Kentucky Public Service Commission

View Case Filings for: 2020-00085

Case Number:2020-00085
Service Type:Not Specified
Filing Date:3/16/2020

Emergency Docket Related to the Novel Coronavirus COVID-19

Electronic Case
Case Nature:

Emergency Docket Related to the Novel Coronavirus COVID-19

Case Filings
3/11/2022 12:12:42 PM

Request for Declaratory Relief

L. Allyson Honaker Apache Gas Transmission Co., Inc. and Burkesville Gas Company, Inc.


Cover Letter

9/3/2021 11:28:37 AM

Order: 1. Atmos’s motion for a deviation from the July 22, 2021 Order is granted; 2. The waiver for meter testing and reporting in effect prior to the Commission’s July 22, 2021 Order shall remain in effect until the end of the winter season, April 1, 2022. 3. The Commission retains the right to modify, alter, or retract any and all portions of this Order, or any Order in this proceeding, at any time.

8/6/2021 1:33:04 PM

Atmos Energy Motion for KY Meter Testing Waiver 2020-00085

Eric Wilen Atmos Energy Corporation


2020-00085 Atmos Energy Motion for KY Meter Testing Waiver 2021-08-06


Read1st - Atmos Energy Meter Testing Motion Cover Letter 2021-08-06

7/22/2021 3:19:33 PM

Order Entered: 1. Utilities, on and after August 16, 2021, no longer are granted a deviation from: 807 KAR 5:006, Section 4(4); 807 KAR 5:006, Section 4(5); 807 KAR 5:006, Section 9; 807 KAR 5:006, Section 7(5)(b); 807 KAR 5:006, Section 11 (3); and 807 KAR 5:006, Section 26. 2. Utilities, on and after August 16, 2021, and as applicable, shall resume the annual reporting and testing required by meter testing and inspection deviation plans approved by the Commission. 3. Filers, for case filings made on and after March 16, 2020, shall not be required to file the original physical copies of the filings required by 807 KAR 5:001, Section 8. 4. The electronic filing procedures listed in 807 KAR 5:001, Section 8, are mandatory, except for pro se formal complaints, for all cases coming before the Commission. 5. Nothing prevents the Commission from entering further orders in this matter.

2/9/2021 3:02:24 PM

Nolin RECCs response to Commission Staffs Second Data Request dated December 22, 2020.

Allison Coffey Nolin RECC


Nolin RECC Certification


Nolin RECC Response


Nolin RECC Response - Supporting Document


Nolin RECC Cover Letter (Read First)

2/9/2021 9:36:17 AM

Jackson Energy Response to Commission Staffs Second Request for Information

Ryan Henderson Jackson Energy Cooperative


Cover Letter Read 1st


Jackson Energy Response to Second Request for Information

2/5/2021 1:37:36 PM

Order Entered: 1. Kentucky Power’s motion for rehearing granted in part and denied in part. 2. The Commission grants rehearing on the issue of the Commission reliance on KRS 278.170(2) in the December 30, 2020, and clarifies it does not rely upon KRS 278.170(2) to support its conclusion that foregone late payment fees may not be included in a regulatory asset; 3. The Commission grants rehearing on the issue of Kentucky Power’s contention that the Commission erred when it concluded that Kentucky Power included late fees from customers that were current on payment plans and the Commission clarifies that it makes no such finding. 4. The Commission grants rehearing on Kentucky Power’s contention that its March 17, 2020 motion for a deviation from its tariff did not constitute a waiver of the ability to ever attempt to recover the foregone late fees and the Commission finds that the March 17, 2020 did not constitute a waiver. 5. The Commission denies rehearing of all other issues raised in Kentucky Power’s Motion for Rehearing.

2/4/2021 6:02:13 PM

Notice of Withdrawal and Substitution of Counsel

John Ryan Columbia Gas of Kentucky


Read First Notice of Withdrawal and Substitution of Counsel

2/4/2021 1:00:51 PM

Response to PSC Staffs Second Request for Information

James Bradley Cherry

2/1/2021 7:46:02 AM

Kentucky Power Companys supplemental response to staff 2-1.

Lerah Scott Kentucky Power Company


Kentucky Power Company's supplemental response to staff 2-1

1/29/2021 6:49:06 PM

Response to PSC Staffs Second Request for Information

Gerald E. Wuetcher Ohio County Water District


Transmittal Letter


Response to Commission Staff's Second Request for Information

1/29/2021 11:04:36 AM

Second response for information on Case 2020-00085

John R May Licking Valley RECC







1/26/2021 9:54:24 AM

Response to PSC Second Request for Information regarding Novel Coronavirus

Joseph Cannon Grayson County Water District


GCWD Response to Case No 2020-00085 2nd Request


GCWD Support to 2nd Request

1/25/2021 2:08:23 PM

Responses to Commissions Second Data Request

Jennie Gibson Phelps Farmers RECC

1/21/2021 5:07:04 PM

Response to Commission Staff Second Request for Information

Stacey Kampsen Northern Kentucky Water District

1/21/2021 4:19:01 PM

KAW Witness Verification for PSC2

Lindsey Ingram Kentucky American Water


Witness Verification


Cover Letter/Read1st

1/19/2021 5:14:06 PM

Motion for Extension of Time

Gerald E. Wuetcher Ohio County Water District


Transmittal Letter

1/19/2021 9:56:51 AM

Response to PSC Staffs Second Request for Information

GERALD WUETCHER McCreary County Water District


Transmittal Letter

1/18/2021 5:22:54 PM

Owen Electric Cooperatives response to the Commissions Second Request for Information

