Kentucky Public Service Commission

View Case Filings for: 2018-00194

Case Number:2018-00194
Service Type:Electric
Filing Date:6/13/2018

Clark Energy Cooperative, Inc. , Kentucky Utilities Company

Case Nature:

Changes in Service Territory with Clark Energy Cooperative, Inc.

Case Filings
8/31/2018 3:40:48 PM

Final Order Entered: 1 . The boundary changes agreed upon by KU and Clark Energy for the Olympic Steel, Vogelsang, and Setzer properties are approved. 2. A copy of the revised Territorial Map for the Mount Sterling Quadrangle and a detailed vicinity map, both with the revisions approved by KU and Clark Energy on March 19, 2018, are attached as an Appendix to this Order. These maps reflect the agreed-upon amended territorial boundary and the written agreement of KU and Clark Energy and shall be attached to the Commission's official territorial boundary map. 3. KU's request for deviation from the filing requirements of 807 KAR 5:001, Section 7(1), is approved.

6/13/2018 3:08:48 PM

Acknowledge Receipt of Filing


Kentucky Utilities Company Application for Authorization of Changes in Service Territory with Clark Energy Cooperative, Inc.