Delta Natural Gas Company, Inc.
Final Order Entered: 1. Delta’s application for approval of its disclaimer for use in the mailing campaigns and links on Delta’s website is approved. 2. Delta’s application for approval of its disclaimer for use during any customer transfers to HomeServe is approved. 3. Delta shall account for the activities, income, and expense of its nonregulated HomeServe activity in preparation for any testimony necessary to address its nonregulated activities in its next general rate case. 4. This case is closed and removed from the Commission's docket.
Response to Commission Staffs Fourth Request for Information
Monica Braun Delta Natural Gas Company, Inc.
Cover Letter
Data Request
20240731_PSC Letter Filing IC Memo and Attendance Roster into the Record.pdf
Notice of Informal Conference
Responses to Third Data Request
Read1st Cover Letter
Request to Submit on Written Record
Responses to Commission Staffs Second Request for Information
ReadFirst Cover Letter
Order Entered: 1. Delta’s March 7, 2024 petition for confidential treatment is granted. 2. Delta’s April 10, 2024 petition for confidential treatment is granted. 3. The designated material granted confidential treatment by this Order shall not be placed in the public record or made available for public inspection for five years or until further order of this Commission. 4. Use of the designated material granted confidential treatment by this Order in any Commission proceeding shall comply with 807 KAR 5:001, Section 13(9). 5. If the designated material granted confidential treatment by this Order becomes publicly available or no longer qualifies for confidential treatment, Delta shall inform the Commission and file with the Commission an unredacted copy of the designated material. 6. If a nonparty to this proceeding requests to inspect the material granted confidential treatment by this Order and the period during which the material has been granted confidential treatment has not expired, Delta shall have 30 days from receipt of written notice of the request to demonstrate that the material still falls within the exclusions from disclosure requirements established in KRS 61.878. If Delta is unable to make such demonstration, the requested material shall be made available for inspection. Otherwise, the Commission shall deny the request for inspection.
Responses to Commission Staffs First Request for Information
Petition for Confidential Protection
Order Entered: 1. The procedural schedule set forth in the Appendix to this Order shall be followed. If any intervenors are permitted to intervene in this case, the procedural schedule will be amended to allow intervenor discovery. 2. Delta shall respond to all requests for information propounded by Commission Staff, whether identified on the procedural schedule or otherwise, as provided in those requests. 3. Any party filing a paper with the Commission shall file an electronic copy in accordance with the electronic filing procedures set forth in 807 KAR 5:001, Section 8. Electronic documents shall be in portable document format (PDF), shall be searchable, and shall be appropriately bookmarked. The Commission directs the parties to the Commission’s July 22, 2021 Order in Case No. 2020-00085¹ regarding filings with the Commission. 4. As set forth in 807 KAR 5:001, Section 4(11)(a), a person requesting permissive intervention in a Commission proceeding is required to demonstrate either (1) a special interest in the proceeding that is not adequately represented in the case, or (2) that the person requesting permissive intervention is likely to present issues or develop facts that will assist the Commission in fully considering the matter without unduly complicating or disrupting the proceedings.
Delta Notice of Establishment of Nonregulated Activity and Application for Approval of Disclaimer Language
Mary Ellen Wimberly Delta Natural Gas Company, Inc.
Notice of Establishment of Nonregulated Activity and Approval of Disclaimer Language
20240305_PSC Acknowledgment Letter.pdf
Delta Natural Gas Company, Inc. for Notice of Intent to File an Application for Approval of Logo Disclaimer and Notice of Nonregulated Activity Using Electronic Filing Procedures
Delta Natural Gas Company, Inc. for Notice of Intent and Election