Kentucky Public Service Commission

Tariffs Library

Parent Folder
Agreement for Controlled Residential Air Conditioning Service (Experimental)
Cancelled and Withdrawn
Cover Page
CTAC - Cable Television Attachment Charges
DSMRM - Demand-Side Management Cost Recovery Mechanism
ECRS - Environmental Cost Recovery Surcharge
ESM - Earnings Sharing Mechanism
Excess Facilities
Franchise Fee and Local Tax
Fuel Clause
GS - General Service Rate
Interruptible Service
Kilowatt-Hours Consumed By Street Lighting Units
LC - Large Commercial Rate
LC-TOD - Large Commercial Time-of-Day Rate
LP - Industrial Power Rate
LP-TOD - Industrial Power Time-of-Day Rate
MSR - Merger Surcredit Rider
OL - Outdoor Lighting Service
PBR - Electric Performance Based Rate Mechanism
Plan for Reduction of Electric Usage
PSL - Public Street Lighting Service
R - Residential Rate
Rate GS - Special Rate for Electric Space Heating Service
Rate R - Experimental Energy Conservation Rate
SLE - Street Lighting Energy Rate
SPPC-I - Small Power Production and Cogeneration Purchase Schedule
SPPC-II - Small Power Production and Cogeneration Purchase Schedule
Supplemental or Standby Service
Table of Contents
Terms and Conditions
TLE - Traffic Lighting Energy Rate
Trimble Plant Credit
WH - Water Heating Rate