Kentucky Public Service Commission

View Case Filings for: 2015-00100

Case Number:2015-00100
Service Type:Sewer
Filing Date:4/2/2015

Cedar Hills Sanitation Disposal Corporation

Case Nature:


Case Filings
4/11/2016 12:24:34 PM

Final Order Entered: 1. Cedar Hills' and Daviess Fiscal Court's proposed findings of fact are rejected. 2. The request of Cedar Hills to abandon its facilities is granted. 3. Cedar Hills shall continue operating until the Franklin Circuit Court attaches Cedar Hills' assets and appoints a receiver. 4. No later than 60 days following the date of this Order, Cedar Hills shall submit its Report of Gross Operating Revenues and an Annual Report for the period spanning January 1, 2016, through the date of abandonment. 5. Commission Staff shall bring an action in the Franklin Circuit Court for the attachment of Cedar Hills' assets and the appointment of RWRA as receiver.


Cedar Hills Disposal Sanitation Corp. and Friendly Park Development Inc. Joint Proposed Stipulation of Facts


Cedar Hills Disposal Sanitation Corp. and Friendly Park Development Inc. Response to Stipulation Filed by Daviess County


Davies County Notice of Filing Proposed Findings of Fact

2/29/2016 11:32:38 AM

Notice of Filing Hearing Documents

2/22/2016 2:34:24 PM

Memorandum dated 2/19/2016 for Informal Conference of 2/18/2016; Comments, if any, due within five days of receipt


Cedar Hills Disposal Sanitation Corporation Certificate of Notice Provided to Customers

2/18/2016 12:05:59 PM



Cedar Hills Disposal Sanitation Corp. List of Witnesses


Daviess County Witness List

11/25/2015 3:16:38 PM

Order Entered: A hearing on the request of Cedar Hills Disposal Sanitation Corporation to abandon its facilities shall be held on Tuesday, February 23, 2016, beginning at 10:00 a.m. Eastern Standard Time, in Hearing Room 1 of the Commission's offices at 211 Sower Boulevard, Frankfort, Kentucky, for the purpose of hearing evidence in this case. 2. Cedar Hills shall serve notice of the hearing's date and time to its customers in compliance with 807 KAR 5:001, Section 9(2)(b), no less than 14 days and no more than 21 days prior to the date of the hearing. The notice shall include the following statement: This hearing will be streamed live and may be viewed on the PSC website," Cedar Hills shall provide a copy of the notice to the Commission on or before the date of the hearing. 3. Pursuant to KRS 278.360 and 807 KAR 5:001, Section 9(9)(a), the record of the formal hearing in this matter shall be by video only. 4. Each party shall file with the Commission a list of all witnesses that it intends to call at the scheduled hearing, and a summary of each witness's expected testimony no later than Friday, February 12, 2016.

10/15/2015 2:56:04 PM

Memorandum dated 10/15/2015 for Informal Conference of 10/13/2015; Comments, if any, due within five days of receipt


Daviess County Fiscal Court Response to Information Request for Cedar Hills

10/2/2015 2:49:49 PM

Order Entered: 1. Daviess County's motion for an extension of time is granted. 2. Daviess County shall respond to Commission Staffs First Request for Information no later than October 9, 2015.

10/2/2015 11:18:52 AM

Commission Staff's Notice of Informal Conference


Daviess County Fiscal Court Motion for Extension to File Response - Cedar Hills

8/18/2015 2:19:37 PM

Commission Staff's First Request for Information to Daviess County Fiscal Court


Cedar Hills Disposal Sanitation Corp. Response to Information Request

7/1/2015 1:47:56 PM

Commission Staff's Initial Request for Information to Cedar Hills Disposal Sanitation Corporation

6/9/2015 1:00:09 PM

Memorandum dated 06/09/2015 for Informal Conference of 06/05/2015; Comments, if any, due within five days of receipt

6/2/2015 9:48:18 AM

Commission Staff's Notice of Informal Conference

5/22/2015 1:37:37 PM

Order Entered: The procedural schedule set forth in the Appendix to this Order shall be followed.


Cedar Hills Sanitation Disposal Corp. and Daviess County Joint Motion to Extend Procedural Schedule

5/1/2015 9:36:18 AM

Order Entered: procedural schedule set forth in the Appendix to this Order shall be followed.

4/22/2015 3:25:10 PM

Order Entered: 1. The motion of Daviess County to intervene is granted. 2. Daviess County shall be entitled to the full rights of a party and shall be served with the Commission's Orders and with filed testimony, exhibits, pleadings, correspondence, and all other documents submitted by parties after the date of this Order. 3. Daviess County shall comply with all provisions of the Commission's regulation, 807 KAR 5:001, Section 7, related to the service and filing of documents.


Daviess County Fiscal Court Motion to Intervene

4/2/2015 2:09:09 PM

Order Entered: 1. This case is initiated to investigate the request by Cedar Hills to abandon its utility services and facilities. 2. Cedar Hills shall continue to operate its utility facilities during the pendency of this investigation and shall continue operating until the Commission issues an Order adjudicating Cedar Hills' request to abandon its facilities. 3. The Executive Director shall serve a copy of this Order upon the AG, RWRA, Owensboro East, and the Daviess County judge-Executive.