Shannon Chappell Owen Electric Cooperative


Owen's Response 9 in Commission's Second Request for Information


Owen's Excel workbook for Response 9 in Commission's Second Request for Information


Certification Oath For Owen Electric's response to Second Request for Information

1/18/2021 4:57:53 PM

Motion for Extension of Time

Stacey Kampsen Northern Kentucky Water District

1/18/2021 4:55:24 PM

Kentucky Power Company filing Motion for Rehearing and Affidavit of Brian K. West

Scott E. Bishop Kentucky Power Company







1/18/2021 4:54:34 PM

Columbias Response to Staffs Second Set of Data Requests

Brooke E. Wancheck Columbia Gas of Kentucky, Inc.


Response to Staff

1/18/2021 4:05:46 PM

Kentucky Power Companys response to the Commission Staffs December 28, 2020 data request.

Lerah Scott Kentucky Power Company


Kentucky Power Company's response to the Commission Staffs December 28, 2020 data request.



1/18/2021 3:59:47 PM

KAWs Response to PSC 2

Lindsey Ingram Kentucky American Water


Cover Letter/Read1st

1/18/2021 2:54:07 PM

Corrected Response to Commission Staff’s Second Request for Information

Katelyn L. Brown Hardin County Water District No. 2


Corrected Response to Commission Staff's Second Request for Information


Corrected Response to Commission Staff's Second Request for Information

1/18/2021 11:39:49 AM

Response to Commission Staff’s Second Request for Information

Katelyn L. Brown Hardin County Water District No. 2


Response to Commission Staff's Second Request for Information


Response to Commission Staff's Second Request for Information

1/18/2021 11:17:55 AM

Salt River Electrics response to Commission Staffs Second Request for Data Case No. 2020-00085

Diana R Edwards Salt River Electric Cooperative Corporation


Salt River Electric Response Case No 2020_00085 Second Data Request

1/18/2021 8:56:05 AM

Delta Natural Gas Company, Inc.s Response to Second Request for Information

Monica Braun Delta Natural Gas Company, Inc.

1/15/2021 6:21:46 PM

Response to Commission Staffs Second Request for Information

Katelyn L. Brown Oldham County Water District


Response to Commission Staff's Second Request for Information

1/15/2021 5:21:48 PM

Response to request for additional information

John M. Dix Simpson County Water District

1/15/2021 5:19:37 PM

Response to request for additional information

John M. Dix Butler County Water System, Inc.

1/15/2021 5:16:40 PM

Response to request for additional information

John M. Dix Warren County Water District

1/15/2021 4:54:49 PM

Response to Second Request for Information

Jeff Greer South Kentucky RECC


Excel Spreadsheet for Response to Item 1

1/15/2021 2:09:42 PM

Response to Commission Staff Second Data Request

Erica Hall Meade County RECC


MCRECC Response to Second Data Request


MCRECC Cover Letter & Certification of Oath

1/15/2021 12:17:03 PM

Duke Energy Kentucky, Inc. hereby submits its response to Commission Staffs second request for information

Deborah Gates Rocco DAscenzo


STAFF-DR-02-001 Attachment

1/15/2021 11:30:16 AM

Second Request for Information

Harry Anness Boone County Water District


Second Request for information, certification

1/15/2021 10:48:17 AM

Order Entered: 1. KAEC’s motion is granted, and 2. Responses to the December 28, 2020 request for information are due no later than February 10, 2021.

1/15/2021 8:56:21 AM

Responses of Louisville Gas and Electric Company and Kentucky Utilities Company to the Commission Staff’s Second Request for Information

Rick E. Lovekamp Louisville Gas and Electric Company and Kentucky Utilities Company


Cover Letter


LG&E and KU Responses to PSC DR2


LG&E and KU Attachment to Question No. 9

1/14/2021 3:48:18 PM

Response to second information request on Question 9 2020-00085

Tim Webb Cannonsburg Water District


Requested information to 2020-00085, Question 9

1/14/2021 2:31:05 PM

Atmos Energy Response to Staffs Second Request for Information 2020-00085

Eric Wilen Atmos Energy Corporation


Read1st - Atmos Energy Response to Staffs Second Request for Information Cover Letter 2020-00085


Staff_2-01_Att1 - Percentage of Customers by Class Payment on Time.xlsx

1/14/2021 2:11:42 PM

Correction to previous response filing.

Billy Frasure Clark Energy Cooperative, Inc.

1/14/2021 2:08:58 PM

Response to Commission Staffs Second Request for Information in Case No 2020-00085

Farrah Coleman Inter-County Energy


Inter-County Response Case No 2020-00085 Excel


Inter-County Response Case No 2020-00085

1/14/2021 11:38:26 AM

Response to Staffs Second Request for Information.

Billy Frasure Clark Energy Cooperative, Inc.

1/13/2021 4:16:29 PM

Response to the Commission Staffs Second Request for Information

Joni K. Hazelrigg Fleming-Mason Energy

1/13/2021 9:44:41 AM

Cumberland Valley Electrics Response to Commission Staffs Second Request for Information.

