Kentucky Public Service Commission

View Case Filings for: 2014-00388

Case Number:2014-00388
Service Type:Gas & Electric
Filing Date:11/12/2014

Duke Energy Kentucky, Inc.

Electronic Case
Case Nature:


Case Filings
5/13/2015 2:12:08 PM

Order Entered: The chart heading on the Appendix of the Commission's May 7, 2015 Order is revised to read: Duke Energy Kentucky, Inc. - Electric and Gas Customers 2. All other provisions of the Commission's May 7, 2015 Order not in conflict with this Order shall remain in full force and effect.

5/7/2015 3:08:26 PM

Order Energy: Duke Kentucky's proposed DSM programs and associated costs are approved as of the date of this Order. 2. Duke Kentucky's proposed DSM cost allocation and associated rates as included in its Application are denied. 3. The rates contained in the Appendix to this Order are approved as of the date of this Order. 4. Duke Kentucky shall use the methodology found reasonable herein to allocate DSM program costs between gas and electric customers. 5. Duke Kentucky shall continue not to include DSM- or energy-efficiency related costs in base rates.

4/15/2015 10:38:39 AM

The Excel versions of Duke Energy Kentucky, Inc.s attachments in response to Commission Staffs Third Set of Data Requests.

Kristen Ryan Rocco DAscenzo

4/9/2015 10:20:19 AM

Duke Energy Kentucky, Inc.s Responses to Staffs Third Set of Data Requests

Kristen Ryan Rocco DAscenzo

3/30/2015 1:57:54 PM

Data Request

2/26/2015 3:47:29 PM

Duke Energy Kentucky, Inc.s Responses to Staffs 2nd Set of Data Requests

Kristen Ryan Rocco DAscenzo


Read 1st - Cover Letter Case no. 2014-388


Staff DR 02-001 A Attachment


Staff DR 02-001 B Attachment


Staff DR 02-001 C Attachment


Staff DR 02-004 a,b,d Attachment


Staff DR 02-004 c Attachment


Staff DR 02-005 Attachment

2/13/2015 9:32:15 AM

Data Request

1/29/2015 2:17:06 PM

Duke Energy Kentucky, Inc.s responses to Staffs First Set of Information Requests

Kristen Ryan Rocco DAscenzo

1/14/2015 2:36:35 PM

Order Entered: Duke's motion for a deviation for 807 KAR 5:011, Section 8(2)(b)(3), is granted.

1/14/2015 2:28:29 PM

Data Request

12/22/2014 2:19:43 PM

Duke Energy Kentucky, Inc.s Newpaper Notices and Affidavits. Also, a Motion for Deviation with respect to Falmouth Outlook.

Kristen Ryan Rocco DAscenzo

12/17/2014 1:57:37 PM

Order Entered: (1) The procedural schedule set forth in the Appendix to this Order shall be followed. (2) a. Responses to requests for information shall be filed in accordance with the electronic filing procedures set forth in 807 KAR 5:001, Section 8, and shall be appropriately indexed, bookmarked, and searchable and shall include the name of the witness responsible for responding to the questions related to the information provided, with copies to all parties of record and an original paper copy to the Commission. b. Each response shall be answered under oath or, for representatives of a public or private corporation or a partnership or an association or a governmental agency, be accompanied by a signed certification of the preparer or person supervising the preparation of the response on behalf of the entity that the response is true and accurate to the best of that person's knowledge, information, and belief formed after a reasonable inquiry. c. A party shall make timely amendment to any prior response if it obtains information which indicates that the response was incorrect when made or, though correct when made, is now incorrect in any material respect. d. For any request to which a party fails or refuses to furnish all or part of the requested info that party shall provide explanation for failure to completely and precisely respond. (3) A person who submits motion to intervene after12/31/14 and is granted intervention shall accept & abide by procedural schedule.

12/3/2014 2:10:25 PM

Order Entered: Duke Kentucky's proposed rates, which are to be effective on December 15, 2014, are suspended for five months, up to and including May 14, 2015.

11/12/2014 10:35:41 AM

Case No. 2014-00388 In the Matter of the Annual Cost Recovery Filing for Demand Side Management by duke Energy Kentucky, Inc.

Debbie Gates Rocco DAscenzo


Case No. 2014-00388 Application and Appendix A-D


Case No. 2014-00388 Read First

11/7/2014 4:11:30 PM

20141107_PSC_Acknowledgement Letter.pdf


Duke Energy Kentucky, Inc. Notice of Intent and Election to file Application for Cost Recovery for Demand Side Management Using Electronic Filing Procedures

20141107_Duke Energy Kentucky, Inc._Notice of Intent and Election.pdf

Duke Energy Kentucky, Inc._Notice of Intent and Election