124
10/12/2023 20231012_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00140
10/12/2023 20231012_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00246
10/12/2023 20231012_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00312
10/12/2023 20231012_PSC_ORDER01.pdf 2023-00312
10/12/2023 20231012_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00276
10/12/2023 20231012_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00372
10/12/2023 20231012_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00279
10/12/2023 20231012_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00131
10/12/2023 20231012_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

10/13/2023 20231013_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00247
10/13/2023 20231013_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

10/13/2023 20231013_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

10/13/2023 20231013_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

10/16/2023 20231016_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00400
10/16/2023 20231016_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00240
10/16/2023 20231016_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00126
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10/16/2023 20231016_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00319
10/17/2023 PSC_ORDER

IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that the hearing scheduled for October 27, 2023, is canceled and the Commission’s investigation of Damage Incident 43501 is hereby dismissed without prejudice, closed, and is removed from the Commission’s docket.

10/17/2023 20231017_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

10/17/2023 20231017_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00079
10/17/2023 20231017_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00252
10/17/2023 20231017_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00213
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10/17/2023 20231017_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00342
10/18/2023 20231018_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00220
10/18/2023 20231018_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00223
10/19/2023 20231019_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

10/19/2023 20231019_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00274
10/19/2023 20231019_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

10/19/2023 20231019_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

10/19/2023 20231019_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

10/20/2023 20231020_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00195
10/20/2023 20231020_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00347
10/20/2023 20231020_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00245
10/20/2023 20231020_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00267
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10/20/2023 20231020_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00218
10/20/2023 20231020_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00321
10/24/2023 DATA_REQUEST


10/24/2023 DATA_REQUEST01


10/24/2023 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. Ms. Vowels’ complaint is rejected for filing for failing to state a prima facie case. 2. Ms. Vowels shall have 20 days from the date of service of this Order to file an amended complaint with the Commission that conforms to the requirements of 807 KAR 5:001, Section 20(1), and that states a prima facie case. 3. Ms. Vowels may file her amended complaint with the Commission by U.S. mail to P.O. Box 615, Frankfort, Kentucky 40602-0615 or by email to [email protected]. Ms. Vowels shall include the case number, 2023-00288, in all filings with the Commission. 4. A copy of this Order shall be served upon Ms. Vowels by U.S. mail to 1153 Ellerholt Court, Louisville, Kentucky 40211.

10/24/2023 20231024_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00372
10/24/2023 20231024_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00296
10/24/2023 20231024_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00090
10/25/2023 20231025_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00424
10/26/2023 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. Phillips Waterproofing and Concrete shall submit to the Commission, via email sent to [email protected] with the case number of this proceeding in the subject line of the message, a written response to the allegations contained in the Staff Incident Report within 20 days of receipt of this Order. 2. The October 27, 2023 hearing date is rescheduled. 3. Phillips Waterproofing and Concrete shall appear on January 26, 2024, at 9 a.m. Eastern Standard Time, in the Richard Raff Hearing Room of the Commission’s offices at 211 Sower Boulevard in Frankfort, Kentucky, for the purpose of presenting evidence concerning the alleged violation of the Underground Facility Damage Prevention Act. 4. The January 26, 2024 hearing shall be conducted via video conferencing. 5. Phillips Waterproofing and Concrete shall attend the hearing by using the following link:; information and instructions are attached to this Order as Appendix B. 6. Phillips Waterproofing and Concrete shall notify the Commission at least ten days prior to the hearing if Phillips Waterproofing and Concrete is unable to appear by video conferencing and will therefore appear in person.

10/26/2023 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. Alexander and Son General Contracting, LLC shall submit to the Commission, via email sent to [email protected] with the case number of this proceeding in the subject line of the message, a written response to the allegations contained in the Staff Incident Report within 20 days of receipt of this Order. 2. The October 27, 2023 hearing date is rescheduled. 3. Alexander and Son General Contracting, LLC shall appear on January 26, 2024, at 9 a.m. Eastern Standard Time, in the Richard Raff Hearing Room of the Commission’s offices at 211 Sower Boulevard in Frankfort, Kentucky, for the purpose of presenting evidence concerning the alleged violation of the Underground Facility Damage Prevention Act. 4. The January 26, 2024 hearing shall be conducted via video conferencing. 5. Alexander and Son General Contracting, LLC shall attend the hearing by using the following link: hearing; information and instructions are attached to this Order as Appendix B. 6. Alexander and Son General Contracting, LLC shall notify the Commission at least ten days prior to the hearing if Alexander and Son General Contracting, LLC is unable to appear by video conferencing and will therefore appear in person.

