Kentucky Public Service Commission

View Case Filings for: 2006-00136

Case Number:2006-00136
Service Type:Telephone
Filing Date:3/31/2006

AT&T, Inc. , BellSouth Telecommunications, LLC dba AT&T Kentucky and AT&T Southeast

Electronic Case
Case Nature:

Indirect Transfer of Control Relating to Merger of AT&T Inc. and BellSouth Corporation

Case Filings
8/21/2006 11:28:15 AM


PSC Employee: Susan.Hutcherson PSC



8/10/2006 1:41:29 PM

Joint Applicants Opposition to Intervenors Motion for Reconsideration

Bobbie Faith Creighton E. Mershon, Sr.


Joint Applicants' Opposition to Intervenors' Motion for Reconsideration


Exhibit A to Joint Applicants' Opposition to Intervenors' Motion for Reconsideration


Cover letter, certification and service list

8/4/2006 4:40:53 PM

Intervenors’ Motion For Reconsideration Of The Commission’s July 25, 2006 Order Or, In the Alternative, To Establish a Post-Merger Docket

Henry S. Alford NuVox Communications, Inc.; Xspedius Management Company Switched Services, LLC; and Xspedius Management Company of Louisville, L


Exhibit A to Intervenors’ Motion For Reconsideration Of The Commission’s July 25, 2006 Order Or, In the Alternative, To Establish a Post-Merger Docket


Exhibit B to Intervenors’ Motion For Reconsideration Of The Commission’s July 25, 2006 Order Or, In the Alternative, To Establish a Post-Merger Docket

8/2/2006 4:42:08 PM

Joint Applicants written acknowledgement to agree to be bound by each of the conditions contained in the July 25, 2006 Merger Approval Order.

Bobbie Faith Creighton E. Mershon, Sr.


Read First -- Joint Applicants' written acknowledgment agreeing to be bound by each of the conditions in the 7/25/06 merger approval order

7/25/2006 2:53:17 PM


PSC Employee: Jeffd.cline Public Service Commission

7/19/2006 4:23:00 PM

Joint Applicants Response to CLEC IntervenorsJuly 18, 2006 letter.

Bobbie Faith Creighton E. Mershon, Sr.


Joint Applicants' response to CLEC Intervenors' 7/18/06 letter

7/18/2006 11:34:39 AM

Letter of Intervenors, NuVox Communications, Inc., Xspedius Management Company Switched Services LLC and Xspedius Management Company of Louisville, LLC, to inform the Commission of additional recent developments of which the Commission should be aware prio

Henry S. Alford NuVox Communications, Inc., Xspedius Management Company Switched Services LLC and Xspedius Management Company of Louisville, LLC


Exhibit A to Read1st Letter


Exhibit B to Read1st Letter


Exhibit C to Read1st Letter


Exhibit D to Read1st Letter


Exhibit E to Read1st Letter


Exhibit F to Read1st Letter


Exhibit G to Read1st Letter


Exhibit H to Read1st Letter


Exhibit I to Read1st Letter

7/13/2006 12:19:31 PM

Joint Applicants letter advising the Commission of the Louisiana Public Service Commissions 7/12/06 vote to adopt the staff recommendation.

Bobbie Faith Creighton E. Mershon, Sr.


Joint Applicants' letter advising PSC of LPSC's 7/12/06 vote to adopt staff recommendation

7/11/2006 3:41:05 PM

Joint Applicants letter informing Commission of Tennessee Regulatory Authoritys vote to approve the ATT/BellSouth merger without conditions.

Bobbie Faith Creighton E. Mershon, Sr.


Joint Applicants' letter informing the Commission of the TRA's vote to approve AT&T/BellSouth Merger without conditions

6/30/2006 4:40:53 PM

Post-Hearing Brief of Intervenors, NuVox Communications, Inc.; Xspedius Management Company Switched Services, LLC; and Xspedius Management Company of Louisville, LLC

Henry S. Alford NuVox Communications, Inc.; Xspedius Management Company Switched Services, LLC; and Xspedius Management Company of Louisville, L


Post-Hearing Brief of Intervenors


Exhibit A to Post-Hearing Brief


Exhibit B to Post-Hearing Brief


Exhibit C to Post-Hearing Brief

6/30/2006 4:23:23 PM

Joint Applicants Post-Hearing Brief

Bobbie Faith Creighton E. Mershon, Sr.


