View Case Filings for: 19008734
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COMMONWEALTH OF KENTUCKY BEFORE THE PUBLIC SERVICE CONMISSION In the Matter of: GENERAL ADJUSTMENTS IN ELECTRIC RATES OF KENTUCKY POWER COMPANY )} CASE NO. 8734 } 0 R D E R IT IS ORDERED that Kentucky Power Company ("Kentucky Power" ) shall file an original and 12 copies of the follo~ing information with the Commission within 10 days of receipt of this data request. All copies shall be placed in a bound volume and appropriately indexed. Include with each response the name of the witness who will
COMMONWEALTH OF KENTUCKY BEFORE THE PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION * * * * In the Matter of: GENERAL ADJUSTMENT IN ) ELECTRIC RATES OF ) KENTUCKY POWER COMPANY ) CASE NO. 8734 0 R D E R IT IS ORDERED that the Consumer Protection Division in the Office of the Attorney General shall file an original and 12 copies of the following information with the Commission within 2 weeks of receipt of this data request. When a number of sheets are required for an item, each sheet should be appropriately indexed, f
COMMONWEALTH OF KENTUCKY BEFORE THE PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION In the Matter of: GENERAL ADJUSTMENTS IN ELECTRIC RATES ) OF KENTUCKY POWER COMPANY ) CASE NO ~ 8734 0 R D E R IT IS ORDERED that Kentucky Power Company ("Kentucky Power" ) shall file an original end 12 copies of the following information with the Commission by no latex than seven weeks after its application is filed. Each copy of the data requested should be placed in a bound volume with each item tabbed and each volume should includ
COMMONWEALTH OF KENTUCKY BEFORE THE PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION In the Matter of GENERAL ADJUSTNENTS IN ) ELECTRIC RATES OF KENTUCKY ) POWER COHPAHY ) CASE NO. 8734 0 R D E R On Notion of Kentucky Pover Company filed April 8, 1983, supplemented by letter received April 13, 1983, and for good cause shown, the Commission HEREBY ORDERS that the time in which the testimony of Charles A. Benore shall be filed be and it hereby ie extended to the close of business April 21, 1983. Done at Frankfort, Kentu