Robert Tolliver Cumberland Valley Electric

1/12/2021 3:30:52 PM

Blue Grass Energy Cooperative Corporations response to the Commissions Second Request for Information

Charles G. Williamson III Blue Grass Energy Cooperative Corporation


Blue Grass Energy Cooperative Corporation's Responses to the Commission Staff's Second Data Request - Excel format


Blue Grass Energy Cooperative Corporation's Responses to the Commission Staff's Second Data Request - pdf format


Certification Oath for Blue Grass Energy Cooperative Corporation's Responses to the Commission Staff's Second Data Request(Describe File)


Cover Letter for Blue Grass Energy Cooperative Corporation's Responses to the Commission Staff's Second Data Request

1/12/2021 2:09:44 PM



1/12/2021 11:58:11 AM

Response to the Commission Staffs Second Request for Information

Jeff Williams Jackson Purchase Energy


JPEC's Response to the Commission Staff's second request for information


Excel attachment - updated 9d

1/12/2021 8:31:55 AM

Response to PSC Staff Second Request for Information

Gerald Wuetcher Hyden-Leslie County Water District


Transmittal Letter

1/11/2021 2:51:00 PM

MWD response to information request

Kevin Lowe Mountain Water District


response to psc data request

1/11/2021 12:59:38 PM

Kenergy response to PSC second data request

Steve Thompson


Response to PSC 2nd data request

1/11/2021 9:59:08 AM

Attached, please find the additional information requested for 2020 in response to Q.9 in case No. 2020-00085. Also attached are the Cover Letter and spreadsheet requested.

Robin Slone Big Sandy RECC


Cover Letter, affidavit, and response

1/6/2021 8:55:14 AM

Commission Staffs Second Request for Information to each of East Kentucky Power Cooperative, Inc.s Member Cooperatives

Patsy Walters Taylor County Rural Electric Cooperative Corporation


Response-Item 1


Verification-Patsy Walters

1/4/2021 1:46:25 PM

Attached, please find the additional information requested for July through December 2020 in response to Q.9 in case No. 2020-00085. Also attached are the Cover Letter and spreadsheet requested.

Scott Schmuck Hardin County Water District No. 1


Response to DR2 question 9, Case No. 2020-00085


Case No. 2020-00085 Cover Letter, DR2

1/4/2021 10:10:11 AM

Motion for Extension of Time

Edward T. Depp Kentucky Association of Electric Cooperatives, Inc.

12/30/2020 12:39:36 PM

Order Entered: 1. What a utility may request for regulatory asset treatment is clarified consistent with the discussion above; and 2. The Commission retains the right to modify, alter, or retract any portion of this Order, or any Order in this proceeding, at any time.

12/30/2020 8:32:06 AM

IT IS THEREFORE ORDERED that Kentucky Power shall not establish the COVID-19 Forgone Late Fee regulatory asset.

12/29/2020 2:53:18 PM

Order Entered: 1. Columbia Kentucky’s motion for a deviation from the September 21, 2020 Order is granted; 2. Columbia Kentucky, upon the expiration of the Energy Assistance Program, shall report to the Commission the number of customers that were enrolled in the Energy Assistance Program that still have arrearages, and the average amount of the arrearages. 3. The Commission retains the right to modify, alter, or retract any and all portions of this Order, or any Order in this proceeding, at any time.

12/28/2020 1:53:17 PM

Motion for Deviation

Brooke E. Wancheck Columbia Gas of Kentucky, Inc.

12/28/2020 11:00:32 AM

Data Request

12/23/2020 3:20:50 PM

Response to PSC second request for information.

Cindy Darr Muhlenberg County Water Dist. #3

12/22/2020 8:59:38 AM

Data Request

12/21/2020 3:34:44 PM

Data Request

12/21/2020 11:43:18 AM

Order Entered: 1. Utilities, where applicable, are temporarily relieved from the annual reporting and testing required by meter testing and inspection deviation plans approved by the Commission. 2. The required reports shall not be filed with the Commission this calendar year and until further Order of the Commission. 3. The testing requirements discussed herein shall not resume until further Order of the Commission.

12/21/2020 10:16:53 AM

Letter Requesting an Extension of Time

Brooke E. Wancheck Columbia Gas of Kentucky, Inc.


Letter Requesting an Extension of Time

11/30/2020 3:31:45 PM

Kentucky Power Company filing of notice of accounting entries to be made and other steps to be taken in furtherance of the Commissions September 21, 2020 Order.

Scott E. Bishop Kentucky Power Company





10/30/2020 2:06:36 PM

Order Entered: 1. Kentucky-American's proposed plan to contact and educate affected customers regarding payment plans to address arrearages is approved. 2. Kentucky-American's proposed plan to accept payment on the first payment plan, as discussed herein, is approved. 3. Kentucky-American's proposed plan to recover carrying charges on late fees billed but not paid prior to March 16, 2020, is denied.

10/28/2020 8:01:52 AM

Order Entered: 1. The Commission's September 21, 2020 Order is clarified consistent with the discussion above; and 2. The Commission retains the right to modify, alter, or retract any portion of this Order, or any Order in this proceeding, at any time.

10/22/2020 4:38:56 PM

Order Entered: 1. The Commission's Orders are clarified as necessary as discussed above. 2. Nothing in this Order prevents the Commission from issuing additional orders in this proceeding.