Joint Applicants' Post-Hearing Brief


Exhibit A to Joint Applicants' Post-Hearing Brief


Exhibit B to Joint Applicants' Post-Hearing Brief


Exhibit C to Joint Applicants' Post-Hearing Brief


Exhibit D to Joint Applicants' Post-Hearing Brief


Exhibit E to Joint Applicants' Post-Hearing Brief


Cover letter, certification and service list

6/30/2006 3:16:30 PM

Main Brief of Communication Workers of America

Don Meade Communication Workers of America


Read 1st Transmittal letter

6/29/2006 12:18:26 PM

Post-Hearing Brief

Laura Rice for Lawrence W. Cook Office of Attorney General





6/21/2006 3:17:23 PM

Letter responding to Ernest Robison

PSC Employee: Jeffd.cline Public Service Commission

6/15/2006 3:20:48 PM

Joint Applicants Organization Structure Pre-Merger and Organization Structure Post-Merger provided pursuant to the post-hearing Staff Request.

Bobbie Faith Creighton E. Mershon, Sr.


Attachment to Joint Applicants' letter -- Organization Structure Pre-Merger and Organization Structure Post-Merger


Cover letter, certification and service list

6/8/2006 3:25:17 PM

Letter from Ernest Robison requesting PSC to disapprove proposed merger of the BellSouth and ATT

PSC Employee: Jeffd.cline Ernest Robision

6/6/2006 2:02:01 PM

Letters granting confidential protection

PSC Employee: Jeffd.cline Public Service Commission


Letter granting confidential protection


Letter granting confidential protection


Letter granting confidential protection


Letter granting confidential protection

6/6/2006 9:30:07 AM

Joint Stipulation of Facts and Evidence in the Record

Bobbie Faith Creighton E. Mershon, Sr.


Cover letter, certification and service list

6/5/2006 8:26:29 AM

Withdrawal of Intervention

Bethany Bowersock SouthEast Telephone, Inc.

6/2/2006 4:55:00 PM

Prefiled Testimony of Joseph Gillan, submitted on behalf of NuVox Communications, Inc., Xspedius Management Company Switched Services, LLC, and Xspedius Management Company of Louisville, LLC

Henry S. Alford NuVox Communications, Inc., Xspedius Management Company Switched Services, LLC and Xspedius Management Company of Louisville, LL


Direct Testimony of Joseph Gillan


Exhibit JPG-1 to Direct Testimony of Joseph Gillan

6/2/2006 4:39:53 PM

Letter regarding hearing protocol

Theresa Fleischer Creighton Mershon


Letter, certification, service list

6/2/2006 3:53:12 PM

Direct Testimony of Debbie Goldman w/Exhibit

Don Meade Communication Workers of America


Direct Testimony of Debbie Goldman


Certificate of Service


Read 1st Transmittal

6/2/2006 2:39:20 PM

Joint Applicants READ1ST document filing Highly Confidential Supplemental Responses to Items 34 and 38 and Revised documents responding to Items 31 and 34 of NuVox and Xspedius data requests

Theresa Fleischer Creighton Mershon


Joint Applicants' cover letter, certification, and service list

5/31/2006 4:45:46 PM

Order entered granting motions of Petitioners to intervene

PSC Employee: Jeffd.cline Public Service Commission

5/30/2006 1:18:02 PM

Petition for Confidential Treatment

Henry S. Alford NuVox Communications, Inc.

5/30/2006 1:09:53 PM

DIECA Communications, Inc. d/b/a Covad Communications Companys Withdrawal of Intervention

Henry S. Alford DIECA Communications, Inc. d/b/a Covad Communications Company


Withdrawal of Intervention

5/25/2006 12:56:14 PM

Joint Applicants Highly Confidential and Confidential Responses to Nuvoxs, Covads and Xpedius Data Requests to the Joint Applicants on May 2, 2006.

