Kentucky Public Service Commission

View Case Filings for: 2011-00179

Case Number:2011-00179
Service Type:Electric
Filing Date:5/13/2011

Kentucky Power Company

Case Nature:

Modify Filing Requirements of June 14, 1999 Order in Case No. 99-149

Case Filings
10/20/2011 3:33:53 PM

Order Entered: Movants’ request to be relieved of the filing requirements imposed in Case No. 1999-001 49 is granted with respect to items 1-3, 5-1 5, and 17-24. 2. Movants’ request to be relieved of the filing requirements imposed in Case No. 1999-001 49 is denied with respect to items 4 and 16. 3. The information contained in items 4 and 16 shall continue to be filed in the record of Case No. 1999-001 49.

5/20/2011 1:59:34 PM

Acknowledge Receipt of Filing


Kentucky Power Company and American Electric Power Company, Inc.'s request to modify the filing requirements of the June 14, 1999 Order in Case No. 99-149


Kentucky Power Company and American Electric Power Company, Inc.'s request to modify the filing requirements of the June 14, 1999 Order in Case No. 99-149