10/21/2020 4:16:41 PM

Order Entered: 1. The Commission's Orders are clarified as necessary as discussed above. 2. Nothing in this Order prevents the Commission from issuing additional Orders in this proceeding.

10/16/2020 2:11:42 PM

Motion for Clarification

Lindsey Ingram Kentucky American Water


Cover Letter/Read1st


Motion for Clarification

10/8/2020 2:50:26 PM

LGE and KU Responses to Commission Staffs Initial Request for Information

Andrea M. Fackler Louisville Gas and Electric Company and Kentucky Utilities Company


Read 1st Filing Letter 10-8-2020 (CN 2020-00085)


LG&E and KU Responses to Commission Staff's Initial Request for Information (CN 2020-00085))

10/8/2020 12:05:48 PM

2020-00085 Request for Clarification

Eric Wilen Atmos Energy Corporation


2020-00085 Atmos Energy Request for Clarificaton


Read1st - 2020-00085 Request for Clarificaton Cover Letter

10/6/2020 2:44:24 PM

Order Entered: 1. Jackson Energy’s motion for deviation from its prepay tariff’s maximum limit of $350 is granted. This deviation extends for two years upon service of this Order. 2. Citipower’s motion for deviation from its public awareness plan is granted and it may temporarily suspend hand deliveries of its public awareness messages. This deviation extends for six months upon service of this Order. 3. Todd District’s request for deviation from its tariff is granted to the extent it is necessary so that it may offer payment plans to customers disconnected for nonpayment. This deviation extends for two years upon service of this Order. 4. Todd District’s request for approval to pay for credit cards fees through December 31, 2020, is granted. 5. Nothing in this Order prevents the Commission from issuing additional orders in this proceeding.

10/5/2020 4:28:10 PM

Data Request

10/2/2020 3:07:36 PM

Louisville Gas and Electric Company and Kentucky Utilities Companys Petition for Clarification and Deviation and Request for Expedited Treatment

Andrea M. Fackler Louisville Gas and Electric Company and Kentucky Utilities Company


Read 1st Filing Letter - 10-2-2020 (CN 2020-00085)


KU Petition for Clarification and Deviation and Request for Expedited Treatment (CN 2020-00085)

10/2/2020 12:17:16 PM

Motion for Deviation

L. Allyson Honaker Citipower, LLC

9/30/2020 5:08:12 PM

Order Entered: 1. A utility may include in default payment plans arrearages incurred before March 16, 2020, provided that the default payment plan is extended to reflect the time over which the pre-March 16, 2020 arrearage was incurred. 2. A utility may use its October 2020 billing cycle, rather than October 1, 2020, to determine the amount of arrearages to be included in default payment plans, provided that a utility that does so extends the default payment plan to a minimum of seven months. 3. A utility may recover carrying charges on pre-March 16, 2020 arrearages and post-October 1, 2020 arrearages included in payment plans, provided that the utility did not assess late payment penalties on the arrearages included in the payment plans. 4. A utility may maintain current payment plans entered into voluntarily provided that the utility convert the existing payment plan to the six-month default plan upon either the customer’s default on the existing plan or at the request of the customer 5. A utility is not required to automatically enroll a customer in the default payment plan for an arrearage of $25 or less, provided that the customer will not be disconnected for the arrearage and that the utility shall enroll the customer in the default payment plans at the customer’s request. Vice Chairman Chandler did not participate in the deliberations or decision concerning this Petition.

9/30/2020 9:49:10 AM

Motion to Deviation from Prepay Tariff and Motion for Expedited Treatment

Ryan Henderson Jackson Energy Cooperative


Cover Letter Read 1st


Motion to Deviate and for Expedited Treatment

9/28/2020 4:09:35 PM

Duke Energy Kentucky Inc.s Petition for Clarification and Deviation and Request for Expedited Treatment

Deborah Gates Rocco O. DAsenzo


Read First - cover letter

9/21/2020 3:49:55 PM

Order Entered: 1. The Executive Director shall serve a copy of this Order upon The Kentucky Office of the Governor, Senator Rand Paul, Senator Mitch McConnell, Representative James Comer, Representative Brett Guthrie, Representative John Yarmuth, Representative Thomas Massie, Representative Hal Rogers, and Representative Andy Barr. 2. Utilities shall create payment plans of arrearages of no less than six months and no longer than two years in duration for all customers who have accumulated arrearages from service rendered on or after March 16, 2020, and before October 1, 2020. Regardless of the length of the payment plan, default payment plans shall only require the customer to pay a fixed, equal installment over the term of the plan. 3. Utilities shall make all reasonable efforts to contact the customers who have received default payment plans. 4. Utilities shall, for customers that request alternative payment plans to the default payment plan ordered by the Commission, work with customers on payment plans that accommodate customer circumstances while balancing the concern of the utility, including its income and cash flow. 5. Utilities shall consider a customer with arrearages subject to a payment plan "on-time" for all purposes, except those explicitly exempted in this Order, as long they timely pay their bill for current service and the amount required under the default or alternative, agreed-upon payment plan.

9/21/2020 10:55:51 AM

September 21, 2020 supplemental responses to update data through August 31, 2020.