Bobbie Faith Creighton E. Mershon, Sr.


Petition of Joint Applicants for Confidential Treatment


Cover letter, certification and service list

5/24/2006 2:41:02 PM

Joint Applicants REDACTED Responses to Attorney Generals Supplemental Data Requests to Joint Applicants

Bobbie Faith Creighton E. Mershon, Sr.


Petition of Joint Applicants for Confidential Treatment of Responses to Supplemental Data Requests


Joint Applicants' Redacted Responses to Attorney General's Supplemental Data Requests


Cover letter, certification and service list

5/24/2006 11:30:42 AM

Joint Applicants Second Data Requests to SouthEast Telephone, Inc.

Bobbie Faith Creighton E. Mershon, Sr.


Joint Applicants' Second Data Requests to SouthEast Telephone, Inc.


Cover letter, certification and service list

5/23/2006 3:30:47 PM

Remand and Withdrawl of Expediated Motion for Entry of Protective Order

Henry A. Alford NuVox-Covad-Xspedius


Withdrawl of Motion for Protective Order

5/23/2006 2:04:57 PM

Responses to Joint Applicants Second Data Requests

Henry S. Alford Xspedius Management Company Switched Services LLC and Xspedius Management Company of Louisville, LLC


Responses to Data Requests

5/23/2006 1:25:04 PM

Responses to Joint Applicants Second Data Requests

Henry S. Alford NuVox Communications, Inc.


Responses to Data Requests

5/23/2006 12:30:53 PM

Responses to Joint Applicants Second Data Requests

Henry S. Alford DIECA Communications, Inc. D/B/A Covad Communications Company


Data Request Responses

5/22/2006 8:49:29 AM

Response to Joint Applicants Data Requests

Bethany Bowersock SouthEast Telephone


Reply to Joint Applicants Data Requests

5/17/2006 4:32:51 PM

Expedited Motion for Entry of Attached Protective Order

Henry S. Alford NuVox Communications, Inc., DIECA Communications, Inc. d/b/a Covad Communications Company, Xspedius Management Company Switched


Exhibit A to Expedited Motion for Entry of Attached Protective Order


Exhibit B to Expedited Motion for Entry of Attached Protective Order

5/16/2006 4:20:17 PM

Joint Applicants Second Data Requests to Covad, Nuvox and Xspedius.

Bobbie Faith Creighton E. Mershon, Sr.


Joint Applicants' Second Data Requests to Covad


Joint Applicants' Second Data Requests to Nuvox


Joint Applicants' Second Data Requests to Xspedius


Cover letter, certification and service list

5/16/2006 4:08:00 PM

AGKY REDACTED Supplemental Data Request to Joint Applicants

Laura Rice Office of Attorney General



5/11/2006 3:42:02 PM

Responses to Joint Applicants’ Data Requests

Henry S. Alford Xspedius Management Company Switched Services, LLC and Xspedius Management Company of Louisville, LLC

5/11/2006 3:31:14 PM

Responses to Joint Applicants’ Data Requests

Henry S. Alford NuVox Communications, Inc.

5/11/2006 3:20:38 PM

Responses to Joint Applicants’ Data Requests

Henry S. Alford DIECA Communications, Inc. d/b/a Covad Communications Company


Responses to Joint Applicants' Data Requests

5/11/2006 2:21:48 PM

Joint Applicants Responses to the Data Requests of Covad, Nuvox and Xspedius

Bobbie Faith Creighton E. Mershon, Sr.


Joint Applicants' Responses to the Data Requests of Covad, Nuvox and Xspedius


Exhibit A to Joint Applicants' Response to Request #1 of Covad's, Nuvox's and Expedius' Data Requests


Cover letter, certification and service list

5/5/2006 8:14:28 AM

Joint Applicants letter filing Petition for Confidential Treatment for attachments to items 1a, 11, 23, 25, 30 and 37 of the Attorney Generals Data Requests to Joint Petitioners.

