Kentucky Public Service Commission

Register Login 12/29/2010 7:38:53 AM

Order Entered: (1) Shelby Energy's request to hold in abeyance any requ; } .LblTxt { font-weight: bold; } #tblCaseFiles tr:nth-child(even) {background-color: rgb(240, 240, 240);} #gvHearings tr:nth-child(even) {background-color: rgb(240, 240, 240);} #gvHearings th{ text-align: center; color: rgb(51, 102, 153) !important; background-color: rgb(230, 238, 238) !important; background-image: none !important; }

View Case Filings for: 2010-00331

Case Number:2010-00331
Service Type:Electric
Filing Date:9/14/2010

Shelby Energy Cooperative, Inc.

Case Nature:

Sample Meter Testing Plan

Case Filings
8/3/2011 1:49:51 PM

Order Entered: Shelby Energy's request for temporary deviation from its sample meter testing plan for 2010 and 2011 is approved.

12/29/2010 7:38:53 AM

Order Entered: (1) Shelby Energy's request to hold in abeyance any requirement to conduct sample meter testing on the existing single-phase meters it is removing from service under its AMI replacement program is granted. (2) Shelby Energy shall not be required to conduct sample meter testing on any of the existing single-phase meters it is removing from service under its AMI replacement program unless and until the Commission orders Shelby Energy to conduct such sample meter testing.


Shelby Energy's Motion for Temporary Deviation


Shelby Energy Amendment to Deviation Request

11/19/2010 3:19:16 PM

Memorandum dated 11/19/10 for Informal Conference of 10/26/10; Comments, if any, due within five days of receipt


Shelby Energy's Responses to Staff's Information Requests of Informal Conference

10/20/2010 10:32:05 AM

Commission Staff's Notice of Informal Conference