Lerah Scott Kentucky Power Company


September 21, 2020 Supplemental Responses



9/18/2020 3:55:14 PM

Duke Energy Kentucky, Inc. hereby submits its responses to Staffs Supplemental request for information

Deborah Gates Rocco O. DAsenzo


STAFF-DR-01-003 Supplemental Attachment 1


STAFF-DR-01-003 Supplemental Attachment 2


STAFF-DR-01-007(b) Supplemental Attachment


STAFF-DR-01-008 Supplemental Attachment


STAFF-DR-01-010 Supplemental Attachment


STAFF-DR-01-012 Supplemental Attachment


STAFF-DR-01-014 Supplemental Attachment


STAFF Supplemental data requests

9/15/2020 4:05:36 PM

Kentucky Power Company filing of Supplemental Responses to Commission July 23, 2020 data request and supporting attachments.

Scott Bishop Kentucky Power Company









9/11/2020 3:53:36 PM

LGE and KU Supplemental Responses to Commission Staffs Initial Request for Information

Andrea M. Fackler Louisville Gas and Electric Company and Kentucky Utilities Company


Read 1st Filing Letter - 9-11-20 (CN 2020-00085)


PSC DR1 LG&E and KU Supplemental Excel Attachment through Aug 2020 to Q16


PSC DR1 Supplemental Responses through Aug 2020 (CN 2020-00085)


PSC DR1 LG&E and KU Supplemental Excel Attachments through Aug 2020 to Q3d, Q4d, Q5d, Q6d (CN 2020-00085)


PSC DR1 LG&E and KU Supplemental Excel Attachment through Aug 2020 to Q7b


PSC DR1 LG&E and KU Supplemental Excel Attachment through Aug 2020 to Q8


PSC DR1 LG&E and KU Supplemental Excel Attachment through Aug 2020 to Q9b


PSC DR1 LG&E and KU Supplemental Excel Attachment through Aug 2020 to Q11d


PSC DR1 LG&E and KU Supplemental Excel Attachment through Aug 2020 to Q12


PSC DR1 LG&E and KU Supplemental Excel Attachment through Aug 2020 to Q14, Q15

8/18/2020 12:26:10 PM

Louisville Gas and Electric Company and Kentucky Utilities Companys corrected responses and attachments to Question Nos. 12 and 14 for the Commission Staffs Initial Request for Information

Rick E. Lovekamp Louisville Gas and Electric Company and Kentucky Utilities Company


Cover Letter


LG&E and KU Corrected Responses to PSC 1-12 and 1-14


LG&E and KU Corrected Attachment to PSC 1-12


LG&E and KU Corrected Attachment to PSC 1-14

7/29/2020 4:30:13 PM

Order Entered: 1. Hyden-Leslie District??s motion is granted, and 2. Hyden-Leslie District's responses to Commission Staff's Request for Information dated June 23, 2020, are accepted for filing

7/23/2020 11:46:45 AM

Response to PSC Staffs Initial Request for Information

Gerald Wuetcher Hyden-Leslie County Water District


Transmittal Letter

7/22/2020 12:46:27 PM

Henderson County Water District response to Case 2020-00085

Peter R Conrad Henderson County Water Dist.


Henderson County Water District response to Case 2020-00085 PDF attachment


Henderson County Water District response to Case 2020-00085 excel attachment

7/21/2020 6:12:52 PM

Shelby Energy Cooperatives Response to Commission Staffs Request for Information

Sergio Cole Shelby Energy Cooperative, Inc.


Shelby Energys Responses in Excel format


Oath on Shelby Energys Responses


Shelby Energys Responses in PDF format

7/21/2020 5:24:49 PM

Nolin RECC Response to Commission Staffs Initial Request for Information - Case No. 2020-00085

Gregory R. Lee Nolin RECC


(Read First) Cover Letter


Nolin RECC Exhibits


Nolin RECC Response

7/21/2020 4:21:03 PM

Response to request for information

John M. Dix Butler County Water System, Inc.


Spreadsheet supporting detailed response


Detailed Response

7/21/2020 4:17:21 PM

Response to request for information

John M. Dix Simpson County Water District


Spreadsheet with detailed response

7/21/2020 4:14:00 PM

Response to information request

John M. Dix Warren County Water District


Spreadsheet with detail information

7/21/2020 3:56:46 PM

Duke Energy Kentucky hereby submits its responses to Staffs Initial Request for Information

Deborah Gates Rocco O. DAsenzo


STAFF-DR-01-003 Attachment 1


STAFF-DR-01-003 Attachment 2


STAFF-DR-01-007(b) Attachment


STAFF-DR-01-008 Attachment


STAFF-DR-01-009 Attachment


STAFF-DR-01-010 Attachment


STAFF-DR-01-011 Attachment


STAFF-DR-01-012 Attachment


STAFF-DR-01-014 Attachment


STAFF 1st set data request

7/21/2020 3:44:51 PM

Columbia Gas of Kentuckys Response to Staffs Initial Set of Information Requests

Brooke Wancheck Columbia Gas of Kentucky, Inc.


Columbia's Response to Staff's Information Request

7/21/2020 1:48:51 PM

Kentucky American Waters Responses to PSC1

Lindsey Ingram Kentucky American Water


Cover Letter/Read1st


Witness Verification

7/21/2020 12:42:46 PM

Response to data request for 2020-00085

Tim Webb Cannonsburg Water District

7/21/2020 12:16:27 PM

Delta Response to Commission Staffs Initial Request for Information

Monica H. Braun Delta Natural Gas Company, Inc.