Bobbie Faith Creighton E. Mershon, Sr.


Petition of Joint Applicants for Confidential Treatment


Cover letter, certification and service list

5/4/2006 2:21:24 PM

Joint Applicants Responses to the Data Requests of the Attorney General

Bobbie Faith Creighton E. Mershon, Sr.


Joint Applicants' Responses to the Data Requests of the Attorney General


Exhibit A to Joint Applicants' Response to the Attorney General's Request #1


Exhibit B to Joint Applicants' Response to the Attorney General's Request #1


Cover letter, certification and service list

5/3/2006 12:27:12 PM

Joint Applicants Response to Xspedius Motion for Enlargement of Time to File Data Requests

Bobbie Faith Creighton E. Mershon, Sr.


Cover letter, certification and service list


Joint Applicants' Response to the Motion of Xspedius Management Company Switched Services LLC and Xspedius Management Company of Louisville for an Enlargement of Time to File Data Requests

5/3/2006 12:22:58 PM

Joint Applicants Data Requests to Xspedius

Bobbie Faith Creighton E. Mershon, Sr.


Joint Applicants' Data Requests to Xspedius Management Company Switched Services LLC and Xspedius Management Company of Louisville, LLC


Cover letter, certification and service list

5/2/2006 12:58:39 PM

(1) Motion for Full Intervention in the above-referenced docket, (2) Motion for an Enlargement of Time to File Data Requests to the Joint Applicants, and (3) Data Requests to the Joint Applicants

Henry S. Alford Xspedius Management Company Switched Services, LLC


Data Requests to Joint Applicants


Motion for Enlargement of Time to File Data Requests to Joint Applicants


Motion for Full Intervention

5/1/2006 6:36:51 PM

Data Requests to Joint Applicants

Henry S. Alford DIECA Communications, Inc. d/b/a Covad Communications Company


Date Requests to Joint Applicants

5/1/2006 6:32:37 PM

Data Requests to Joint Applicants

Henry S. Alford NuVox Communications, Inc.

5/1/2006 4:17:54 PM

Joint Applicants Data Requests to NuVox Communications, Inc.

Theresa Fleischer Creighton E. Mershon, Sr.


Joint Applicants' Data Requests to NuVox Communications, Inc.


Cover letter, Certification, Service List

5/1/2006 4:13:43 PM

Joint Applicants Data Requests to DIECA Communications, Inc. d/b/a Covad Communications Company

Theresa Fleischer Creighton E. Mershon, Sr.


Joint Applicants' Data Requests to DIECA Communications, Inc. d/b/a Covad Communications Company


Cover letter, Certification, Service List

4/26/2006 4:37:47 PM

Joint Applicants Response to the Motion of NuVox Communications, Inc. and DIECA Communications, Inc. d/b/a Covad Communications Company for an Enlargement of Time to File Data Requests.

Theresa Fleischer Creighton Mershon


Cover letter, Certification, Service List


Joint Applicants' Response to the Motion of NuVox Communications, Inc. and DIECA Communications, Inc. d/b/a Covad Communications Company for an Enlargement of Time to File Data Requests

4/24/2006 6:36:57 PM

DIECA Communications, Inc. d/b/a Covad Communications Companys ("Covad") Motion for Full Intervention in the above-referenced docket, and Covad’s Motion for an Enlargement of Time to File Data Requests to the Joint Applicants (filed jointly with NuVox Comm

Henry S. Alford DIECA Communications, Inc. d/b/a Covad Communications Company


Motion for Full Intervention


Motion for Enlargement of Time to File Data Requests

4/24/2006 6:02:13 PM

NuVox Communications, Inc.s Motion for Full Intervention in the above-referenced docket, and Motion for an Enlargement of Time to File Data Requests to the Joint Applicants (filed joitnly with DIECA Communications, Inc. d/b/a Covad Communications Company)

Henry S. Alford NuVox Communications, Inc.


