Kentucky Public Service Commission

View Case Filings for: 19010098

Case Number:19010098
Service Type:Water
Filing Date:11/13/1987

South Hopkins Water District

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Case Filings

CONNONWEALTH OF KENTUCKY BEFORE THE PUBLIC SERUICE CONNISSION In the Matter of: THE APPLICATION OP SOUTH HOPKINS WATER ) DISTRICT FOR A RATE ADJUSTMENT UNDER THE ) CASE NO. 10098 PURCHASED WATER ADJVSTNENT CLAUSE ) 0 R D E R Procedural Background On November 13, 1987, South Hopkins Water District ("South Hopkins" ) filed its revised tariff sheets with the Commission for the purpose of ad)usting its rates pursuant to KRS 278.015 and Commi.ssion Regulation 807 KAR 5z068. Before the Commission had