Delta's Response to Commission Staff's Initial Request for Information


Exhibit 13a


Exhibit 13b

7/21/2020 11:30:24 AM

Response to Commission Staff Initial Request for Information

Stacey Kampsen Northern Kentucky Water District

7/21/2020 11:24:51 AM

Motion for Extension of Time

Gerald E. Wuetcher Hyden-Leslie County Water District


Transmittal Letter

7/21/2020 11:08:57 AM

Response to PSC Staff Initial Request for Information

Gerald E. Wuetcher McCreary County Water District


Transmittal Letter

7/21/2020 10:34:19 AM

Response to Commissions request for information in Case No. 2020-00085.


7/21/2020 9:52:15 AM

Response to PSC Staff Iniitial Request for Information

Gerald E. Wuetcher Green River Valley Water District


Response to PSC Staff Request for Information


Transmittal Letter

7/20/2020 9:43:08 PM

Response to Commission Staff’s Initial Request for Information

Katelyn L. Brown Hardin County Water District No. 2


Response to PSC Staff's Initial Request for Information


Response to PSC Staff's Initial Request for Information

7/20/2020 4:53:45 PM

Filing Response to Data request case # 2020-00085

Harry Anness Boone County Water District


Response for Data request case # 2020-00085

7/20/2020 11:11:02 AM

South Kentucky RECC Response to Commission Staffs Initial Request for Information

Jeff Greer South Kentucky RECC


South Kentucky RECC Cover Letter


South Kentucky RECC Response to Initial Request for Information


South Kentucky RECC Response Data in Excel format

7/17/2020 12:17:08 PM

Wood Creek Water District response to data request.

Dewayne Lewis Wood Creek Water District


response to data request


response to data request

7/17/2020 11:52:52 AM

2020-00085 Atmos Energy Responses to Staff Discovery Set 1

Eric Wilen Atmos Energy Corporation


Read1st - 2020-00085 Atmos Energy Responses to Staff Discovery Set 1Cover Letter


Staff_1-05_Att1 - Average Bill by Customer Class FY 2017 to FY 2020 YTD May.xlsx


Staff_1-07_Att2 - Monthly Write Off.xlsx


Staff_1-09_Att1 - Percentage of Customers by Class Payment on Time.xlsx


Staff_1-10_Att1 - Number of Term Notices Jan 15 to Dec 19.xlsx


Staff_1-11_Att1 - KY Late Fees FY 2017 to FY 2020 YTD May.xlsx

7/16/2020 2:24:02 PM

Licking Valley RECCs Response to Commission Staffs Initial Request for Information in Case No. 2020-00085

John R May Licking Valley RECC


Cover Letter 2020-00085


Licking Valley RECC 2020-00085 in Excel


Licking Valley RECC Initial Request Response 2020-00085

7/16/2020 10:15:35 AM

Mountain Water District Responses to PSC order #2020-00085

Kevin Lowe Mountain Water District


MWD response to PSC order 2020-00085

7/15/2020 2:29:06 PM

Read 1st and Kentucky Power Companys responses to the Commissions June 23, 2020 data requests.

Lerah Scott Kentucky Power Company


Kentucky Power Company's responses to the Commissions June 23, 2020 data requests.



7/13/2020 12:49:23 PM

Amended Response to Initial Request for Information

James Bradley Cherry


Initial Request for Information Excel Files


Amended Initial Request for Information

7/13/2020 12:30:28 PM

Response to Initial Request for Information

James Bradley Cherry


Initial Request for Information


Initial Request for Information Excel File

7/10/2020 4:19:36 PM

Inter-County Energys Response to Commission Staffs Initial Request for Information in Case No. 2020-00085

Farrah Coleman Inter-County Energy


Inter-County Energy Response in Excel Format

7/10/2020 7:35:10 AM

LGE and KU Responses to Commission Staffs Initial Request for Information

Rick E. Lovekamp Louisville Gas and Electric Company and Kentucky Utilities Company


Cover Letter


LG&E and KU Responses to Commission Staff's Initial Request for Information


LG&E and KU Attachment to PSC 1-3, 1-4, 1-5, & 1-6

7/9/2020 12:25:25 PM

Response of Case No. 2020-00085

Kayla Goodaker South Hopkins Water District


signature sheets of document

7/9/2020 11:29:39 AM

Cumberland Valley Electrics Response to Commissions request in Case 2020-00085.

Robert Tolliver Cumberland Valley Electric


Excel Data Exhibit A

7/9/2020 9:53:32 AM

Responses of the Emergency Docket related to the Novel Coronavirus COVID-19

Patsy Walters Taylor County Rural Electric Cooperative Corporation


Responses in Excel Format


Responses in PDF Format

7/8/2020 4:27:17 PM

Farmers RECCs responses to Commission Staffs initial request in Case No 2020-00085.

Jennie Gibson Phelps Farmers RECC


All Responses in Excel Format

7/8/2020 3:19:47 PM

Responses to request - COVID-19

Holly S. Eades Clark Energy Cooperative, Inc.


Cover letter and responses

7/8/2020 3:15:25 PM

Salt River Electric Cooperatives response to Commission Staffs Initial Request for Information

Diana R Edwards Salt River Electric Cooperative Corporation


Attachment Appendix A


Certificate of Preparation


Salt River Electric Response

7/8/2020 10:55:56 AM

Cover Letter, Response and Attachments requested in Electronic Emergency Docket Related to the Novel Coronavirus COVID-19

Scott Schmuck Hardin County Water District No. 1

7/7/2020 6:10:09 PM

Owen Electrics response to Commission Staffs Initial Request for Information in 2020-00085.