10/26/2023 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. Ms. Ansermet’s complaint is rejected for filing for failing to state a prima facie case. 2. Ms. Ansermet shall have 20 days from the date of service of this Order to file an amended complaint with the Commission that conforms to the requirements of 807 KAR 5:001E, Section 20(1), and that states a prima facie case. 3. Ms. Ansermet may file her amended complaint with the Commission by U.S. mail to P.O. Box 615, Frankfort, Kentucky 40602-0615 or by email to [email protected]. Ms. Ansermet shall include the case number, 2023-00255, in all filings with the Commission. A copy of this Order shall be served upon Ms. Ansermet by U.S. mail to 210 Boone Street, Berea, Kentucky 40403-1605.

10/26/2023 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. Phillips Waterproofing and Concrete shall submit to the Commission, via email sent to [email protected] with the case number of this proceeding in the subject line of the message, a written response to the allegations contained in the Staff Incident Report within 20 days of receipt of this Order. 2. The October 27, 2023 hearing date is rescheduled. 3. Phillips Waterproofing and Concrete shall appear on January 26, 2024, at 9 a.m. Eastern Daylight Time, in the Richard Raff Hearing Room of the Commission’s offices at 211 Sower Boulevard in Frankfort, Kentucky, for the purpose of presenting evidence concerning the alleged violation of the Underground Facility Damage Prevention Act. 4. The January 26, 2024 hearing shall be conducted via video conferencing. 5. Phillips Waterproofing and Concrete shall attend the hearing by using the following link:; information and instructions are attached to this Order as Appendix B. 6. Phillips Waterproofing and Concrete shall notify the Commission at least ten days prior to the hearing if Phillips Waterproofing and Concrete is unable to appear by video conferencing and will therefore appear in person.

10/26/2023 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. Phillips Waterproofing and Concrete shall submit to the Commission, via email sent to [email protected] with the case number of this proceeding in the subject line of the message, a written response to the allegations contained in the Staff Incident Report within 20 days of receipt of this Order. 2. The October 27, 2023 hearing date is rescheduled. 3. Phillips Waterproofing and Concrete shall appear on January 26, 2024, at 9 a.m. Eastern Standard Time, in the Richard Raff Hearing Room of the Commission’s offices at 211 Sower Boulevard in Frankfort, Kentucky, for the purpose of presenting evidence concerning the alleged violation of the Underground Facility Damage Prevention Act. 4. The January 26, 2024 hearing shall be conducted via video conferencing. 5. Phillips Waterproofing and Concrete shall attend the hearing by using the following link:; information and instructions are attached to this Order as Appendix B. 6. Phillips Waterproofing and Concrete shall notify the Commission at least ten days prior to the hearing if Phillips Waterproofing and Concrete is unable to appear by video conferencing and will therefore appear in person.

10/26/2023 20231026_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00300
10/26/2023 20231026_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2021-00327
10/26/2023 20231026_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00120
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10/26/2023 20231026_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00315
10/26/2023 20231026_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00272
10/27/2023 20231027_STAFF_REPORT.pdf

Staff Report

10/27/2023 20231027_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00324
10/27/2023 20231027_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

10/30/2023 DATA_REQUEST


10/30/2023 20231030_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

10/30/2023 20231030_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

10/30/2023 20231030_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00372
10/30/2023 20231030_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00154
10/30/2023 20231030_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00298
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10/30/2023 20231030_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00328
10/30/2023 20231030_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00159
10/30/2023 20231030_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00313
10/30/2023 20231030_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

10/30/2023 20231030_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00325
10/30/2023 20231030_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00088
10/30/2023 20231030_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00347
10/30/2023 20231030_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00049
10/30/2023 20231030_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

10/30/2023 20231030_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00147
10/30/2023 20231030_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