Motion for Enlargement of Time to File Data Request


Motion for Full Intervention

4/24/2006 2:24:18 PM

Order granting intervention to SouthEast Telephone, Inc.

PSC Employee: Jeffd.cline Public Service Commission

4/21/2006 4:48:20 PM

Joint Applicants Data Requests to SouthEast Telephone, Inc.

Theresa Fleischer Creighton Mershon


Joint Applicants' Data Requests to SouthEast Telephone, Inc.


Joint Applicants' Cover Letter and Certification

4/21/2006 2:31:38 PM

Attorney General Request for Information

Laura F. Rice Office of the Attorney General


Request for Information

4/20/2006 1:07:54 PM

Communication Workers of Americas Motion to Intervene

PSC Employee: Jeffd.cline Communication Workers of America


Communication Workers of America's Motion to Intervene

4/19/2006 1:28:19 PM

OAG Response to Commission Order of 12 April 2006

Laura F. Rice Office of the Attorney General

4/18/2006 9:39:57 AM

Motion to Intervene

Bethany Bowersock SouthEast Telephone


Read 1st

4/17/2006 4:30:41 PM

Joint applicants letter responding to the PSCs 4/12/06 Order.

Creighton Mershon


Letter, certification and service list

4/12/2006 4:27:27 PM

Order entered extending period for review to 120 days, granting AGs Motion to Intervene, denying AGs Motion to deem Applicants filing deficient, setting procedural schedule, and converting to electronic case

PSC Employee: Jeffd.cline Public Service Commission


Order entered extending period for review to 120 days, granting AG's Motion to Intervene, denying AG's Motion to deem Applicants' filing deficient, setting procedural schedule, and converting to electronic case

4/7/2006 4:23:24 PM

Letter acknowledging no deficiencies

PSC Employee: Jeffd.cline Public Service Commission

4/7/2006 9:37:27 AM

AGs Reply to Applicants Response to Motion of AG to Deem Filing Deficient or to Set Informal Conference

PSC Employee: Jeffd.cline Attorney General


AGs Reply to Applicant's Response to Motion of AG to Deem Filing Deficient or to Set Informal Conference

4/6/2006 4:21:59 PM

Response to Ernest Robisons 3/09/2006 protest letter

PSC Employee: Jeffd.cline Public Service Commission


Response to Ernest Robison's 3/09/2006 protest letter

4/6/2006 9:35:30 AM

ATT and BellSouths Response to Motion of AG to Deem Filing Deficient or to Set an Informal Conference

PSC Employee: Jeffd.cline ATT and BellSouth

4/4/2006 4:20:25 PM

Letter acknowledging receipt of initial filing

PSC Employee: Jeffd.cline Public Service Commission

4/4/2006 9:32:27 AM

AGs Motion to Intervene

PSC Employee: Jeffd.cline Attorney General

4/4/2006 9:30:28 AM

AGs Motion to Deem Filing as Deficient or, in Alternative, Motion to Set Informal Conference to Establish Procedural Schedule Based on a 120 Day Time Period

PSC Employee: Jeffd.cline Attorney General

3/31/2006 4:10:56 PM

Joint Application for Approval of the Indirect Transfer of Control Relating to the Merger of ATT and BellSouth

PSC Employee: Jeffd.cline ATT and BellSouth


Joint Application for Approval of the Indirect Transfer of Control Relating to the Merger of AT&T and BellSouth


ExhibitA: Cautionary Language Statement


ExhibitD: Articles of Incorporation of ATT


ExhibitE: List of ATT Board Members and Summary of Qual


ExhibitG: Articles of Incorporation of BST


ExhibitI: Articles of Incorporation of BST


ExhibitJ: Articles of Incorporation of BSLD


ExhibitK: Testimony of Eddy Roberts


ExhibitL: Testimony of James Kahan


ExhibitM: Testimony of Christopher Rice


ExhibitN: Testimony of Debra Aron


ExhibitO: Procedural Schedule

3/9/2006 4:06:32 PM

Protest letter of Ernest Robison

PSC Employee: Jeffd.cline Ernest Robison