Shannon Chappell Owen Electric Cooperative, Inc.


Owen's Excel Workbook Response in Case 2020-00085


Owen's response to Commission Staff's Initial Request Case 2020-00085


Owen's Response 13 - pages 19 thru 21


Owen's Response 13 - pages 3 thru 18

7/7/2020 4:01:12 PM

Fleming-Mason Energy response to Commission Staffs Initial Request for Information

Joni K. Hazelrigg Fleming-Mason Energy


FME Excel attachment

7/7/2020 2:58:43 PM

Jackson Energys Response to Commission Request for Information

Ryan Henderson Jackson Energy Cooperative Corporation


Cover Letter


Jackson Energy Response to Commission's Initial Request for Information

7/7/2020 2:32:37 PM

Blue Grass Energy Cooperative Corporations Responses to Commission Staffs Request for Information related to the Novel Coronavirus COVID-19.

Charles G. Williamson III Blue Grass Energy Cooperative Corporation


Blue Grass Energy Data Responses in pdf format


Blue Grass Energy Data Responses in Excel format


Oath on Blue Grass Energy Data Responses

7/7/2020 11:44:50 AM

Kenergy response to data request

Steve Thompson

7/7/2020 11:05:30 AM

OCWD response to Commission

Walt Beasley Ohio Co. Water District


OCWD response to Commision request

7/7/2020 9:23:07 AM

Response to Commission Staffs Initial Request for Information

Erica Hall Meade County RECC


MCRECC Responses to Commission Staff's Initial Request for Information


MCRECC Excel Format Attachment


MCRECC PDF Attachment for Question 13


MCRECC Read 1st & Certification of Oath

7/6/2020 4:08:25 PM

Grayson County Water District Response to Commission Request Case Number 2020-00085

Joseph K Cannon Grayson County Water District


Cover Letter for Grayson County Water District Response to Case 2020-00085


Grayson County Water District Response to Case 2020-00085


Grayson County Water District Supporting Data for Response to Case 2020-00085

7/2/2020 2:26:01 PM

Request for Extension of Time

Kevin Lowe Mountain Water District

7/2/2020 1:07:40 PM

Order Entered: Responses to the Commission Staff’s requests for information issued on June 23, 2020, shall be due on July 21, 2020.

7/2/2020 12:28:30 PM

Response to Commission Staff’s Initial Request for Information

Katelyn L. Brown Oldham County Water District


Response to PSC Staff's Initial Request for Information


Response to PSC Staff's Initial Request for Information

7/2/2020 11:22:03 AM

Response to the Commission Staffs Initial Request for Information

Jeff Williams Jackson Purchase Energy Corporation


PDF Attachment for Item 13


JPEC Response to the Commission Staff's first request for information


Transmission Letter - Read 1st


Response to Commission Staff’s Initial Request for Information

Katelyn L. Brown Muhlenberg County Water District No. 3


MCWD3 Response to PSC Staff's Initial Request for Information


MCWD3 Response to PSC Staff's Initial Request for Information

6/29/2020 4:47:24 PM

Request for Extension of Time

John M. Dix Warren County Water District, Simpson County Water District, Butler County Water System, Inc.


Request for Extension - Warren County Water District, Simpson County Water District, & Butler County Water System, Inc.

6/29/2020 2:33:45 PM

Order Entered: 1. Sentra does not need Commission approval under KRS 278.300 prior to entering into any loans, notes, or other obligations under the Paycheck Protection Program in light of the statutory exemption found in KRS 278.300(8); 2. Sentra is granted a deviation from the requirements of 807 KAR 5:001, Section 19; and 3. This Order is limited only to loans, notes, or other obligations under the Paycheck Protection Program and is not a declaration that other evidence of indebtedness, issuance of securities, loans, notes, or other obligations pursuant to the CARES Act or subsequent federal relief do not require Commission approval pursuant KRS 278.300.

6/29/2020 2:09:13 PM

Motion for Extension of Time

Gerald E. Wuetcher Hyden-Leslie County Water District


Motion For Extension of Time


Transmittal Letter

6/29/2020 1:43:51 PM

Motion for Extension of Time

Gerald E. Wuetcher Green River Valley Water District


Transmittal Letter

6/23/2020 3:27:34 PM

Data Request

6/23/2020 3:19:57 PM

Data Request

6/23/2020 3:13:42 PM

Data Request

6/22/2020 2:46:10 PM

Sentra Corporation Request for Declaratory Relief

Robert C. Moore Sentra Corporation


Sentra Corporation's Request for Declaratory Relief

4/27/2020 2:38:53 PM

Order Entered: 1. Parksville District's request is granted. 2. Parksville District is granted deviation from the tariff provision that requires assessment of a $25.00 for a returned check. 3. Parksville is granted deviation from 807 KAR 5:006, Section 9(1) & (2); 807 KAR 5:011, Section 6(1); 807 KAR 5:011, Section 8; 807 KAR 5:011, Section 9; and 807 KAR 5:011, Section 10. 4. Parksville District is authorized to charge $10.00 for a returned check fee on after the date of entry of this Order. 5. Parksville District shall notify the Commission in writing in this docket when it no longer believes the reduced returned check fee is warranted.