10/30/2023 20231030_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00309
10/31/2023 20231031_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00329
10/31/2023 20231031_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00344
10/31/2023 20231031_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00089
10/31/2023 20231031_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00091
10/31/2023 20231031_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00159
10/31/2023 20231031_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00207
10/31/2023 20231031_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00314
10/31/2023 20231031_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00348
10/31/2023 20231031_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00366
10/31/2023 20231031_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00351
10/31/2023 20231031_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00367
10/31/2023 20231031_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00276
10/31/2023 20231031_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00153
11/1/2023 20231101_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

11/1/2023 20231101_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

11/1/2023 20231101_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

11/1/2023 20231101_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00181
11/1/2023 20231101_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

11/1/2023 20231101_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

11/3/2023 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. AT&T Mobility’s petition for confidential treatment is granted. 2. The designated material granted confidential treatment by this Order shall not be placed in the public record or made available for public inspection for ten years or until further Order of this Commission. 3. Use of the designated material granted confidential treatment by this Order in any Commission proceeding shall comply with 807 KAR 5:001, Section 13(9). 4. AT&T Mobility shall inform the Commission if the designated material granted confidential treatment by this Order becomes publicly available or no longer qualifies for confidential treatment.

11/3/2023 20231103_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2021-00072
11/3/2023 20231103_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00326
11/3/2023 20231103_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

11/3/2023 20231103_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00296
11/3/2023 20231103_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00123
11/3/2023 20231103_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00125
11/3/2023 20231103_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00323
11/3/2023 20231103_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00247
11/3/2023 20231103_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00231
11/3/2023 20231103_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

11/3/2023 20231103_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

11/3/2023 20231103_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00310
11/3/2023 20231103_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

11/6/2023 20231106_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00402
11/7/2023 20231107_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00095
11/7/2023 20231107_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

11/7/2023 20231107_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

11/7/2023 20231107_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

11/8/2023 20231108_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

11/8/2023 20231108_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

11/8/2023 20231108_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

11/8/2023 20231108_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

11/9/2023 20231109_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00341
11/9/2023 20231109_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00349
11/9/2023 20231109_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00159
11/9/2023 20231109_PSC_ORDER01.pdf 2023-00159
11/9/2023 20231109_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

11/9/2023 20231109_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00330
11/9/2023 20231109_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2020-00387
11/13/2023 20231113_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2020-00141
11/13/2023 20231113_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2021-00340
11/13/2023 20231113_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

11/13/2023 20231113_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00263
11/13/2023 20231113_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00271
11/13/2023 20231113_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00357
11/13/2023 20231113_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00239
11/13/2023 20231113_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00365
11/13/2023 20231113_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00088
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11/13/2023 20231113_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00318
11/13/2023 20231113_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00310
11/14/2023 20231114_PSC_IC_NOTICE.pdf

Notice of Informal Conference

11/14/2023 20231114_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00402
11/14/2023 20231114_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00158
11/14/2023 20231114_STAFF_REPORT.pdf

Staff Report

11/14/2023 20231114_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00159
11/14/2023 20231114_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

11/15/2023 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. LG&E shall file a response within 20 days of the date of this Order to show cause why it should not be subject to civil penalties pursuant to KRS 278.990(1). 2. A copy of this Order shall be served on the Complainant, Jeffrey Greenberg, by U.S. certified mail, return receipt requested at 7000 Hadley Ct. Louisville, KY 40241.

11/15/2023 20231115_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

11/15/2023 20231115_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

11/15/2023 20231115_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00369
11/15/2023 20231115_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00370
11/15/2023 20231115_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00200
11/16/2023 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. KU shall satisfy the matters complained of or file a written answer, with the assistance of counsel, to the complaint within ten days from the date of service of this Order. 2. A copy of this Order shall be served on Hawkins Plumbing, Inc., by U.S. certified mail, return receipt requested, at 901 US-42, Carrollton, Kentucky 41008.

