Kentucky Public Service Commission

View Case Filings for: 2015-00340

Case Number:2015-00340
Service Type:Water
Filing Date:10/12/2015

KRWA-Regional Meetings

Case Nature:

KRWA-Regional Meetings

Case Filings
12/3/2015 12:19:01 PM

Final Order Entered: 1. The presentation at the Northeast Regional Meeting held on October 13, 2015, in Morehead, Kentucky, is accredited and approved for a maximum of two credit hours of water district management training. 2. The presentation at the Green River Regional Meeting held on October 15, 2015, in Owensboro, Kentucky, is accredited and approved for a maximum of two credit hours of water district management training. 3. The presentation at the Western Regional Meeting held on October 22, 2015, in Draffenville, Kentucky, is accredited and approved for a maximum of two credit hours of water district management training. 4. KRWA shall retain a record of all water district commissioners attending the accredited and approved presentations.


KRWA Notice of Meetings and Attendees

10/21/2015 2:38:20 PM

No Deficiency Letter

10/12/2015 11:23:16 AM

Acknowledge Receipt of Filing


Kentucky Rural Water Association Application for Approval of Commissioner Training and Continuing Education Credit