View Case Filings for: 190000082A
Service Type:
Filing Date:1981*
Company Not Assigned
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*Case Filing Year is approximate
Case Filings | |
Filing | Documents |
COMMONWEALTH OF KENTUCKY BEFORE THE PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION In the Matter of: AN EXAMINATION BY THE PUBLIC SERVICE ) COMMISSION OF THE APPLICATION OF THE ) FUEL ADJUSTMENT CLAUSE OF TAYLOR COUNTY ) RURAL ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE CORPORATION FROM NOVEMBER 1, 1980, TO APRIL 30, ) 1981 ) CASE NO. 8082-A 0 R D E R Pursuant to 807 EAR 5:011E, Section 8(b), and 807 KAR 5:056K, Section l(11), the Commi.ssion issued an Order on July 6„ 1981, requiring Taylor County Rural Electric Cooperative Cor- poration |
COMMQ%JKALTH OF KENTUCKY BEFORE THE PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION In the Matter of AN EXAMINATION BY THE PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION OF THE APPLICATION OF THE FUEL ADJUSTMENT CLAUSE OF PRON NOVEMBER 1, 1980 TO APRIL 30„1981 ) CASE NO. 8054-A ) through) CASE NO. 8082-A 0 R D E R In Order to facilitate timely publication of notice of the hearings by some affected utilities in the magazine Rural Kentuckian with resultant cost savings, IT IS ORDERED That all hearings in the above cases scheduled August 5, |