11/16/2023 20231116_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00403
11/16/2023 20231116_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

11/17/2023 20231117_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00191
11/17/2023 20231117_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00431
11/17/2023 20231117_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

11/17/2023 20231117_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

11/20/2023 20231120_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00009
11/20/2023 20231120_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00010
11/20/2023 20231120_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00008
11/20/2023 20231120_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00213
11/20/2023 20231120_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00011
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11/20/2023 20231120_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00402
11/20/2023 20231120_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00331
11/20/2023 20231120_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00285
11/20/2023 20231120_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00131
11/21/2023 20231121_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00372
11/21/2023 20231121_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

11/21/2023 20231121_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

11/22/2023 20231122_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00159
11/22/2023 20231122_PSC_ORDER01.pdf 2023-00159
11/22/2023 20231122_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00366
11/22/2023 20231122_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00334
11/22/2023 20231122_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

11/22/2023 20231122_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00343
11/22/2023 20231122_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00213
11/22/2023 20231122_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

11/22/2023 20231122_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00372
11/22/2023 20231122_PSC_ORDER02.pdf 2023-00159
11/22/2023 20231122_PSC_ORDER01.pdf 2022-00372
11/27/2023 20231127_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00159
11/27/2023 20231127_PSC_ORDER01.pdf 2023-00159
11/27/2023 20231127_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00191
11/27/2023 20231127_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00350
11/27/2023 20231127_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2021-00193
11/27/2023 20231127_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00147
11/27/2023 20231127_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00100
11/28/2023 20231128_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00325
11/28/2023 20231128_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00214
11/28/2023 20231128_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

11/28/2023 20231128_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00367
11/28/2023 20231128_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00257
11/29/2023 20231129_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00366
11/30/2023 20231130_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00346
11/30/2023 20231130_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00353
11/30/2023 20231130_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00177
11/30/2023 20231130_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

11/30/2023 20231130_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

11/30/2023 20231130_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00344
11/30/2023 20231130_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00195
11/30/2023 20231130_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

11/30/2023 20231130_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

12/1/2023 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. Ms. Vowels’ complaint is dismissed with prejudice for filing for failing to state a prima facie case. 2. A copy of this Order shall be served upon Ms. Vowels by U.S. mail to 1153 Ellerholt Court, Louisville, Kentucky 40211 and by electronic mail.

12/1/2023 20231201_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2021-00370
12/1/2023 20231201_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00283
12/1/2023 20231201_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00309
12/1/2023 20231201_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00324
12/4/2023 PSC_ORDER

Final Order Entered: 1. Black Stone Paving is assessed a civil penalty in the amount of $1,250 for violation of KRS 367.4911(1)(a) and KRS 367.4917(4). 2. Black Stone Paving shall pay $1,250 within 30 days of this Order by cashier’s check or money order payable to the Kentucky State Treasurer and mailed or delivered to the office of the Kentucky Public Service Commission at 211 Sower Boulevard, Frankfort, Kentucky 40602. 3. The Commission’s investigation of Damage Incident 54018 is hereby closed and this case is removed from the Commission’s docket.

12/4/2023 20231204_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00256
12/4/2023 20231204_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2021-00206
12/4/2023 20231204_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00092
12/4/2023 20231204_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00088
12/4/2023 20231204_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

12/4/2023 20231204_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00248
12/4/2023 20231204_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00239
12/4/2023 20231204_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00307
12/4/2023 20231204_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00299
12/4/2023 20231204_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00198
12/4/2023 20231204_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00276
12/4/2023 20231204_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00191
12/4/2023 20231204_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00246
12/5/2023 PSC_ORDER

Final Order Entered: 1. J & S Construction is assessed a civil penalty in the amount of $4,000 for violation of KRS 367.4911(10) and KRS 367.4917(4). 2. J & S Construction shall pay $4,000 within 30 days of this Order by cashier’s check or money order payable to the Kentucky State Treasurer and mailed or delivered to the office of the Kentucky Public Service Commission at 211 Sower Boulevard, Frankfort, Kentucky 40602. 3. The Commission’s investigation of Damage Incident 53852 is hereby closed, and this case is removed from the Commission’s docket.

12/5/2023 20231205_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

12/5/2023 20231205_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00280
12/5/2023 20231205_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00049
12/5/2023 20231205_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

12/5/2023 20231205_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00008
12/5/2023 20231205_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

12/5/2023 20231205_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00264
12/5/2023 20231205_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00310
12/5/2023 20231205_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00335
12/5/2023 20231205_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00361
12/5/2023 20231205_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00370
12/5/2023 20231205_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00159
12/5/2023 20231205_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

12/6/2023 20231206_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00049
12/6/2023 20231206_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

12/6/2023 20231206_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00437
12/6/2023 20231206_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00372
12/6/2023 20231206_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

12/7/2023 20231207_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00241
12/7/2023 20231207_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00372
12/7/2023 20231207_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00402
12/7/2023 20231207_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00432
12/7/2023 20231207_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00354
12/8/2023 PSC_ORDER

Final Order Entered: 1. Ms. Edwards’ complaint is dismissed for failure to state a prima facie case. 2. The case is closed and removed from the Commission’s docket. 3. A copy of this Order shall be served on Ms. Edwards by U.S. certified mail, return receipt requested at 224 W. Factory Street, Harrodsburg, Kentucky 40330.

