Kentucky Public Service Commission

View Case Filings for: 2020-00116

Case Number:2020-00116
Service Type:Gas & Electric
Filing Date:3/3/2020

Louisville Gas and Electric Company

Case Nature:

William Fox, Complainant; Louisville Gas and Electric Company, Defendant

Case Filings
12/7/2021 2:22:41 PM

Order Entered: 1. Mr. Fox’s Complaint fails to state a prima facie case and is dismissed. 2. The case is closed and removed from the Commission’s docket.


William Fox Answer to Commission Staff Request for Information

4/19/2021 1:59:48 PM



William Fox Response to Louisville Gas and Electric Company


Timothy Melton Verification Page


Louisville Gas and Electric Response to Commission Staff Initial Request for Information and Motion to Schedule an Informal Conference

7/10/2020 10:28:16 AM

Commission Staff's Second Request for Information to Complainant William Fox

7/10/2020 10:18:39 AM

Commission Staff's Initial Request for Information to Louisville Gas and Electric Company


William Fox Response to Commission Order

6/8/2020 2:03:15 PM

Order Entered: 1. Within 20 days of the date of this Order, Mr. Fox shall file the following information with the Commission: a. A response stating whether it is correct that Mr. Fox initiated service at the address at issue in February 2012 in his own name, that he changed the name on the account to Soup Coop, LLC in August 2019, and that he changed the name on the account back to his name in December 2019. b. A response that indicates his relationship to the business Soup Coop, LLC, and an explanation of why the account is listed in his personal name. c. A response that states in specific detail the nature of the activity conducted at the address in question, which LG&E described as a wholesale food producer that makes food in a plant setting to be sold in restaurants. d. A copy of the bills for the period that Mr. Fox alleges he was overbilled. e. A response that indicates whether Mr. Fox alleges he was overbilled for electric service, for gas service, or for both gas and electric service, and the specific timeframe that he alleges he was overbilled. 2. Within 20 days of the date of this Order, Mr. Fox shall file a response to the allegations raised in LG&E's Answer.

6/8/2020 8:09:10 AM

Order Entered: LG&E’s motion to convert this proceeding to an electronic case is denied.


Louisville Gas and Electric Company Motion to Convert Case to an Electronic Filing


Louisville Gas and Electric Company Answer to Complaint

4/6/2020 2:38:48 PM

LG&E is HEREBY ORDERED to satisfy the matters complained of or file a written answer to the complaint within ten days from the date of entry of this Order.

4/1/2020 4:49:47 PM

Acknowledge Receipt of Filing


William Fox v. Louisville Gas and Electric Company