4/21/2020 3:57:49 PM

Order Entered: 1. McCreary District's request is granted. 2. McCreary District is granted deviation from the tariff provisions that require payment of pre-existing debts, reconnection fees, and deposits prior to service being restored.

4/20/2020 3:50:01 PM

Order Entered: 1. Kentucky Power's motion for an extension of time in which to file its reliability report is granted. 2. Kentucky Power shall file its reliability report required by Case No. 2011-00450 no later than June 1, 2020.

4/17/2020 8:07:01 AM

Order Entered: 1. Columbia Kentucky's motion for temporary waiver is denied, in its entirety, without prejudice. 2. This Order shall be served on all major local gas distribution utilities operating in the Commonwealth of Kentucky.

4/16/2020 3:07:54 PM

Order Entered: The Commission's March 16, 2020 Order in this proceeding is clarified consistent with the discussion above.

4/16/2020 2:12:16 PM

Kentucky Power Company filing motion for extension of time to file its May 1, 2020 reliability report.

Scott E. Bishop Kentucky Power Company





4/3/2020 7:34:51 PM

Order Entered: 1. EKPC, and any other electric cooperative formed under KRS Chapter 279, does not need Commission approval under KRS 278.300 prior to entering into any loans, notes, or other obligations under the Paycheck Protection Program in light of the statutory exemption found in KRS 278.300(8); 2. EKPC is granted a deviation from the requirements of 807 KAR 5:001, Section 19; and 3. This Order is limited only to loans, notes, or other obligations under the Paycheck Protection Program and is not a declaration that other evidence of indebtedness, issuance of securities, loans, notes, or other obligations pursuant to the CARES Act or subsequent federal relief do not require Commission approval pursuant KRS 278.300.

4/3/2020 5:22:04 PM

Motion for Declaratory Relief

David S. Samford East Kentucky Power Cooperative, Inc.

4/3/2020 3:40:33 PM

Read 1st and Kentucky Power Companys letter notice regarding the temporary suspension of the semi-annual inspection of its transmission lines.

Lerah Scott Kentucky Power Company


Kentucky Power Company's letter notice regarding the temporary suspension of the semi-annual inspection of its transmission lines

3/30/2020 12:56:08 PM

Motion for Waiver

Cheryl MacDonald Columbia Gas of Kentucky Inc


Motion for a Temporary Waiver

3/25/2020 12:49:27 PM

2020-00085 Atmos Energy Informational Filing Response

Eric Wilen Atmos Energy Corporation


Read1st - 2020-00085 Atmos Energy Informational Filing Response Cover Letter

3/24/2020 3:08:06 PM

Order Entered: 1. The Commission's March 16, 2020 Order in this proceeding is modified consistent with the discussion above; 2. Utilities are granted a temporary deviation from the state inspection requirements in 807 KAR 5:006 Section 26(5); and 3. All other aspects of the March 16, 2020 Order remain in full force and effect. 4. The Commission retains the right to modify, alter, or retract any portion of this Order, or any Order in this proceeding, at any time.

3/23/2020 1:46:19 PM

Order Entered: 1. EKPC's motion for an extension of time in which to file certain reports is granted in part and denied in part. 2. EKPC's motion for an extension of time in which to file its Report of Gross Earnings from intrastate business is denied. 3. EKPC's motion for an extension of time in which to file its annual statistical report is denied, however, EKPC should file such a request electronically by generating an email to [email protected] after submission of the Report of Gross Earnings from intrastate business. 4. All other extensions of time requested by EKPC are granted.

3/19/2020 10:25:28 AM

Order Entered: To the extent Kentucky Power's tariff requires Kentucky Power to charge delayed payment charges, Kentucky Power is granted a deviation from such a requirement until further Order from the Commission.

3/18/2020 2:22:23 PM

Motion for Extension of Time

David S. Samford East Kentucky Power Cooperative, Inc.


Cover Letter

3/17/2020 4:03:52 PM

Read 1st and Request of Kentucky Power Company to deviate from late payment charge tariff requirements.

Lerah Scott Kentucky Power Company


Request of Kentucky Power Company to deviate from late payment charge tariff requirements.

3/16/2020 6:00:35 PM

Order Entered: 1. Until otherwise ordered by the Commission, utilities shall cease disconnections for non-payment. 2. Until otherwise ordered by the Commission, utilities shall waive all late payment charges. 3. Until otherwise ordered by the Commission, filers are granted deviation from filing or transmitting physical documents pursuant to the following requirements: a. 807 KAR 5:001 , Section 7(1 ); b. 807 KAR 5:001 , Section 8(12)(a)(2); c. 807 KAR 5:063; and d. 807 KAR 5:001 Section 8(7)(c). 4. Documents required by 807 KAR 5:001 , Section 7(1 ), and 807 KAR 5:063 may be filed with the Commission by electronic mail at [email protected]. An original of the documents exempted from filing in ordering paragraph 3(a), (b), and (c), shall be filed within 30 days of the lifting of the state of emergency. 5. A utility, in this docket, shall petition the Commission for relief from the provisions of its tariff or Commission, if not already granted deviation in this docket or if it is unable to comply with its tariff or Commission regulations due to COVID-19 related issues. 6. Any non-case related documents shall be filed with the Commission by electronic mail at [email protected].