12/8/2023 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. Mr. Askew shall have 20 days from the date of service of this Order to file an amended complaint with the Commission that conforms to the requirements of 807 KAR 5:001, Section 20(1), and that states a prima facie case. 2. Mr. Askew may file his amended complaint with the Commission by U.S. mail to P.O. Box 615, Frankfort, Kentucky 40602-0615 or by email to [email protected]. Mr. Askew shall include the case number, 2023-00327, in all filings with the Commission. A copy of this Order shall be served upon Mr. Askew by U.S. mail to 1212 S. 15th St., Louisville, Kentucky 40210.

12/8/2023 20231208_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00009
12/8/2023 20231208_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00086
12/8/2023 20231208_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00402
12/8/2023 20231208_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

12/8/2023 20231208_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00130
12/8/2023 20231208_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00310
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12/13/2023 20231213_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2019-00119
12/13/2023 20231213_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

12/13/2023 20231213_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00213
12/13/2023 20231213_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00051
12/13/2023 20231213_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

12/13/2023 20231213_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00050
12/13/2023 20231213_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00183
12/13/2023 20231213_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00101
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12/14/2023 20231214_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00191
12/14/2023 20231214_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

12/14/2023 20231214_DATA_REQUEST01.pdf

Data Request

12/15/2023 20231215_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00362
12/15/2023 20231215_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00131
12/15/2023 20231215_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2021-00190
12/15/2023 20231215_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00317
12/15/2023 20231215_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2018-00358
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12/18/2023 20231218_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

12/18/2023 20231218_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00123
12/18/2023 20231218_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

12/20/2023 PSC_ORDER

Final Order Entered: 1. Mr. Jouett’s formal complaint is dismissed and is removed from the Commission’s docket. 2. A copy of this Order shall be served on the Complainant, Richard Jouett, by U.S. certified mail, return receipt requested at 2379 Harrods Pointe Trace, Lexington, Kentucky 40514.

12/20/2023 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. 4 Seasons Outdoor Services shall submit to the Commission, via email sent to [email protected] with the case number of this proceeding in the subject line of the message, a written response to the allegations contained in the Staff Incident Report within 20 days of receipt of this Order. 2. 4 Seasons Outdoor Services shall appear on January 26, 2024, at 9 a.m. Eastern Standard Time, in the Richard Raff Hearing Room of the Commission’s offices at 211 Sower Boulevard in Frankfort, Kentucky, for the purpose of presenting evidence concerning the alleged violation of the Underground Facility Damage Prevention Act. 3. The January 26, 2024 hearing shall be conducted via video conferencing. 4. 4 Seasons Outdoor Services shall attend the hearing by using the following link:; information and instructions are attached to this Order as Appendix B. 5. 4 Seasons Outdoor Services shall notify the Commission at least ten days prior to the hearing if 4 Seasons Outdoor Services is unable to appear by video conferencing and will therefore appear in person. 6. Any partnership, corporation, or business entity (including a limited liability company) must be represented by an attorney licensed to practice law in Kentucky, and such representation includes the filing of papers with and appearances at hearings before the Commission.

12/20/2023 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. Four Rivers Excavating shall submit to the Commission, via email sent to [email protected] with the case number of this proceeding in the subject line of the message, a written response to the allegations contained in the Staff Incident Report within 20 days of receipt of this Order. 2. Four Rivers Excavating shall appear on January 26, 2024, at 9 a.m. Eastern Standard Time, in the Richard Raff Hearing Room of the Commission’s offices at 211 Sower Boulevard in Frankfort, Kentucky, for the purpose of presenting evidence concerning the alleged violation of the Underground Facility Damage Prevention Act. 3. The January 26, 2024 hearing shall be conducted via video conferencing. 4. Four Rivers Excavating shall attend the hearing by using the following link:; information and instructions are attached to this Order as Appendix B. 5. Four Rivers Excavating shall notify the Commission at least ten days prior to the hearing if Four Rivers Excavating is unable to appear by video conferencing and will therefore appear in person. 6. Any partnership, corporation, or business entity (including a limited liability company) must be represented by an attorney licensed to practice law in Kentucky, and such representation includes the filing of papers with and appearances at hearings before the Commission.

12/20/2023 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. Richardson Excavating shall submit to the Commission, via email sent to [email protected] with the case number of this proceeding in the subject line of the message, a written response to the allegations contained in the Staff Incident Report within 20 days of receipt of this Order. 2. Richardson Excavating shall appear on January 26, 2024, at 9 a.m. Eastern Standard Time, in the Richard Raff Hearing Room of the Commission’s offices at 211 Sower Boulevard in Frankfort, Kentucky, for the purpose of presenting evidence concerning the alleged violation of the Underground Facility Damage Prevention Act. 3. The January 26, 2024 hearing shall be conducted via video conferencing. 4. Richardson Excavating shall attend the hearing by using the following link:; information and instructions are attached to this Order as Appendix B. 5. Richardson Excavating shall notify the Commission at least ten days prior to the hearing if Richardson Excavating is unable to appear by video conferencing and will therefore appear in person. 6. Any partnership, corporation, or business entity (including a limited liability company) must be represented by an attorney licensed to practice law in Kentucky, and such representation includes the filing of papers with and appearances at hearings before the Commission.

12/20/2023 20231220_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

12/20/2023 20231220_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00108
12/20/2023 20231220_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

12/20/2023 20231220_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

12/20/2023 20231220_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

12/20/2023 20231220_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2021-00385
12/20/2023 20231220_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00011
12/20/2023 20231220_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00012
12/20/2023 20231220_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00379
12/21/2023 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. Duke Kentucky’s petitions for confidential treatment are denied. 2. The designated material denied confidential treatment by this Order is not exempt from public disclosure and shall be placed in the public record and made available for public inspection. 3. If Duke Kentucky objects to the Commission's determination that the requested material not be granted confidential treatment, it must seek either rehearing pursuant to KRS 278.400 or judicial review of this Order pursuant to KRS 278.410. Failure to exercise either of these statutory rights will be deemed as agreement with the Commission's determination of which materials should be granted confidential treatment. 4. Within 30 days of the date of service of this Order, Duke Kentucky shall file a revised version of the designated material for which confidential treatment was denied, reflecting as unredacted the information that has been denied confidential treatment. 5. The designated material for which Duke Kentucky’s request for confidential treatment has been denied shall neither be placed in the public record nor made available for inspection for 30 days from the date of service of this Order in order to allow Duke Kentucky to seek a remedy afforded by law.

12/21/2023 PSC_ORDER

Order Entered: 1. Ms. Vowels’ Notice of Appeal, to the extent it constitutes a motion for rehearing pursuant to KRS 278.400, is denied. 2. Ms. Vowels Motion for Stay is denied. 3. This matter is dismissed and shall be removed from the Commission’s docket. 4. A copy of this Order shall be served upon Ms. Vowels by U.S. mail to 1153 Ellerholt Court, Louisville, Kentucky 40211 and by electronic mail.

12/21/2023 20231221_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

12/21/2023 20231221_STAFF_REPORT.pdf

Staff Report

12/21/2023 20231221_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00223
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12/21/2023 20231221_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00011
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Data Request

12/21/2023 20231221_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00385
12/21/2023 20231221_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00230
12/22/2023 20231222_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00371
12/22/2023 20231222_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

12/22/2023 20231222_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00229
12/22/2023 20231222_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00223
12/22/2023 20231222_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00159
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12/22/2023 20231222_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00396
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12/22/2023 20231222_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00272
12/22/2023 20231222_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00134
12/22/2023 20231222_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00424
12/22/2023 20231222_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00418
12/22/2023 20231222_DATA_REQUEST.pdf

Data Request

12/22/2023 20231222_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2021-00094
12/22/2023 20231222_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2022-00366
12/22/2023 20231222_PSC_ORDER.pdf 2023-00343
12/28/2023 20231228_PSC_IC_NOTICE.pdf

Notice of Informal Conference

12/28/2023 20231228_PSC_IC_NOTICE.pdf

Notice of Informal Conference
